Just Asking, Part 1


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.
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Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?
The only thing globalist, Marxist pigs care about is their Agenda. Their Agenda is to destroy white European culture, Christianity, and capitalism.

To them, America is the biggest symbol in the world for being white, Christian, and capitalist.

Thus they will support any policy or politician that harms America, and oppose any policy or politician that is good for America.

When you accept that reality, everything the radical left does is 100% predictable.
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Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?
The only thing globalist, Marxist pigs care about is their Agenda. Their Agenda is to destroy white European culture, Christianity, and capitalism.

To them, America is the biggest symbol in the world for being white, Christian, and capitalist.

Thus they will support any policy or politician that harms America, and oppose any policy or politician that is good for America.

When you accept that reality, everything the radical left does is 100% predictable.

Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

They will say because he's the president. Meantime, it doesn't explain how they supported both Obama and Hillary, one who broke the law more than any other president and the latter who has never been within the law once since she graduated high school.
Some of us think both neither the President or illegal aliens are above the law.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

Liberals do not think illegals are above the law. Most of them just live here support their families.

Trump steals from America while you assfucks think he's great.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

Liberals do not think illegals are above the law. Most of them just live here support their families.

Trump steals from America while you assfucks think he's great.

What's he taken so far.

The complete list.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.
Because they want to make illegal aliens legal and turn them into a large voting block that will help them get power and keep it. They care nothing about these people only how they can use them to their advantage.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

You cons and your talking point got-chas!

I love you guys.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

The Standard Prog Response: Because Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.

Liberals do not think illegals are above the law. Most of them just live here support their families.

Trump steals from America while you assfucks think he's great.

Is that what you think?

Fact is many illegals come here to have their children so their child can get on the government programs and anchor the parent into this country.

Many work lowend wage jobs that require them to look for money other ways like government handouts to illegal activity.

Also many of them live in fear not only from the government but from Cartels and Syndicates like the Bravta that run human trafficking rings that sell underage children into a life of sex slavery.

So as you sit there condemning the right and Trump what has the left ever done to attempt to fix this issue except make empty promises every election cycle?
Because they want to make illegal aliens legal and turn them into a large voting block

Non-Citizens can't vote in State or Federal elections
That is why the left wants to grant them amnesty and citizenship. San Francisco now I believe allows non citizens in local elections the first step to letting them vote in State and Federal elections.
Because they want to make illegal aliens legal and turn them into a large voting block

Non-Citizens can't vote in State or Federal elections
That is why the left wants to grant them amnesty and citizenship. San Francisco now I believe allows non citizens in local elections the first step to letting them vote in State and Federal elections.

So they would have to win enough seats in congress and the presidency to pass an amnesty bill right? A pathway to citizen ship would also take time as well.

You worried?
Humans have millions of years of history as nomadic hunter/gatherers, so no one normally feels that immigration is a crime.
What is abnormal is that European immigrants to North America would suddenly start thinking that immigration was a crime?
Makes no sense at all.
Without immigration all humans would still all be living in Africa.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

Because when a law is out of touch with reality, you really can't fault ordinary folks for breaking it.

We could solve the illegal alien problem in a year. Simply go after the people who hire them. Mostly rich white people.

The Sweatshop owners, the farmer owners, the rich yuppie bitch who can't be bothered to raise her own spawn. The McMansion owner who hires a truckload of Day Laborers outside the Home Depot when that DIY project is harder than Chip and Joanna made it look.

But the funny thing is, they want the benefits of cheap labor to do crappy jobs. So the problem won't go away.

This has nothing to do with a criminal president who breaks the law on a daily basis, however.
They will say because he's the president. Meantime, it doesn't explain how they supported both Obama and Hillary, one who broke the law more than any other president and the latter who has never been within the law once since she graduated high school.

Hillary must be a Criminal Mastermind if she's been breaking the law for 60 years and hasn't once been actually caught doing anything. She must be Professor Moriarity and Keyser Soze rolled up into one.
Humans have millions of years of history as nomadic hunter/gatherers, so no one normally feels that immigration is a crime.
What is abnormal is that European immigrants to North America would suddenly start thinking that immigration was a crime?
Makes no sense at all.
Without immigration all humans would still all be living in Africa.
Uh, yea, see, migration is not immigration. Immigration involves political boundaries.
Why do liberals get angry if they think the president is above the law, but they are okay with illegal aliens being above the law?

LINK: Liberal Media Scream: ‘No such thing as an illegal immigrant’
This week’s Liberal Media Scream features the fight over the caravan of illegal immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Only this time the battle on TV wasn’t over laws or President Trump’s border wall but over what to call them and the liberal refrain that nobody can be “illegal” despite how the government refers to unauthorized aliens.
Because they want to make illegal aliens legal and turn them into a large voting block that will help them get power and keep it. They care nothing about these people only how they can use them to their advantage.

I think this is the most obvious thing I have seen in a while.

It is keenly apparent that the Socialist/Democrats entire Immigration Policy can be condensed down to three words:


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