Another Foreign Policy Succ...Vict....Thing!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How lucky America is to have the far-seeing foreign policy expert, Barack Obama, as President!

His judgement with China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Honduras, you name it!!

Yes.....and Egypt!

1. "CAIRO - US President Barack Obama has invited Egypt's newly elected Islamist president, Mohamed Mursi, to visit the United States in September, an Egyptian official said on Sunday, reflecting the new ties Washington is cultivating with the region's Islamists.

Mursi's success at the polls mirrors the rising influence of Islamists in countries across the Middle East and North Africa in the wake of revolts and protests against autocratic rulers who have led the region for decades.

"President Obama extended an invitation to President Mursi to visit the United States when he attends the UN General Assembly in September," Egyptian aide Yasser Ali said after Mursi met US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns in Cairo."
Jpost | Print Article

That was July 8th....

Did I say 'far-seeing'..."
I may have spoken too soon. a related in fact, September 11, 2012:

2. "Cairo protesters scale U.S. Embassy wall, remove flag
Egyptian demonstrators climbed the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo today and pulled down the American flag to protest a film they say is insulting to the prophet Mohammad.

Update at 2:07 p.m. ET: CNN reports that U.S. security guards fired a volley of warning shots as the crowd gathered outside the embassy walls."
Cairo protesters scale U.S. Embassy wall, remove flag

What a guy.
What a terrific President.
One foreign policy victory after another.....

....sort of....
Couple that with his intention to fund the newly Islamist State so they can purchase UBoats to attack Israel from.. He's the gift that keeps on giving..

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