Just wait a while there may be hostages after all

Has nothing to with Obama it's a movie funded by terry jones and his supporters, the movie is in Egypt and is anti Islam, and curse their prophet. Post facts. Coward

Under Mubarak there would have been no invasion of the compound. Under a Muslim President that Obama helped install we see the attack, the violence and the total LACK of Egyptian police or troops to do their duty and protect the Compound.

Ring any bells? Anyone remember Iran? When the host Government does not do its job and in fact allows mobs to do as they please all kind of nasty stuff happens.

But you all bury your heads in the sand and chant " Islam is a peaceful religion".

Under Gore 9-11 never would of happened.
This is your argument and you are just as fucking stupid for using it as the people who used the gore argument.
Jesus is a human as well doesn't mean we throw him under the bus, Since when is a prophet not important? God commanded the Prophet to spread Gods word, God was presenting himself to us and people who think they can play games about that is not funny

Muhammad was a warlord, a bloodthirsty murderer bent on power, who bribed his troops with the promise that they could pillage and rape conquered peoples.

Muhammad has a lot in common with Genghis Khan, but nothing in common with Jesus.

Islam is a primitive and evil religion, with no redeeming qualities.

which parts of jesus' teachings are your favorite?

enlighten me.
Has nothing to with Obama it's a movie funded by terry jones and his supporters, the movie is in Egypt and is anti Islam, and curse their prophet. Post facts. Coward

Rioting, vandalism, and possibly taking hostages over a movie? Talk about pathetic.

agreed but so is blaming obama for it. Of course you retards had a few think Obama was behind the recent gun slayings here because he wants your guns.
Hamas doesn't blow up people, I referring to there militant group back in 2003? Yah those times are over, also Hamas a right to fight back, Israel has been killing palestinaisn and opressing them for so long, they are allowed to fight back except to you people like who hear Muslim and say they are killers. Nope Israel was responsible since they committed the crimes. And they blew up the David hotel and killed many

No one has a right to commit genocide.

I agree Israel has to be stopped from committing genocide against the Palestinians people, they have killed almost hundreds of thousands over the past decades....you actually made a post I agree with for once...

Not hard to stop something that never stopped. Israel isn't the one promising the people the Genocide of the Palestinian people. Hamas is promising the Genocide of the Jews.
Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls - Yahoo! News

This is what Obama has caused to happen. He has endangered all Christians and all foreigners in the middle East with his support of Islamic radicals taking over Governments.

It is the duty and responsibility of the host Country to protect Foreign diplomatic missions. The absolute failure in Egypt is a sign of more to come.

shut the fuck up.

We've had an American Embassy in Egypt attacked and an American Consulate in Libya attacked. On the anniversary of 9/11. And you expect him or anyone else to shut up?
No one has a right to commit genocide.

I agree Israel has to be stopped from committing genocide against the Palestinians people, they have killed almost hundreds of thousands over the past decades....you actually made a post I agree with for once...

Not hard to stop something that never stopped. Israel isn't the one promising the people the Genocide of the Palestinian people. Hamas is promising the Genocide of the Jews.

That's not true, Jews are all over the world not just Israel, and please don't use that excuse to hate palestinaisn....we saw Hamas committing genocide on Israel during the gaza war...1400 palestinaisn killed and 13 Israelis killed 10 soldiers.....ya Hamas sure did commit genocide didn't it?
It's in Arabic and his terry jones written all over it, it's translated Muhamamd: the Propeht of Islam....mocking him obviously

Thank you for that.

You're lying about Terry Jones, but Muslims lie as a matter of course.

{Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Christian in the United States known for his strongly anti-Islam views, said in an interview from Washington that he was promoting the video on his Web site and on certain television stations, which he did not identify. }


So this is a Morris Sadek tired of seeing Coptics murdered by the Muslim animals.

{The video depicts Muhammad as a fraud, and shows him having sex and calling for massacres}


Muhammad was a fraud, a warlord who lusted for power, using rape and looting to bribe his thugs as he savaged the land for his own glory.

Islam is a vile and filthy religion, worshiping a pagan idol and murdering anyone who exposes the evil of Islam.

Nuke the fucking idol, be done with it.
Jesus was a prophet like Moses....you are mislead....

God is not Jesus, God is the unseen God, the One

He sent Jesus a message to teach people, never was he son of god, God does not associate himself with anyone, he is not a human is way greater and he is not just a floating spirit.

You are mislead....

