Just saw some people with masks on today

She doesn't wear it in her office, or require it of her patients. So I don't know why she wears one this late. Didn't ask either. I believe in "choice."
I would be skairt- at this late date. She's a doctor?
I always repeat this- and I will once again. Stopping that virus- is like trying to stop a house fly- going thru a chain link fence? I luved that.
It's not mine- it was posted by a guy I call... The legend. LOL
Do you guys remember? Nancy Pelosi? Running around with her flowered handmade masks to match her daily outfit?- To stop the spread -triple vaxed- caught it anyways? You really cant make this kind of stoopid up? huh?
Apparently even some conservative feel we are not minding our own business by rebuking the fantasy Covid make pretend continuance
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
I see some just about every time I go out. They even wear them outdoors.
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

So? Let them wear masks. Some are idiots and some have legitimate reasons.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to.

What lie about masks?

After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

This statement makes no sense.

Do you really think that during a pandemic the decline rate is as high as the incline rate? It's not a bell curve lol.

When in recorded history has that ever happened?

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
Not me.
No one was denied medical care because they weren’t vaccinated.

Every job requires you to follow the rules.

You are the one acting like an asshole.
There on the left, on this board, that judged if one has not been vaxxed, they should not be treated. I think it was Penelope that passed that judgement. I also know you would not tell her not to judge others.

If people want to wear a mask I don’t care, I don’t understand it but to each his own.
I forgot to shut the gate on my chain link fence the other day. Damn mosquitoes got in again.

That is a proper comparison to microscopic viruses.

But you do you.

Just for reference, I suffer from terrible allergies. I've worn a mask outside when doing yard work for almost a decade now.
Long before COVID was even a word. Never got a sideways look until after about a year into the pandemic.
"Hey...you're not gonna get COVID outside!!".....yep, heard that shouted from a passing car while weeding during grass pollen season. :)
Just for reference, I suffer from terrible allergies. I've worn a mask outside when doing yard work for almost a decade now.
Long before COVID was even a word. Never got a sideways look until after about a year into the pandemic.
"Hey...you're not gonna get COVID outside!!".....yep, heard that shouted from a passing car while weeding during grass pollen season. :)
Most pollen is large. Microscopic particles need to be N95 to stop vid. Cloth masks or dust masks dont stop it.

If they worked covid wouldnt have spread and colds would not spread.

But wear your security blanket.
Most pollen is large. Microscopic particles need to be N95 to stop vid. Cloth masks or dust masks dont stop it.

If they worked covid wouldnt have spread and colds would not spread.

But wear your security blanket.
LOL. I love it!!!
Sorry douche...erm...dude. Since I started wearing masks on planes...no colds, no flu, no COVID...coincidence??...I think not. :)

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