Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote Ending 9th Circuit Reign Of Terror


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
I don't know how this could be done, and I wish I could have a discussion with Constitutional scholars and experts.

While the Conservatives have the S.C, there should be a great push to make it impossible for say, 75-100 years, to even consider expansion of the S.C or changes to your Electoral College system. At least tie those two vital issues down to the very soul of American election determination.

The age limits and illegal immigration voting can be debated and challenged, it would rarely succeed, even as the global socialist left want to expand their voting base dramatically, since they are losing so many patriotic Americans.

I have to think that this massive push fro your education system, Hollywood on out, has Communist Chinese government officials fingerprints all over it. Real dark money, if you will.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
I don't know how this could be done, and I wish I could have a discussion with Constitutional scholars and experts.

While the Conservatives have the S.C, there should be a great push to make it impossible for say, 75-100 years, to even consider expansion of the S.C or changes to your Electoral College system. At least tie those two vital issues down to the very soul of American election determination.

The age limits and illegal immigration voting can be debated and challenged, it would rarely succeed, even as the global socialist left want to expand their voting base dramatically, since they are losing so many patriotic Americans.

I have to think that this massive push fro your education system, Hollywood on out, has Communist Chinese government officials fingerprints all over it. Real dark money, if you will.

I disagree. After President Trump wins reelection, taking the liberals up on their idea of expanding the Supreme Court will be on the front burner. See if they are hypocritical or if they will stand in the way of 6 new conservative justices, each more devoted to the strict constructionalism of the Constitution as the next.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

Hasn't it been this way for decades? It's become a partisan environment, but more importantly, it is the left judges who should be protecting U.S sovereignty and security, NOT being political. Why else would they want to expand the S.C if they won?

You think throwing out illegal immigrants who leave prison is a "partisan issue"? The fear has always been those not protecting your Constitution, you need originalists, not, people interpreting because they get to go on nice yacht trips and play to party patsies.

There's a documentary made and being praised about RBG, I mean, who in the hell believes they aren't trying to butter up a judge. She's still a sitting judge and they are doing this. "Look, Ruth, this will be your legacy!" The poor woman should be retiring, but some are so hellbent on power that they can't have that, and now want another "insurance plan" in case she does retire, so they will expand if THEY win.

Scary stuff, these issues are are at the heart of American sovereignty and your Republic.
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Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

It's EXACTLY how SCOTUS is supposed to work!!!
SCOTUS Just Upheld Our Immigration Laws: ICE Can Detain and Deport Illegals

I’ve read about this on various sites and the actual opinions by the Justices are complicated. But the bottom line stands, it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, you’re here illegally and you’re out!

The Supreme Court reversed a prior 9th Circuit Court ruling restricting when illegal aliens could be detained and deported.

The SCOTUS ruling (full pdf below) was in favor the Trump administration, allowing federal officials to detain and deport illegal aliens after they have served their time in the U.S. for other crimes regardless of whether they were picked up immediately or later, after criminal release.

The 9th Circuit Court previously stated ICE would have to detain illegal aliens immediately after release or they would be exempt from later detainment. SCOTUS eliminated that restriction and affirmed detainment and deportation at any time after criminal release. The ruling was 5-4 with Justice Alito announcing the majority judgement of the court below:

Full stuff @ President Trump Wins SCOTUS Decision on Detainment and Deportation of Criminal Aliens…

The Supreme Court Ruled That Immigrants With a Criminal Past Can Be Detained Years After Serving Time @ Supreme Court Broadens Federal Powers to Detain Immigrants
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

Actually, that's exactly the way the court is supposed to operate. The only difference is that it should be 9-0 instead of 5-4, as it is clearly the responsibility of our President to enforce our immigration laws and protect the country. We shouldn't have extremists on the court pushing forward open borders and pretending as if the poem at the base of the Statute of Liberty is immigration law. Emma Lazarus was never elected to anything.
I don't know how this could be done, and I wish I could have a discussion with Constitutional scholars and experts.

While the Conservatives have the S.C, there should be a great push to make it impossible for say, 75-100 years, to even consider expansion of the S.C or changes to your Electoral College system. At least tie those two vital issues down to the very soul of American election determination.

The age limits and illegal immigration voting can be debated and challenged, it would rarely succeed, even as the global socialist left want to expand their voting base dramatically, since they are losing so many patriotic Americans.

I have to think that this massive push fro your education system, Hollywood on out, has Communist Chinese government officials fingerprints all over it. Real dark money, if you will.

