Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters
No, the people I have called that are the ones that lump ALL Muslims in the same group.
False, as you said that about me, despite the fact that I clearly and often say I am on the side of moderate muslims and think they need our help.

Wrong again. You posted this, at which I called you a xenophobe:

"I thought it was clear:

Islam is a motherlode of horrible,evil ideas, and it has a severe, global problem with fundamentalists and literalists. And it is badly in need of a reformation. And people like you are obstacle to that."

YOU lumped all followers of Islam, thus why you were called a xenophobe. Now you backtracking trying to say there are moderate Islamist that are trying to change their religion. How about you keep a consistent message and you won't called a xenophobe?
Anyone who does not reject Islam is a shitforbrains

Call me anything you choose simpleton

Care to show how that is Islamic?
When someone rapes a child in the US, do you blame Christianity?
Anyone who does not reject Islam is a shitforbrains

Call me anything you choose simpleton

I'll call you an idiot. You want to use pictures? How about these from a U.S. backed attack on a CHILDREN'S School bus.


A Chilling Look Inside the US-Backed Strike on a School Bus in Yemen

We've gone WAY off topic now. I'm just glad Pirro is gone for not only being against the Constitution, but because she is a xenophobe that singled out the hijab when the new law allowed all the people in Congress including Jews to wear head covers.

LOL we are in an endless war in Afghanistan because we kill all the male terrorist, and their Moms tell the kids who grow up to be the next generation of terrorist.

Did the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki spare the women and kids, or did it end the war saving lives by killing em all?

Bye the way your trying to justify this is retarded because this happened long before their was an America....

Right or wrong kiddy?

You have no soul

There is only one country that has ever used nukes

Are you going to post Hiroshima pics now?

Wrong analogy, did nepalm help us in Vietnem and help us to achieve a draw or loss?

Napalm is baby farts compared to nukes

There is only one nation that has used nukes

You going to post Hiroshima pics now?
Little Boy and Fat Man saved more lives then they took
What does the Mongol siege of Baghdad have to do with Muslims waging war against Christians?

If you read it, it explains that the Mongols were not Muslim, and wiped out the entire Muslim leadership.

Your claim is about Christians being bloodthirsty, not Mongols. I doubt you'll find anyone disputing the later proposition.

All the attacks on Europe were not really Muslim, but Mongols, Mughals, and Turks from Asia, that had taken over the Arab empire, but with none of the Islamic ethics.

They called themselves Muslim, but only because that gave them the keys to the whole empire.

Wrong, idiot, I posted a video that shows all the attacks Muslims made on Christians in Europe. There are hundreds of them. Furthermore, all Moslem territory was acquired through conquest of mostly Christian land. Anyone who claims Muslims didn't attack Christians is a liar or an idiot. Muslims slaughtered Christians for 1400 years. In fact, they are still slaughtering Christians.

BTW, the Mughals were Muslims. So were the Turks. You come off as an idiot claiming they weren't Muslims.

Muslims did not regain control until after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire was defeated.

"Regain control" of what?

The Mideast, their countries, their homes, and Islam.
The Ottoman Empire was the last wave of Asiatic invaders that ruled over the Mideast Arabs since around 1100 AD.
Taking total control over Islam, and using it for their own ends.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?
The Turks were Muslims since before they invaded, moron. Don't you get tired of being wrong all the time?
I'll call you an idiot. You want to use pictures? How about these from a U.S. backed attack on a CHILDREN'S School bus.


A Chilling Look Inside the US-Backed Strike on a School Bus in Yemen

We've gone WAY off topic now. I'm just glad Pirro is gone for not only being against the Constitution, but because she is a xenophobe that singled out the hijab when the new law allowed all the people in Congress including Jews to wear head covers.

LOL we are in an endless war in Afghanistan because we kill all the male terrorist, and their Moms tell the kids who grow up to be the next generation of terrorist.

Did the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki spare the women and kids, or did it end the war saving lives by killing em all?

Bye the way your trying to justify this is retarded because this happened long before their was an America....

Right or wrong kiddy?

