Kasich does not belong in the race

Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election
Kasich is the only person running on either side who would probably make a reasonable, respectable President. Unfortunately, in idiot season he is also the least likely to win.
I'm not a Trump supporter...stay on point

But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

I see the link I supplied, where are yours?

Scroll up....must you leftist loons be helped with EVERYTHING? No wonder you're failures at life.
The fact the he is the Rights best shot of winning the general and by far the best qualified candidate is enough justification for Kasich to stay in the race. The two idiots in front are already starting to show their true colors and finally people are starting to see how ridiculous they both are. If Kasich gains some late steam and picks up a few states before the convention then he will be the nominee
And few states is not enough. The rules require 8 states to be considered. On top of that is is statistically impossible for him to win the required delegates.
Cruz is pretty much statistically dead In the water as well. The only chance either has is an open vote at the convention. In that case, Kasich has the best chance of pulling the open delegate vote
Only if he wins 8 states or they cheat.
They will drop the 8 state rule and justify by saying they are letting the delegate voters decide
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.
What you fail to understand is that if you ever want to see anything get done on the immigration front then you are going to need common sense proposals that will pass a vote. The extreme positions that the two blowholes take on many issues is just pandering to the base but they will gain no traction in congress without major compromise. Kasich is the only one being honest about this... Trump actually touched on it when he said his policies are negotiating positions... You'll see him get cozy right in the middle during the general election

Trump has proved you wrong, securing the border and deporting illegals has cross party support among the people. There is a hell of a lot of pent up anger at government for allowing this illegal mess. Government and the media have intentionally not reported on the illegal murders, rapes, assaults, robberies, fraud, but the information is getting out and the people are pissed.
You think trump is really pro gun?

I'm not a Trump supporter...stay on point

But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count


Then you'll appreciate this comprehensive and unassailable rebuttal of the charge that Garland is anti-2nd Amendment.

http://www.acslaw.org/sites/default/files/Scholar Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee.pdf
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.

Kinda funny the way "experience" works. For years we heard the endless bleating on how O'bama has "no experience" even though his 12 years in state government and Congress was right in the median for entering POTUSes. Then those voices ran Mitt Romney, who had all of four years experience as a governor. Now they're down to a Senator with one-half of one term under his belt (a third of which has been spent campaigning), and a bloviating dickhead who's never even held a real job in his life. Then we have this thread, dismissing the one guy who does have experience at multiple levels.

Funny how that works.
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.

Kinda funny the way "experience" works. For years we heard the endless bleating on how O'bama has "no experience" even though his 12 years in state government and Congress was right in the median for entering POTUSes. Then those voices ran Mitt Romney, who had all of four years experience as a governor. Now they're down to a Senator with one-half of one term under his belt (a third of which has been spent campaigning), and a bloviating dickhead who's never even held a real job in his life.

Funny how that works.

Trump built a multi-billion dollar empire, you? Yes we thought so. I should place you on ignore just due to the level of ignorance in your post.
If Trump were President, the far right would hate him in 30 minutes.
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.

Kinda funny the way "experience" works. For years we heard the endless bleating on how O'bama has "no experience" even though his 12 years in state government and Congress was right in the median for entering POTUSes. Then those voices ran Mitt Romney, who had all of four years experience as a governor. Now they're down to a Senator with one-half of one term under his belt (a third of which has been spent campaigning), and a bloviating dickhead who's never even held a real job in his life.

Funny how that works.

Trump built a multi-billion dollar empire, you? Yes we thought so. I should place you on ignore just due to the level of ignorance in your post.

Rump was handed an empire, of questionable worth, and managed it right into basically the same amount of money he would have had if he just quietly invested it and shut the fuck up. None of which qualifies to run anything, much less a nation.

But yeah you should prolly put me on ignore as I'll post points that you're gonna find very inconvenient.
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.

Kasich is enjoying the notoriety and attention he's getting from all this. I was particularly pleased when he bombed in Michigan after some buckeye turd told me he'd win in my birthplace. Michigan and Ohio despise each other for a number of reasons.....we only tolerate Toledo because the Hens are the Tigers' AAA club. Kasich isn't spending any money because he doesn't have any money to spend. I don't begrudge him what he's doing though...he was a loyal soldier for Newt.
But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

I see the link I supplied, where are yours?

Scroll up....must you leftist loons be helped with EVERYTHING? No wonder you're failures at life.

First I'm an independent. Second if I'm a failure you must be a homeless person. Sorry that I pointed out you don't make any sense. But you are part of the child party so I'm not surprised.
Maybe Kasich could get some traction with conservatives if he started talking about the size of his dick.

Kaisch doesn't have a prayer.....and never did

Kasich was part of the GOP establishments plan to win the White House without the base, talk about your plan for failure. Lets be honest there's no freaking way the base was going to vote for Illegal amnesty and infringing on the 2nd amendment. I love his experience, I respect actual experience and accomplishments but the guy belongs in the Democratic party on key issues.

Kinda funny the way "experience" works. For years we heard the endless bleating on how O'bama has "no experience" even though his 12 years in state government and Congress was right in the median for entering POTUSes. Then those voices ran Mitt Romney, who had all of four years experience as a governor. Now they're down to a Senator with one-half of one term under his belt (a third of which has been spent campaigning), and a bloviating dickhead who's never even held a real job in his life.

Funny how that works.

Trump built a multi-billion dollar empire, you? Yes we thought so. I should place you on ignore just due to the level of ignorance in your post.

