Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases

Another one of Jackson's cases documented in the sentencing hearing transcripts: In 2013, Jackson sentenced a pedophile to just 3 months, and she refused to order routine computer monitoring after his release. This man had posted numerous kiddy porn videos and images--so we're not talking about someone who merely viewed child porn but who distributed it online. The prosecutors recommended a 2-year sentence. The man's own probation officer recommended 18 months. But, Jackson gave him just 3 months. After being released, the man reoffended and was caught. Luckily, his second case came up before a different judge, who sentenced him to 2 years and 10 months in prison. Folks, this case is **not** the worst example of Jackson's light sentencing documented in the transcripts.
NOW we know why Democrats stalled and stalled in releasing the transcripts of Ketanji Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. I wonder if any of the liberals here will bother to read those sickening, shocking transcripts.

One of the transcripts shows that in 2020, Jackson gave the bare minimum sentence to a pedophile who had distributed dozens of images and videos of infants being sexually abused, and who had boasted of molesting his 13-year-old cousin, even though Jackson knew the man refused “to take full responsibility” for his crimes.

Equally sickening are the truly astounding arguments that Jackson had with prosecutors who were trying to get her to do the right thing.

Just remember that the White House and/or Senate Democrats withheld those transcripts until after Jackson's confirmation hearings and just a few days before her Senate confirmation vote. They knew it would take GOP researchers several days to read through the transcripts to discover their shocking contents.

The first news article on the transcripts' contents did not appear until the day before her Senate confirmation vote. Liberals just yawned at the sickening disclosures. They weren't about to let those shocking revelations keep them from putting on the Supreme Court a woman who said she could not define the term "woman" because she's not a biologist.
Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week investigators got the transcripts of Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. They show a pattern of shockingly light sentences and a sickening hostility toward anti-child porn laws. I'm not exaggerating one bit. The transcripts destroy the dishonest liberal "fact-checks" that white-washed her record as "pretty mainstream."

This lady has no business sitting on a traffic court, much less the U.S. Supreme Court. But, thanks to the Democrats, she's now a Supreme Court justice.

Ketanji Brown Jackson's Shocking, Sickening Record in Child Porn Cases​

Shocking relative to what? The sentencing decisions of other federal judges?
Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate...
The smear campaign was doomed to fail, with both a majority of senators and the public recognizing her being eminently qualified, despite the usual suspects parroting the meme issued by the propaganda machine.

Showboats self-promoting to appease their extremist supporters was not about to derail progress.

Judge Brown Jackson had been approved by the Senate in June, 2021 to the U.S. Court of Appeals, and the sudden, hysterical demonization less than a year later was not remotely credible to normal, rational Americans.
Today Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Last week investigators got the transcripts of Jackson's sentencing hearings in child porn cases. They show a pattern of shockingly light sentences and a sickening hostility toward anti-child porn laws. I'm not exaggerating one bit. The transcripts destroy the dishonest liberal "fact-checks" that white-washed her record as "pretty mainstream."

This lady has no business sitting on a traffic court, much less the U.S. Supreme Court. But, thanks to the Democrats, she's now a Supreme Court justice.

All of the people charged were convicted of "distributing images", not of creating the images.

You have judges sentencing white males convicted of the violent rape of adult women to 6 months in jail. But you want someone convicted of trading images of child pornography sent to jail for longer than 5 years??????

You need to read the articles you link to. None of the people sentenced were convicted of producing the kiddy porn, rather they were in possession of and traded the images. They didn't "torture" children.

When you want to punish those looking at pictures, more harshly than you punish men who violently rape women, you're the sick fucking perverts who don't care about violence against women or children at all, unless you can use their abuse to further your anti-child, anti-woman agenda.
When you want to punish those looking at pictures [child phonography for which actual children were abused to produce it], more harshly than you punish men who violently rape women, you're the sick fucking perverts who don't care about violence against women or children at all, unless you can use their abuse to further your anti-child, anti-woman agenda.

Who here has called for producers, distributors and consumers of child pornography to be punished more harshly than rapists?

As far as I am concerned, there is no punishment available that is harsh enough for any of them. If we are treating any of them too lightly, then that is no excuse for also treating any other of them too lightly.

What the fuck is wrong with you, that you think it at all acceptable to treat any of these crimes lightly?
Yes you are exaggerating. Andrew McCarthy opposes her nomination, but he calls these accusations demagoguery

".The Missouri senator pointed to Brown’s record on cases involving child pornography, accusing her record of going “beyond soft on crime” and “endangering our children.” McCarthy published a Sunday op-ed for the National Review arguing that Hawley’s allegations were “meritless to the point of demagoguery.”

“What Hawley has done is conflate all of the offenses that are under the category of sex offender and suggest that she’s soft on all of that stuff, and I don’t think the case is there for that,” he continued. “I think what she was dealing with were cases at the bottom of the system and she’s hardly the only judge that has had a problem with that.”

McCarthy argued in his piece that Hawley “misleadingly” used the term “sex offender” too broadly since there is a major distinction between those consuming and producing child pornography. He also defended Jackson’s push to scrap minimum mandatory sentences for first-time consumers of child porn.

“Judge Jackson’s views on this matter are not only mainstream; they are correct in my view,” McCarthy wrote. “But other than the fact that Congress wanted to look as though it was being tough on porn, there’s no good reason for the mandatory minimum in question — and it’s unjust in many instances.”
Why are you for a Groomer being on SCOTUS?
OK some guy got a lighter sentence than you wanted. Like everyday in America some guy gets a lighter sentence for rape or robbery or spousal abuse or any other crime you can think of, BUT don't see you posting daily about that unless its some one from across the isle, otherwise total silence.
See, here’s the thing morons like you don’t understand. Light sentences for pedos hurts children. That should upset anybody. But not you and your ilk. You cry and scream at the moon when we bring uo facts about this light on pedos incompetent who can’t tell man from woman. Now you can STFU troll.

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