Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?
In the 70's the liberal interacial bussing program destroyed my once beautiful suburban elementary school
Kids today are different from the last couple of generations. Why?

LBJ and the Great Society

The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964–65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. President Johnson first used the term "Great Society" during a speech at Ohio University, then unveiled the program in greater detail at an appearance at University of Michigan.

Why Lyndon B. Johnson is the worst modern president
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?

More inaccuracies coupled with some weird thoughts.
Boy the differences in environment is astonishing. I though the other day about phones and wondered if libraries are going to become obselete. After all, how many teenagers or even adults read these days?

As for 10-20 year olds, now way can a book be chosen over a video game, horror movies and Facebook.

Television wasn't so bad because it generally depicted a suburban or urban home that honored values and cursing was never part of a conversation. The mosr selacious television was murder mysteries and then My Three Sons or Mayberry were more popular.

If you really thought about our society today, we are in real trouble. Marriages are not lasting because often we are moral degenerates or or not even taken seriously. It is a "throw away alliance" that ends sometimes without much thought (about as much thought as there was in deciding on marriage.)

Where do you think we are going to be in the next 40 years? I shudder to think.

Parents don't discipline, won't allow the schools to do the same and parents look the other way when their kids get into drinking, drugs and smoking without consequence. Young people are not being held responsible for anything. What kind of world are we creating?

Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend?

Yea, let the teacher's slap the shit out of them at school, burn all their video games and machines to play them on, don't let them drive your car or have cell phone until they're 18, make their parents pick them up after recreational sports instead of the coaches having to babysit until their drunk or drugged up parents arrive to pick them up. Expel them for making any threats against another student or teacher. Well there's more but fingers getting tired.
Almost nothing in the OP is accurate.
Really? Tell me about the utopian life we are living. Prisons are running out of room, How many teenagers have cars at 16 (or earlier),, School shootings were not even thought of 40 years ago, colleges now come with remedial reading and writing classes (WTF)? Find me a kid who prefers a good book to television and how do video games and Facebook (the primary choice of leisure ) prepare out children for their future.=s?

More inaccuracies coupled with some weird thoughts.
You are an excellent example. You cannot add to a discussion just call another weird without any bais. You, my friend are an excellent example of the problem. Thank you showing others.
In the 70's the liberal interacial bussing program destroyed my once beautiful suburban elementary school

Your kinds’ own fault for not voting in local elections.

Which, by the way are far more important than national or even state elections.
Kids today are Human Veal.

This does not bode well for the future of humanity.
Rational, reasonable human beings (I am excluding liberals here with the words "rational" "reasonable" and "human being") know something is wrong. Their attack on the family structure since the 1960's with divorce, homosexuality, promiscuity, feminism, secularism and socialism have given us a chaotic society with kids who are literally insane. They think medicating increasing numbers of them is the answer. And when these kids age you get eternal children who, without having had role models, cant sustain the most basic of human finding a mate and building a stable family. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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