I disagree. After President Trump wins reelection, taking the liberals up on their idea of expanding the Supreme Court will be on the front burner. See if they are hypocritical or if they will stand in the way of 6 new conservative justices, each more devoted to the strict constructionalism of the Constitution as the next.
/----/ I don't think he will. Besides the next dem president would just add enough to swing it back to the leftards side.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

I'm sure you were thrilled when Obergfell came back 5-4 along mostly party lines (Kennedy was always an X factor)
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

I'm sure you were thrilled when Obergfell came back 5-4 along mostly party lines (Kennedy was always an X factor)

Obergfell is probably the stupidest most partisan SCOTUS decision of all time. It is totally absurd to think that the American colonials fought the Revolution and established a Constitution with the intent that we wanted to protect the right of the people here to take it in the keister. If Libs wanted to establish organized buggery as a right, they should have just passed legislation instead of creating a myth that it is in the Constitution.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

It is not how they are supposed to operate? Why don't you explain to our TV audience at home why you are so confused by this issue?
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
"Partisan lines" and "supreme Court" are words that should never be used together.

Congratulations, you have perverted the court beyond recognition.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

I'm sure you were thrilled when Obergfell came back 5-4 along mostly party lines (Kennedy was always an X factor)

Obergfell is probably the stupidest most partisan SCOTUS decision of all time. It is totally absurd to think that the American colonials fought the Revolution and established a Constitution with the intent that we wanted to protect the right of the people here to take it in the keister. If Libs wanted to establish organized buggery as a right, they should have just passed legislation instead of creating a myth that it is in the Constitution.

I have no issue with the end result, jut the process taken to get it.

The State legislatures have the power to issue contracts such as marriage licenses, the only thing the Feds should be able to to is enforce one State's license as valid in all other States.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
"Partisan lines" and "supreme Court" are words that should never be used together.

Congratulations, you have perverted the court beyond recognition.

So this was the first SC decision decided on "partisan lines", and if not, all of the previous ones have been in favor of the right?


What a fucking turd you are.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.

We are a very divided country OL.
It began in 1994, when the Republicans soundly took over the house and senate. The Democrats started pooling together and voting against everything. The Republicans went after Bill Clinton's personal life with a vengence.
They have been divided ever since.
You're right, it isn't supposed to work this way. But it is the times we live in.
Judge Kavanaugh did what he said he would do.

The 9th Circus Court was trying to prevent Trump from enforcing immigration laws. The Supreme Court slapped them down along party lines voting 5-4 to overturn an abusive court decision preventing the government from detaining criminal illegals.


"President Trump just got some great news as the Supreme Court, with Brett Kavanaugh casting the deciding vote, just ended the liberal 9th circuit court’s reign of terror.

Trump has complained about the runaway court as it has bloked many of Trump’s actions in the executive branch.

The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

The 5-4 decision reversed the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals earlier ruling. Thankfully, Trump’s historic win and realignment of the courts is restoring sanity to America.

The Court sided with Trump and ruled that the U.S. government can detain immigrants with past criminal records without bond (for as long as needed) as they await deportation.

The four judges who opposed the ruling did so vehemently which goes to show what was at stake in America with the 2016 election. It is common sense to hold a criminal who is not a citizen, especially one who was violent, in custody before we deport them. Thankfully, America made a wise choice in Trump." Brett Kavanaugh Casts Deciding Vote, Ends 9th Circuit Court Reign of Terror On Key Issue
The court went along partisan lines and came back with a 5-4 decision and a big victory for Trump.

That's not how the SC is supposed to operate. And you're cheering.
Actually the court is supposed to follow the law, not create laws from the bench. Legislation creates laws. Judges confirm and follow the law. The president and the DOJ enforce laws.
The 9th circus tried to create laws and got slapped down.
I don't know how this could be done, and I wish I could have a discussion with Constitutional scholars and experts.

While the Conservatives have the S.C, there should be a great push to make it impossible for say, 75-100 years, to even consider expansion of the S.C or changes to your Electoral College system. At least tie those two vital issues down to the very soul of American election determination.

The age limits and illegal immigration voting can be debated and challenged, it would rarely succeed, even as the global socialist left want to expand their voting base dramatically, since they are losing so many patriotic Americans.

I have to think that this massive push fro your education system, Hollywood on out, has Communist Chinese government officials fingerprints all over it. Real dark money, if you will.

I disagree. After President Trump wins reelection, taking the liberals up on their idea of expanding the Supreme Court will be on the front burner. See if they are hypocritical or if they will stand in the way of 6 new conservative justices, each more devoted to the strict constructionalism of the Constitution as the next.
/----/ I don't think he will. Besides the next dem president would just add enough to swing it back to the leftards side.
Only if he murders a couple more justices.

I fully expect the next Democrat President to nominate some Hajab wearing Anti-Semite closet Sharia Law asshole.
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