Kelly and Barr attack Trump

Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge. Barr is "pretending" to push back, Trump will "pretend" to be upset.

Barr blasts Trump's tweets: 'Impossible for me to do my job': ABC News Exclusive

Ad so begins Barr's 24 hours of popularity with the moonbats.

Tomorrow, he'll go back to being the worse scourge the AG's office has ever had.
He will get fired like dozens before him because the supreme leader is a dictator wannabe.
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge. Barr is "pretending" to push back, Trump will "pretend" to be upset.

Barr blasts Trump's tweets: 'Impossible for me to do my job': ABC News Exclusive

That may be. Barr has totally demoralized the DOJ. He is a stooge of Trump’s but may be having a few reservations. Who the hell wants to go down in history as a henchman.
Like Rachel Maddow says: "Watch what they do, not what they say".

Yeah, because usually what they are saying is the exact opposite of what they are doing.
There may be a revolt going on in the DOJ given Barr’s surrendering of DOJ independence. The DOJ is a proud institution. It is not a tool to be used to give out political favors for convicted criminals or prosecution of a President’s enemies.
Like Rachel Maddow says: "Watch what they do, not what they say".

Yeah, because usually what they are saying is the exact opposite of what they are doing.
There may be a revolt going on in the DOJ given Barr’s surrendering of DOJ independence.

According to various news reports - there IS a revolt going on in the DOJ. Barr is just blowing smoke to cover his corrupt ass.
They should revolt. Trump and Barr are defecating on the institution and turning it into a third world corruption machine.
The bar association sent a letter to congress to investigate Barr for his handling of the Justice dept....

Barr is simply trying to cover his rear end.... He will always be TRUMPs personal fixer....
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors.

Political prosecutors made a political recommendation and resigned to make a political statement.

Good riddance.

Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

Oh no! So what?

They're not "political prosecutors" and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed, but nice try Sparky.

When Justice isn't blind, it's dead. Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton. This despite no investigation recommending charges against any of them, after investigations by Durham, Huber, the Senate Judiciary Committee, two or three IG Reports, and no evidence against them.

This is banana republic bullshit. Welcome to the dictatorship. Criticize Trump and you're punished, fired, humiliated and publically shamed, at the President's pleasure. Congratulations. The Republic is dead.

This goes against everything the Consti
The bar association sent a letter to congress to investigate Barr for his handling of the Justice dept....

Barr is simply trying to cover his rear end.... He will always be TRUMPs personal fixer....
The bar association sent a letter to congress to investigate Barr for his handling of the Justice dept....

Barr is simply trying to cover his rear end.... He will always be TRUMPs personal fixer....
Barr is worse. Barr is Trump’s doormat. A toady who is selling out the constitution and country to ingratiate himself with the masquerader in chief.
It seems his commentary was not just at Trump from the article.
I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody ... whether it’s Congress, a newspaper editorial board, or the president,” Barr said. “I’m gonna do what I think is right. And you know … I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”
Like Rachel Maddow says: "Watch what they do, not what they say".

Yeah, because usually what they are saying is the exact opposite of what they are doing.
There may be a revolt going on in the DOJ given Barr’s surrendering of DOJ independence.

According to various news reports - there IS a revolt going on in the DOJ. Barr is just blowing smoke to cover his corrupt ass.

The only smoking going on is the smoking out of Obama hold-overs and anti-TRUMP activist. TRUMP's tweet on Stone got 4 so far...
I can’t keep up, are you left wing assholes calling for Barr to resign or are you fellating him?
Like Rachel Maddow says: "Watch what they do, not what they say".

Yeah, because usually what they are saying is the exact opposite of what they are doing.
There may be a revolt going on in the DOJ given Barr’s surrendering of DOJ independence.

According to various news reports - there IS a revolt going on in the DOJ. Barr is just blowing smoke to cover his corrupt ass.

The only smoking going on is the smoking out of Obama hold-overs and anti-TRUMP activist. TRUMP's tweet on Stone got 4 so far...
Here comes the Obama and Hillary trash. :poop:
Ad so begins Barr's 24 hours of popularity with the moonbats.

Tomorrow, he'll go back to being the worse scourge the AG's office has ever had.

Nobody's cheering Barr here, and nobody believes he has any morality or decency at all. This is a man desperate to preserve what little of his reputation is left, so he's trying to put a brave face on his abject corruption of the rule of law.

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