Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD

I get it. You don't like the idea that someone else is willing to work harder, for less money, than you. And you want government to protect you from such detestable, industrious people.
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

God Blessed us with Donald J Trump after that balless weakass beta President we had before. Best President we’ve had in 40 years. [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD

I get it. You don't like the idea that someone else is willing to work harder, for less money, than you. And you want government to protect you from such detestable, industrious people.
I get it...
Move to one of those Libertarian nation’s that don’t exist.
And please forget about that “General Welfare” Clause.
we need a national ID card, this is all crap. GOP crap by the way. Democrats bring up the ID card every once in awhile but ARe fear-mongered as Communists or something stupid. The wall is a joke and will not work
Yes, the Republicons who ranted about big government intruding into our lives are now on board for a national ID card. The same clowns who ranted about seat belt laws. Funny how that works.
Quote someone on this board whining about seatbelts you stupid fucking noob.

Then knock down the fake dominoes you just set up and proclaim victory.

Man I really despise dumbfucks like you

What kills me is that a lot of Trump's voters used to be democrats who voted for Obama! They were brilliant people then, but now they are dumbasses. You can always tell when the Left is losing and have run out of answers when they start resorting to questioning the intelligence of half the nation simply because the voted for the opposing party, which only goes to show their real goal is to have only one party in power---- THEM.


You forgot "Derp!"
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

God Blessed us with Donald J Trump after that balless weakass beta President we had before. Best President we’ve had in 40 years. [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I may respect and appreciate his sacrifice for doing what he's doing, but that may be a bit too much for me. It is what it is.
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD
Get better skills. Get up off your back pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make yourself more valuable.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

God Blessed us with Donald J Trump after that balless weakass beta President we had before. Best President we’ve had in 40 years. [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I may respect and appreciate his sacrifice for doing what he's doing, but that may be a bit too much for me. It is what it is.

Oh not me best thing since Ronald Reagan. These are different times the Left is wanting Socialism for crying out loud. Lol Nobody could have saved us from the terrorism of the Leftist agenda. But I got my popcorn ready from the Democrats vs Progressive Socialist.

Not a democrat, Not a republican but 100% Donald Trump [emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

God Blessed us with Donald J Trump after that balless weakass beta President we had before. Best President we’ve had in 40 years. [emoji1317]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I may respect and appreciate his sacrifice for doing what he's doing, but that may be a bit too much for me. It is what it is.

Oh not me best thing since Ronald Reagan. These are different times the Left is wanting Socialism for crying out loud. Lol Nobody could have saved us from the terrorism of the Leftist agenda. But I got my popcorn ready from the Democrats vs Progressive Socialist.

Not a democrat, Not a republican but 100% Donald Trump [emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh he's definitely the best president in my lifetime, or probably most people alive these days and most know it. I'm just not a gusher like that. :dunno:
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

This is called Real News you just never heard of that before. You’re welcome :)

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Do Chinks do Fentanyl? Wtf? Why do they even make that shit?

Trump is a good president.

What is this fentanyl stuff?

No, I don't want any. :eusa_naughty:
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

This is called Real News you just never heard of that before. You’re welcome :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's very good. Trump's doing the best he can for America, day in and day out. One can't ask for much more than that.

IMO, he's like a rich Truman. He don't care, and he's going to do what he thinks is right, and I appreciate that.
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

This is called Real News you just never heard of that before. You’re welcome :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's very good. Trump's doing the best he can for America, day in and day out. One can't ask for much more than that.

IMO, he's like a rich Truman. He don't care, and he's going to do what he thinks is right, and I appreciate that.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Illegals infest my community and the construction industry I work in.

Anything Trump does to stem the flow gets a thumbs up from me. PERIOD
Get better skills. Get up off your back pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make yourself more valuable.

Shouldn't be a problem.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I bet when a woman gets raped you tell her not to wear short skirts too huh.

"i will build a great wall. nobody builds walls better than me. i'll build them inexpensively" - Trump

Zuckerberg has a wall. i have never seen a Malibu estate without a wall and a gate!
when Trump said "Mexico is sending" he really gained support.

he really gained support when he said Mexico is sending!
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

This is called Real News you just never heard of that before. You’re welcome :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's very good. Trump's doing the best he can for America, day in and day out. One can't ask for much more than that.

IMO, he's like a rich Truman. He don't care, and he's going to do what he thinks is right, and I appreciate that.

Not sure I think The Donald is all talk and no action on the Illegal Invaders and also closing the American border, the below article releasing more than 100,000 of Illegal Invaders into the American population not the situation if The Donald was serious about stopping these Illegal Invaders and also closing the American border, The Donald is CONTINUING to operate with the SAME Catch And Release that Obama did. The below article says that on current rates by the end of 2019 The Donald will have allowed more than 500,000 - HALF A MILLION - Illegal Invaders to be released into the American population, if so then The Donald ALL talk and NO action and as bad as Obama for supporting the Illegal Invasion of America from Third World Shit Holes.

From Breitbart News investigation:

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days


President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

According to newly obtained data by Breitbart News, DHS released about 17,065 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. between March 21 and April 1, a mere 12-day period. Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released about 125,565 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:

    • 12,745 border crossers into the San Diego, California area
    • 22,000 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona area
    • 37,500 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas area
    • 53,320 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas area
In the last 12 days, DHS released nearly 6,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the San Antonio area, alone, forcing American communities to absorb the influx of soaring illegal immigration levels at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been tasked with releasing border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S., ICE officials have confirmed, under the direction of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting ICE Director Ron Vitiello.

