Just saw some people with masks on today

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?

The good thing is that such Cognitively Rigid indiviuals are multi killer jabbed and are on limited time .

Oddly , most , if not nearly all of them, look the part well in advance .
Probably those that were most likely mentally frail beforehand .

And the last shall not be first , other than dead first .
They are still out there, that is, those people who are still terrified of Covid and wear masks everywhere. Every waking hour is spent in fear from Covid or climate change. And no, they were not really old or sickly, the opposite, they looked young and healthy. I felt sorry for them to be honest, looking at them in the same light I do as those who are scientologists or JW's going door to door selling their cult.

It got me thinking, most people have rejected the Fauci mandate of wearing masks, realizing they were lied to. After all, what has changed? It's still out there. The only thing that has changed is that more people have died from the virus under Biden than under Trump, and that was even with their so-called cure of an antiviral jab. However, many have distanced themselves from the jab as well.

Just out of curiosity, how many people here still mask up and/or get the jab?
You are easily triggered.
That was in the original article I saw when it initially happened. You are not important enough for me to spend more than ten seconds digging for that article
“Trust me bro”.


It makes no sense. The cardiologist is the one denying the transplant.
Sigh... It's not terribly gratifying to pick on retards, but if you're going to accuse me of being racist, I'm gonna call you on it.

So, go look for a post where I'm expressing racist views. Then when you fail, come back here and apologize. Of course you have neither the dignity nor the integrity to admit a mistake, much less apologize, so I'll take your skulking away as implicit acknowledgement that you are every but the piece of shit we all thought.
Yeah its sad you see someone is wearing a mask which indicates that they are probably infected and just doing their part to not spread the love.

a good citizen .

with infection comes great responsibility unless your name is Jason then its best to run
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No one was denied medical care because they weren’t vaccinated.

Every job requires you to follow the rules.

You are the one acting like an asshole.
Tell that to the elderly in Rest Homes that were purposely exposed to Covid and died.
Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of virology knows that NO mask gives a benefit.

Scientists working in virology labs are ensconced in a pressurized suit so that if there is a hole, air can only go OUT, and even with that, they still get sick.

Viruses are so small that most are not visible with a normal microscope. Yet you idiots just believed whatever your masters told you to believe.
Still not getting the jist are you, cowboy? :)
No..one..cares..about..your..OPINION!! Keep it to yourself. Go on with your life.
If it doesn't affect you, SHUT THE FUCK up and move on! :auiqs.jpg:
It’s insipid
Nations that often wear masks because of their terrible air, rip that bullshit off your/their face.
It’s a sad sad sad commentary on American loss of thinking and capitulating to fear while being quite virtue showy about it
Which didn’t happen.
Well, to be exact, not on purpose, and it wasn't in mean spirit, but they did get exposed because the laws at both the state and federal level regarding the regulation of nursing homes when it came to dealing with an emergency pandemic were almost non-existent. THAT'S what the alt-right leaves out of their usual menu of why the last administration's response to the pandemic was flawless and beautiful. :)
Well, to be exact, not on purpose, and it wasn't in mean spirit, but they did get exposed because the laws at both the state and federal level regarding the regulation of nursing homes when it came to dealing with an emergency pandemic were almost non-existent. THAT'S what the alt-right leaves out of their usual menu of why the last administration's response to the pandemic was flawless and beautiful. :)
The people sent back to nursing homes were kept in isolation, not hanging out with the other residents.
Which didn’t happen.
Those residents were kept in isolation from other nursing home residents.
The people sent back to nursing homes were kept in isolation, not hanging out with the other residents.
Unfortunately, dealing with personal experience at the time, I know this wasn't the case everywhere.
Again, it wasn't done maliciously..and it was done because of the absence of regulation and procedure.
Unfortunately, dealing with personal experience at the time, I know this wasn't the case everywhere.
Again, it wasn't done maliciously..and it was done because of the absence of regulation and procedure.
That’s the fault of the nursing home who clearly knew what they were supposed to do.

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