You have no soul

There is only one country that has ever used nukes

Are you going to post Hiroshima pics now?

Wrong analogy, did nepalm help us in Vietnem and help us to achieve a draw or loss?

Napalm is baby farts compared to nukes

There is only one nation that has used nukes

You going to post Hiroshima pics now?
Little Boy and Fat Man saved more lives then they took
More importantly, they saved American lives.
What does the Mongol siege of Baghdad have to do with Muslims waging war against Christians?

If you read it, it explains that the Mongols were not Muslim, and wiped out the entire Muslim leadership.

Your claim is about Christians being bloodthirsty, not Mongols. I doubt you'll find anyone disputing the later proposition.

All the attacks on Europe were not really Muslim, but Mongols, Mughals, and Turks from Asia, that had taken over the Arab empire, but with none of the Islamic ethics.

They called themselves Muslim, but only because that gave them the keys to the whole empire.

Wrong, idiot, I posted a video that shows all the attacks Muslims made on Christians in Europe. There are hundreds of them. Furthermore, all Moslem territory was acquired through conquest of mostly Christian land. Anyone who claims Muslims didn't attack Christians is a liar or an idiot. Muslims slaughtered Christians for 1400 years. In fact, they are still slaughtering Christians.

BTW, the Mughals were Muslims. So were the Turks. You come off as an idiot claiming they weren't Muslims.

Muslims did not regain control until after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire was defeated.

"Regain control" of what?

The Mideast, their countries, their homes, and Islam.
The Ottoman Empire was the last wave of Asiatic invaders that ruled over the Mideast Arabs since around 1100 AD.
Taking total control over Islam, and using it for their own ends.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband
LOL we are in an endless war in Afghanistan because we kill all the male terrorist, and their Moms tell the kids who grow up to be the next generation of terrorist.

Did the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki spare the women and kids, or did it end the war saving lives by killing em all?

Bye the way your trying to justify this is retarded because this happened long before their was an America....

Right or wrong kiddy?

You have no soul

There is only one country that has ever used nukes

Are you going to post Hiroshima pics now?

Wrong analogy, did nepalm help us in Vietnem and help us to achieve a draw or loss?

Napalm is baby farts compared to nukes

There is only one nation that has used nukes

You going to post Hiroshima pics now?
Little Boy and Fat Man saved more lives then they took
More importantly, they saved American lives.

Oddly enough Japanese lives as well were saved
If you read it, it explains that the Mongols were not Muslim, and wiped out the entire Muslim leadership.

Your claim is about Christians being bloodthirsty, not Mongols. I doubt you'll find anyone disputing the later proposition.

All the attacks on Europe were not really Muslim, but Mongols, Mughals, and Turks from Asia, that had taken over the Arab empire, but with none of the Islamic ethics.

They called themselves Muslim, but only because that gave them the keys to the whole empire.

Wrong, idiot, I posted a video that shows all the attacks Muslims made on Christians in Europe. There are hundreds of them. Furthermore, all Moslem territory was acquired through conquest of mostly Christian land. Anyone who claims Muslims didn't attack Christians is a liar or an idiot. Muslims slaughtered Christians for 1400 years. In fact, they are still slaughtering Christians.

BTW, the Mughals were Muslims. So were the Turks. You come off as an idiot claiming they weren't Muslims.

Muslims did not regain control until after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire was defeated.

"Regain control" of what?

The Mideast, their countries, their homes, and Islam.
The Ottoman Empire was the last wave of Asiatic invaders that ruled over the Mideast Arabs since around 1100 AD.
Taking total control over Islam, and using it for their own ends.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband

Why do you care if she got her nose cut off? She's an evil Muslim right? I guess you only care about Muslims if it helps support your warped view of the world. :dunno:
Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Yes it is... the only reason you don't think so is because it ruins your argument.
You are obviously wrong. No amount of whitewashing can ever change Islam from what it is: a death cult.

That makes no sense at all.
Who is making all the weapons and using them to invade, murder, force regime change, etc.?
It is not just pretty much exclusively Christian countries, but only entirely JUST the US.