The Catch and Release policy has strained ICE resources, forcing fewer arrests of illegal aliens living in the interior of the country in recent months.

At current rates, DHS is on track to release about 500,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. by the end of this year. The mass release of border crossers has coincided with a surge of illegal immigration at the southern border, where about one to 1.5 million illegal aliens, in total, could arrive in the U.S. this year at current projections.

Trump's DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days
Last edited:
Just how intelligent are Trump supporters?

No more so and no less than supporters of any political being. Hitlery, Santorum, Sanders, Huckaby, O’Rourke (the fake wetback not the writer), Trump, Bushes, McQuisling, Romney, OBummer, their followers and acolytes are all pretty much the same, they all ate lead paint chips as children.

“You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.” The Waco Kid
"Ho-hum, Trump threatened to close the border again. Trump told a Michigan crowd he.would "close the damn border next week" if Mexico did not do more to stem illegal immigration."

That was written last Friday, one day after Trump made the meaningless threat. The implication of my statement was that, in keeping with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" principle, Trump would back down. It was only a matter of time.

Trump thought last week was a good time to push for repeal and replace Obamacare.

"Let me tell you exactly what my message is: The Republican party will soon be known as the party of health care," Trump told reporters on Capitol Hill. "You watch."

The Republican failure to deal with health care when they controlled both houses of Congress led to their downfall in the 2018 mid-terms. The lost the House of Representatives, state houses, state legislatures, and held on the Senate by the skin of their teeth despite having 26 to 9 advantage in the races.

In terms of the destruction of his own party, Trump wasn't through. Next, he proclaimed that he intended in shut down the southern border if Mexico didn't comply with his demands. Economics 101 tells us shutting down the border would cause an economic apocalypse.

As expected, Trump is backing down on both issues. This has happened over and over again. A sensible person never takes Trump's threats seriously.

I wrote that on Tuesday. At the same time Trump changed his mind about the public release of Mueller Report.

Facing widespread opposition, Trump backed down Thursday from his threat to close the southern border, instead giving Mexico a “one-year warning.”

After his foolish announcement last week his aides were baffled. The Post, writes "In the days after his tweet, Trump and his senior advisers issued conflicting signals about his intentions, with some aides privately expressing befuddlement over his strategy. The president offered no public details, and aides worked behind-the-scenes to craft a plan that would satisfy Trump but minimize the economic harm."

"Those efforts were rendered moot on Thursday when Trump, in an exchange with reporters at the White House, suddenly shifted gears, saying that if Mexico does not stem the flow of drugs and migrants into the United States within the next year, he will impose first tariffs on cars and then, possibly, close the border."

“We’re going to give them a one-year warning, and if the drugs don’t stop or largely stop, we’re going to put tariffs on Mexico and products, particularly cars,” Trump said. “And if that doesn’t stop the drugs, we close the border.”

Can we believe anything the man says?

So, Trump abandons one threat and issues another.

Who gives a shyt?

This is called Real News you just never heard of that before. You’re welcome :)

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That's very good. Trump's doing the best he can for America, day in and day out. One can't ask for much more than that.

IMO, he's like a rich Truman. He don't care, and he's going to do what he thinks is right, and I appreciate that.

Not sure I think The Donald is all talk and no action on the Illegal Invaders and also closing the American border, the below article releasing more than 100,000 of Illegal Invaders into the American population not the situation if The Donald was serious about stopping these Illegal Invaders and also closing the American border, The Donald is CONTINUING to operate with the SAME Catch And Release that Obama did. The below article says that on current rates by the end of 2019 The Donald will have allowed more than 500,000 - HALF A MILLION - Illegal Invaders to be released into the American population, if so then The Donald ALL talk and NO action and as bad as Obama for supporting the Illegal Invasion of America from Third World Shit Holes.

From Breitbart News investigation:

Trump’s DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days


President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

According to newly obtained data by Breitbart News, DHS released about 17,065 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. between March 21 and April 1, a mere 12-day period. Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released about 125,565 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the country.

The Catch and Release process often entails federal immigration officials busing border crossers into nearby border cities and dropping them off with the promise that they will show up for their immigration and asylum hearings, sometimes years later. The overwhelming majority of border crossers and illegal aliens are never deported from the country once they are released into the U.S.

Since December 21, 2018, DHS has released:

    • 12,745 border crossers into the San Diego, California area
    • 22,000 border crossers into the Phoenix, Arizona area
    • 37,500 border crossers into the El Paso, Texas area
    • 53,320 border crossers into the San Antonio, Texas area
In the last 12 days, DHS released nearly 6,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the San Antonio area, alone, forcing American communities to absorb the influx of soaring illegal immigration levels at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been tasked with releasing border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S., ICE officials have confirmed, under the direction of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting ICE Director Ron Vitiello.

The Catch and Release policy has strained ICE resources, forcing fewer arrests of illegal aliens living in the interior of the country in recent months.

At current rates, DHS is on track to release about 500,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. by the end of this year. The mass release of border crossers has coincided with a surge of illegal immigration at the southern border, where about one to 1.5 million illegal aliens, in total, could arrive in the U.S. this year at current projections.

Trump's DHS Releases More than 17K Illegal Aliens into U.S. in 12 Days

This is a big problem.
You can't be giving border-jumpers handouts n shit, wtf?!

My cousin told me that nothing like that ever happened until LBJ.

All that needs to stop! Now!

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