No, my friend. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Lord has revealed that to me through the Holy Spirit. He died and atoned for my sins and for yours.

Your Heavenly Father is your Father. You are His son. He invites you with open arms to come unto Him.

You don't have to take my word for it. That is the beauty of the Gospel. All who humble themselves in prayer before God and sincerely ask Him to reveal the truth to them, will be touched by the Holy Spirit. You can hear the voice of the Lord in your own life.

Christianity, in it's fullness, teaches men how to enter into the Presence and become like God. And it gives us the joy that is the meaning of life.
Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls - Yahoo! News

This is what Obama has caused to happen. He has endangered all Christians and all foreigners in the middle East with his support of Islamic radicals taking over Governments.

It is the duty and responsibility of the host Country to protect Foreign diplomatic missions. The absolute failure in Egypt is a sign of more to come.

shut the fuck up.

We've had an American Embassy in Egypt attacked and an American Consulate in Libya attacked. On the anniversary of 9/11. And you expect him or anyone else to shut up?

when they are blaming Obama for it? yes, yes i do. Especially in the fashion gaysgt is trying to pass off\/ yes, yes i do.

it being 9-11 is irrelevant to this topic. stop using 9-11 for an emotional soap box , moral high ground argument.
It's in Arabic and his terry jones written all over it, it's translated Muhamamd: the Propeht of Islam....mocking him obviously

Thank you for that.

You're lying about Terry Jones, but Muslims lie as a matter of course.

{Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Christian in the United States known for his strongly anti-Islam views, said in an interview from Washington that he was promoting the video on his Web site and on certain television stations, which he did not identify. }


So this is a Morris Sadek tired of seeing Coptics murdered by the Muslim animals.

{The video depicts Muhammad as a fraud, and shows him having sex and calling for massacres}


Muhammad was a fraud, a warlord who lusted for power, using rape and looting to bribe his thugs as he savaged the land for his own glory.

Islam is a vile and filthy religion, worshiping a pagan idol and murdering anyone who exposes the evil of Islam.

Nuke the fucking idol, be done with it.

That's funny I read a different article that said terry jones also had part in it...but thanks for correcting me anyway
Under Gore 9-11 never would of happened.
This is your argument and you are just as fucking stupid for using it as the people who used the gore argument.

Really? I dont believe that for a second.

Obama is President now. Why do we have 9/11 attacks this year?
That's not true, Jews are all over the world not just Israel, and please don't use that excuse to hate palestinaisn....we saw Hamas committing genocide on Israel during the gaza war...1400 palestinaisn killed and 13 Israelis killed 10 soldiers.....ya Hamas sure did commit genocide didn't it?

I dont hate Palestinians. I do not like terrorist organizations like Hamas that are oppressing the people and promising genocide to Israel.
which parts of jesus' teachings are your favorite?

enlighten me.

Which parts of Muhammad's teachings are your favorite?

Maybe this?

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Surah 9:29)
when they are blaming Obama for it? yes, yes i do. Especially in the fashion gaysgt is trying to pass off\/ yes, yes i do.

it being 9-11 is irrelevant to this topic. stop using 9-11 for an emotional soap box , moral high ground argument.

So you think this would be happening of Obama hadnt thrown Mubarak under the bus for their new islamic dictators?

It being 9/11 is completely relevant to the topic. These mobs are engaging in acts of war on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. It's going to rightfully piss people off.
That's not true, Jews are all over the world not just Israel, and please don't use that excuse to hate palestinaisn....we saw Hamas committing genocide on Israel during the gaza war...1400 palestinaisn killed and 13 Israelis killed 10 soldiers.....ya Hamas sure did commit genocide didn't it?

I dont hate Palestinians. I do not like terrorist organizations like Hamas that are oppressing the people and promising genocide to Israel.

Are you really saying Hamas oppresses their people? Hamas has fought for them more than anyone else has....people love their soldiers there.... You can't ignore that attacks on Palestinians it doesn't work like that
Under Gore 9-11 never would of happened.
This is your argument and you are just as fucking stupid for using it as the people who used the gore argument.

Really? I dont believe that for a second.

Obama is President now. Why do we have 9/11 attacks this year?

of course you don't. You are a god-moron.

We dont have attacks, we have a coincidence which you want to attempt to link as a 9-11 attack in order to score points on someone you hate.

The simple ( i do mean simple as simple minded, because thats what you are.) idea that Obama is to blame for not stopping this is laughable. The idea that he caused this is laughable.

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