Kelly Slurs Dreamers: 'Too Lazy To Get Off Their Asses'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

WASHINGTON ― White House chief of staff John Kelly said Tuesday that PresidentDonald Trump’s offer to save undocumented young people ― though only if he can build a border wall and slash legal immigration ― is generous because it would help immigrants who may have previously been “too lazy” to seek protections.

Trump has said he would support a path to citizenship for the 690,000 people protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, as well as for anyone who is eligible for the program but didn’t sign up. The White House estimates that’s 1.8 million people total, leading Kelly to call the president’s proposal “stunning.”

“The difference between 690 [thousand] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up,” Kelly said, according to The Washington Post. “So the president, shockingly, said OK, 1.8 million, and then probably the biggest shock was in a path to citizenship. That’s beyond what anyone could have imagined.”


Wow, Kelly sounds like a chip off the ole block - like Trump. No wonder Trump hired him. Kelly is a mean man with a cold heart.
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Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?
Negotiate? Hell you are too stupid to negotiate. If the dims say no Trump should say ok and start the wall and the deportations.
Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?

Sure....sign up for DACA and put your future in the hands of Trump

Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?

He's a heartless asshole - like Trump.
Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?

It appears they know more about the US constitution then the ones who signed up for DACA...

They understood Obama was not a dictator and EOs can be overturned.

It's hard to negotiate with a mind like that. Why would any sane person 'love a shutdown'?

It's particularly hard to negotiate with someone like that when your idea of a negotiation is, "Give me what I want and don't ask for any reciprocation or I'm shutting this bitch down!"

Which is another way of saying that it's hard to negotiate when you aren't willing to negotiate.
The Dreamers that didn't sign up in time must of had a good maybe a criminal record...or maybe they have been going back and forth to their nation of birth...
But lazy works too.....
He's a heartless asshole - like Trump.

Kelly was supposed to be "the voice of reason" in that screwed up administration....unfortunately, he caught the Trump cult disease.....
Actually, it's looking like the ones that did NOT trust the US Gvt when they PROMISED if they registered for DACA they would not be deported....are the SMART ones, not the lazy ones! :eek:

what's up with this gen. Kelly guy?

He's a heartless asshole - like Trump.

What does heart have anything to do with the laws of the land?

With out laws the entire country would be like that shit hole California
Come on Dems shut it down again.....I fucking dare ya! :19:

Dems? NaziCons control the government.

Lol, republicans have the majority, but they don't have the power to keep the government funded if the democrats decide to filibuster the CR/budget. When dems say give us DACA or there's no budget, that is, in fact, THEM shutting down the government. When they say give us DACA or there's no budget, and don't ask us to concede anything in return for DACA, that is an unwillingness to negotiate.

This is 100 percent the democrats holding the country hostage for DACA.

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