Rump was handed an empire, of questionable worth, and managed it right into basically the same amount of money he would have had if he just quietly invested it and shut the fuck up. None of which qualifies to run anything, much less a nation.

But yeah you should prolly put me on ignore as I'll post points that you're gonna find very inconvenient.

Lie, lie, lie well there you have it.
You think trump is really pro gun?

I'm not a Trump supporter...stay on point

But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

It is obvious that everyone is being herded like sheep again. I have little doubt that the powers that be, are going to nominate Kasich if they can stop Trump or Cruz from getting the magic number. The rules are going to be changed, and that is going to be our nominee, unless they want to push Romney again with Kasich as the VP.

In my humble opinion, Trump has imploded over the last 3 weeks, and can not win in the general. He has become 2016s version of Ross Perot, and his meltdown is of his own doing.

The only person left that can win if he clears his name, is Cruz. The GOP won't nominate him either, so unless something dramatic happens, we will see a President Hillary. How did this happen so quickly? (I remember seeing internal polls while in Florida showing that Hillary was in deep, deep, trouble) We can thank Donald Trump for imploding, we can thank the media for helping implode Cruz, we can thank the GOP for helping everything along to keep control of the process, and lastly---------> we can thank rigid supporters of all the candidates left, who have forgotten the main idea is defeat the Democrats, and instead think the most important thing is to defeat each other.

Do you know how disgusting it is to listen to people proclaim.............if not Trump, I won't vote for the GOP! Or how about, if not Cruz, I will never vote for Trump! Or maybe you like, nobody in the establishment will vote for either! How in the hell are ANY of the candidates going ro win? We just went through this 4 years ago with Ron Paul supporters thanks to the GOP and Mitt Romney, and that gave us 4 more years of Obama. Haven't we all learned anything from that! I guess not, because unless it changes; and I seriously doubt it will, we are going to have a President Hillary, Rodham, Clinton as President, and good ole BJ as 1st husband.

Repeat after me GOPers-----------> I, as a thinking human being, will cut off my nose, my childrens noses, and my grandchildrens noses, to spite all of our faces if my person doesn't get the nod, and elect either a socialist, or Marxist as President, and like it! I will then come on here, look at all the lefties who will be laughing at you, hand them a 2 by 4, bend over and proclaim............thank you sir, may I have another!
The voters have SOUNDLY rejected him.
This is truly naïve and sophomoric.

As we all know the voters have little to do with this – the GOP is a private entity, at liberty to select its presidential nominee as it sees fit, and to do so during the convention if it so desires.

And that’s what Kasich is counting on: that republicans come to their senses, reject Trump and Cruz, and give the nomination to him as the only viable candidate.
The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

I see the link I supplied, where are yours?

Scroll up....must you leftist loons be helped with EVERYTHING? No wonder you're failures at life.

First I'm an independent. Second if I'm a failure you must be a homeless person. Sorry that I pointed out you don't make any sense. But you are part of the child party so I'm not surprised.

Were the links there? Dumbass
I'm not a Trump supporter...stay on point

But shouldn't trump being anti gun have killed him?

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels

And trump even imported his wife so I don't believe he is anti immigration either.

The thread is about Kasich....stop deflecting, it's lame

You said kasich was rejected for being anti gun. First he isn't, and second why is trump the front runner? Only a moron would believe he is pro gun.

I supplied links.....your turn. Your blabbering doesn't count

It is obvious that everyone is being herded like sheep again. I have little doubt that the powers that be, are going to nominate Kasich if they can stop Trump or Cruz from getting the magic number. The rules are going to be changed, and that is going to be our nominee, unless they want to push Romney again with Kasich as the VP.

In my humble opinion, Trump has imploded over the last 3 weeks, and can not win in the general. He has become 2016s version of Ross Perot, and his meltdown is of his own doing.

The only person left that can win if he clears his name, is Cruz. The GOP won't nominate him either, so unless something dramatic happens, we will see a President Hillary. How did this happen so quickly? (I remember seeing internal polls while in Florida showing that Hillary was in deep, deep, trouble) We can thank Donald Trump for imploding, we can thank the media for helping implode Cruz, we can thank the GOP for helping everything along to keep control of the process, and lastly---------> we can thank rigid supporters of all the candidates left, who have forgotten the main idea is defeat the Democrats, and instead think the most important thing is to defeat each other.

Do you know how disgusting it is to listen to people proclaim.............if not Trump, I won't vote for the GOP! Or how about, if not Cruz, I will never vote for Trump! Or maybe you like, nobody in the establishment will vote for either! How in the hell are ANY of the candidates going ro win? We just went through this 4 years ago with Ron Paul supporters thanks to the GOP and Mitt Romney, and that gave us 4 more years of Obama. Haven't we all learned anything from that! I guess not, because unless it changes; and I seriously doubt it will, we are going to have a President Hillary, Rodham, Clinton as President, and good ole BJ as 1st husband.

Repeat after me GOPers-----------> I, as a thinking human being, will cut off my nose, my childrens noses, and my grandchildrens noses, to spite all of our faces if my person doesn't get the nod, and elect either a socialist, or Marxist as President, and like it! I will then come on here, look at all the lefties who will be laughing at you, hand them a 2 by 4, bend over and proclaim............thank you sir, may I have another!

Mass media is more responsible than any other entity that Donald Rump even exists as a concept.

But they're not alone in culpability. Media can only lead the horse of the Unwashed to water; they can't make it drink. That the Unwashed obediently and mindlessly slurp it down without question --- that's the real story. As they know too well, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

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