Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

Tell me about it!

Learning proper cuneiform was mandatory when I was young, and it should be mandatory today.

.....and don't even get me started about how Ra has been kicked out of the classroom, either.
I'm not sure what Ra is and cunieform is an early form of writing. Not sure if I get point.

He is arrogantly telling you that if you didn't learn that stuff in school, you are a dummy.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Kids have it a lot tougher today than when we were kids.They have all this social media crap to put up with and they live in an age of uncertainty. I generally find that teenagers are mature and well adjusted and we see the benefits of that in our society.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?

Yea, let the teacher's slap the shit out of them at school, burn all their video games and machines to play them on, don't let them drive your car or have cell phone until they're 18, make their parents pick them up after recreational sports instead of the coaches having to babysit until their drunk or drugged up parents arrive to pick them up. Expel them for making any threats against another student or teacher. Well there's more but fingers getting tired.
I don't recall administrators or teachers slapping the shit out of kids being a problem. However demanding they experience consequences for repeated offenses in school was effective. Once...told what you are doing is wrong and why. Let the parent know there was a n issue and ask if they could talk with the student at home. Second time...remind them of the earlier conversation and further offenses will be met with a consequence. A consequence taking away a privilege and finally a paddling will be the reminder that fits the bill.

Everything in moderation friend. Video games when homework and chores are done. No four hours or up till 2 play videos. Teach the kids that those privileges are fun and should be done in one plays golf everyday istead of working or hangs out at the bowling alley while you forget you work at home.

Parents have picked up their kids from recreational sports and it was a handy time to bond...why wasn't the parent there already?

Drunk and drugged up parents have consequences too...or should have.

You have listed many ways as parent can ignore their responsibility just as they allow their childen to do the same. Thank you for your help making my point.

I guess you didn't go to a catholic school then, we all got the shit slapped out of us and reported to parents so when we got home we were slapped the shit out of again.
Would love to see the prison rate of tghose who went to parochial school and those who didn't.

Told my son...if you ever do something wrong at school, YOU tell ME first. I don't want to hear from the school. In fourth grade he called me at my job and was crying. I asked what was wrong and he ccould hardly talk, FINALLY..he told me he drew a picture of a naked lady at school. And the TEACHER has the drawing!!!! I merely shouted, YOU WHAT??!! (smiling)... I thanked him for telling me and to relax until I got home. We will figure this out.

When I got home, I did my best to look serious and quietly asked if he was expelled. "Oh God! he answered. Told him everything will be fine. If the principal calls, I will tell him what a good person you are.Never did another drawing of a naked lady...unless he did it in oils and hid it under the bed.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?

More inaccuracies coupled with some weird thoughts.
You are an excellent example. You cannot add to a discussion just call another weird without any bais. You, my friend are an excellent example of the problem. Thank you showing others.

I gave you three links which showed your claims to be without merit. You ignored them. You are a dum-dum.
Give me the post number...didn't see lt.

That's a joke...right? The thread is only three pages long.
Forgot that quick? Look it up in your content.
Kids have it a lot tougher today than when we were kids.They have all this social media crap to put up with and they live in an age of uncertainty. I generally find that teenagers are mature and well adjusted and we see the benefits of that in our society.
Oh, my. Kids have it easker except when the law comes into play. An effective parent is facing other parents ignoring the drinking at 15, ignoring there a chick in their son's bredroom and beer cans in the book bag in his car.

Parents today think being a friend "is Cool," Until they're visiting thier kid on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tell me about it!

Learning proper cuneiform was mandatory when I was young, and it should be mandatory today.

.....and don't even get me started about how Ra has been kicked out of the classroom, either.
I'm not sure what Ra is and cunieform is an early form of writing. Not sure if I get point.

He is arrogantly telling you that if you didn't learn that stuff in school, you are a dummy.
LOL, 3200 BC? I must have been out that day. Probably playing video games and drinking in the bedroom when mom was working.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,
...sure -libraries were visited more years back--now everything is online
I used to go to the library all the time--so I took my kids....they say reading is fundamental to education/good grades/etc and my daughter ranks in the top 10% [ obviously you all know she didn't get her brains from me ] years back the church and school were the center of the community ---not many had the $$$ to do a lot, so they went to the school and church events.....we still have that, but I don't think it is anything like years ago

....obviously the language is filthier and I see at sports events, the kids are more ''impolite'' as groups in cheering/etc
..they don't dress as nice--a lot of people don't in public and IMO that has an effect on the community
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,
I doubt seriously if you could find a whole school...but "many" would be encouraging."
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,

I would certainly hope so, but I would guess you are joking.
It's a little complicated.......

I am soon to be 53, so I was raised by baby boomers. Baby boomers kind of did their own thing and left the kids to fend for themselves. Baby boomers were most definitely not their kids entertainment committee. You couldn't find something to do? "Let me find something for you" - and that would involve some kind of work.. we learned quick that whining only makes things worse. You don't like what is on the table to eat? - then starve. You don't like what is on TV?? Then read a book.
And that is how most people my age were raised by their parents.
And then our education. Every morning started out with the Pledge of Allegiance. Every classroom had a hanging flag. This made us proud to belong, this made us actually like the country we live in. (And still virtually every country on the planet still does but us)
Then came the 80's. It is our turn now. And we were tired of only getting toys for Christmas. We were tired of not getting what we we became the most impatient self serving generation of the time. The motto of the day was "debt = income". And our kids were going to get stuff too. All the toys they want, cool clothes, TV's in every room....the best of everything we could find in malls everywhere.
Our kids learned that whining pays.
We were scared to death our kids didn't get something they wanted...what they had afterall was a direct measure of how awesome we are as parents. Hell we handed out trophies to LOSING teams!!!!!!!!
Then you add in today's progressive (regressive) education system. Flags are gone. No one recites the pledge of allegiance anymore. In fact our education system is hell bent on feeding the kids the line that America is fundamentally flawed, and needs to become like every one else. They learn they are NOT a part of a good society, rather they are victims in 10,000 different ways. Just pick which victimization group you belong to.
Instead of taught UNITY they are taught DIVISION.
Instead of being taught to build a big tent for all of humanity to be in, no matter your differences we all belong in this great country. No. They are instead split up into 1,000 mini tents and taught to find their own special group to belong to so they can be victims.

And we wonder why they are different.........
Your individual experiences are not necessarily the whole story.

At no point did I say it was.
But it is certainly the norm of the average 50s-60's year old experience. We were raised by baby boomers, and that is how baby boomers were. Proud, tough and very matter of fact.
My generation is quite different. Unfortunately, generally speaking because I myself DID NOT raise my kids this way, our generation spoiled our kids rotten. Gave them every thing under the sun and allowed them to whine and carry on, hell kids were yelling at their parents to shut up!! Telling their parents they are stupid!! Good God man, I would have been strung up in the nearest tree if I told my parents anything of the sort! And so would have every kid in the neighborhood.
Today....a parent so much as smacks a kids bum and outcomes child services and counseling in school.
They are taught to have loyalty to nothing but themselves. They have no reverence or love for the very country they live in, because again, they are taught America is fundamentally flawed.

Rest assured that's not all kids today....I could show you a school full of them being raised right,

I would certainly hope so, but I would guess you are joking.

I'm not joking, our children's school is one of them. Great kids with their heads on right, parents send their children there to avoid the crap and distractions of public schools

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