What Muslim country is invading anyone?
When an edict is issued that ALL American woman shall don the hijab, then I’ll worry. Far as judge Pirro go’s, screw that ragged out old skank. She is nothing more then a political water boy like the other twerp Hannity. Fox has about 3 people worth a damn, the rest are plonkers.
Pirro voiced her opinion, when she can't do that what makes you think that you are immune to being censored

Opinion. Sure that’s fine. But her opinion ain’t everyone else’s. Just Pirro is a corrupt, evil person. Her opinion is shit.
So, if a person has a different opinion than you can your cronies, the deserve to get fired?

Depends on the rules of the place we work now don’t it? You don’t get free speech in my living room. Sure, you can barge in and start gabbing, but there will be consequences. If fox had a policy and she violated it then yes, they can.
Previously you said she deserved to get fired simply from having a different opinion from you and your douchebag friends. Now you're changing your story.

No one should be fired.
All opinions should be heard.
But Pirros opinion should be denounced as ignorant and irrational.

A hair covering is originally from the Old Testament, so also is worn by nuns, Amish, Pilgrims, and all conservative Christians, as well as Muslims and Jews.

These are modern Israeli Jewish women.

Muslims have pretty much identical beliefs, because they use the same Old Testament.
Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Yes it is... the only reason you don't think so is because it ruins your argument.
You are obviously wrong. No amount of whitewashing can ever change Islam from what it is: a death cult.

If Islam was such a "death cult", then why did Jewish immigration from Europe start to Palestine around 1895, when it was under Muslim rule?

Theodor Herzl (/ˈhɜːrtsəl, ˈhɛərtsəl/;[1] German: [ˈhɛɐtsl̩]; Hebrew: Te'odor Hertsel; Hungarian: Herzl Tivadar; Hebrew name given at his brit milah Binyamin Ze'ev (Hebrew: ] also known in Hebrew as, Chozeh HaMedinah, lit. "Visionary of the State"; 2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904) was an Austro-Hungarian journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer who was the father of modern political Zionism. Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state.
Theodor Herzl - Wikipedia
Pirro voiced her opinion, when she can't do that what makes you think that you are immune to being censored

Opinion. Sure that’s fine. But her opinion ain’t everyone else’s. Just Pirro is a corrupt, evil person. Her opinion is shit.
So, if a person has a different opinion than you can your cronies, the deserve to get fired?

Depends on the rules of the place we work now don’t it? You don’t get free speech in my living room. Sure, you can barge in and start gabbing, but there will be consequences. If fox had a policy and she violated it then yes, they can.
Previously you said she deserved to get fired simply from having a different opinion from you and your douchebag friends. Now you're changing your story.

No one should be fired.
All opinions should be heard.
But Pirros opinion should be denounced as ignorant and irrational.

A hair covering is originally from the Old Testament, so also is worn by nuns, Amish, Pilgrims, and all conservative Christians, as well as Muslims and Jews.

These are modern Israeli Jewish women.

Muslims have pretty much identical beliefs, because they use the same Old Testament.

Fox didn't fire her because of what she said. They fired her because so many advertisers pulled their ads from her show. The advertisers pulled their adds from her show because of what she said... and they have a right to do that, just as much as she has a right to voice her opinion no matter how irresponsibly dumb it is.
Well advertisers pulled their ads from Pirro's show so she got fired. Too bad.

Actually if you had to cover your ugly ass that might be an improvement

Why defend this?


Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Wrong, the Nazis in Germany represented a coalition of very diverse groups ranging from wealthy corporate owners, to nationalists and socialists. Many were just angry about how Germany was abused as the victim of terrorism in WWI.
And in fact, almost no one in Germany knew of the existence of death camps, just work camps.

And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft.
If Muslims had been associated with those things, then how come France and England were freely colonizing the Mideast?
Why would Theodor Hertl have been organizing Jewish colonies in Palestine?
Actually if you had to cover your ugly ass that might be an improvement

Why defend this?


Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Wrong, the Nazis in Germany represented a coalition of very diverse groups ranging from wealthy corporate owners, to nationalists and socialists. Many were just angry about how Germany was abused as the victim of terrorism in WWI.
And in fact, almost no one in Germany knew of the existence of death camps, just work camps.

And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft.
If Muslims had been associated with those things, then how come France and England were freely colonizing the Mideast?
Why would Theodor Hertl have been organizing Jewish colonies in Palestine?

Not just that, but many Germans were upset about how their economy was tanking after the Treaty of Versailles.
Actually if you had to cover your ugly ass that might be an improvement

Why defend this?


Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Wrong, the Nazis in Germany represented a coalition of very diverse groups ranging from wealthy corporate owners, to nationalists and socialists. Many were just angry about how Germany was abused as the victim of terrorism in WWI.
And in fact, almost no one in Germany knew of the existence of death camps, just work camps.

And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft.
If Muslims had been associated with those things, then how come France and England were freely colonizing the Mideast?
Why would Theodor Hertl have been organizing Jewish colonies in Palestine?
"And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft."

You kill me!

Your claim is about Christians being bloodthirsty, not Mongols. I doubt you'll find anyone disputing the later proposition.

Wrong, idiot, I posted a video that shows all the attacks Muslims made on Christians in Europe. There are hundreds of them. Furthermore, all Moslem territory was acquired through conquest of mostly Christian land. Anyone who claims Muslims didn't attack Christians is a liar or an idiot. Muslims slaughtered Christians for 1400 years. In fact, they are still slaughtering Christians.

BTW, the Mughals were Muslims. So were the Turks. You come off as an idiot claiming they weren't Muslims.

"Regain control" of what?

The Mideast, their countries, their homes, and Islam.
The Ottoman Empire was the last wave of Asiatic invaders that ruled over the Mideast Arabs since around 1100 AD.
Taking total control over Islam, and using it for their own ends.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband

Why do you care if she got her nose cut off? She's an evil Muslim right? I guess you only care about Muslims if it helps support your warped view of the world. :dunno:

You are a heartless pig...……………..

Enjoy the existence you call a life
Pirro voiced her opinion, when she can't do that what makes you think that you are immune to being censored

Opinion. Sure that’s fine. But her opinion ain’t everyone else’s. Just Pirro is a corrupt, evil person. Her opinion is shit.
So, if a person has a different opinion than you can your cronies, the deserve to get fired?

Depends on the rules of the place we work now don’t it? You don’t get free speech in my living room. Sure, you can barge in and start gabbing, but there will be consequences. If fox had a policy and she violated it then yes, they can.
Previously you said she deserved to get fired simply from having a different opinion from you and your douchebag friends. Now you're changing your story.

No one should be fired.
All opinions should be heard.
But Pirros opinion should be denounced as ignorant and irrational.

A hair covering is originally from the Old Testament, so also is worn by nuns, Amish, Pilgrims, and all conservative Christians, as well as Muslims and Jews.

These are modern Israeli Jewish women.

Muslims have pretty much identical beliefs, because they use the same Old Testament.
If all Muslims have the same beliefs they all need to be eliminated.

Do NOT post graphic images. Removed. Frannie
Last edited by a moderator:
Strawman. I'm not defending making women cover themselves. Some Christian groups do the same type of thing.


I've said two things in this thread.

1. Said that ALL followers of Islam are not the same, just like any religion.
2. Grouping ALL Muslims into one group and attacking them or categorizing them is wrong.

Sadly some people like you are too stupid to understand that.
So, not all Nazis are bad people. Is that what you're trying to tell us?

No, a better analogy would be that not all citizens of Germany during WWII were bad people.
No, that's not a better analogy, because not all the citizens of Germany during WWII subscribed to the same set of beliefs. However, all Nazis do, and all Muslims do.

Wrong, the Nazis in Germany represented a coalition of very diverse groups ranging from wealthy corporate owners, to nationalists and socialists. Many were just angry about how Germany was abused as the victim of terrorism in WWI.
And in fact, almost no one in Germany knew of the existence of death camps, just work camps.

And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft.
If Muslims had been associated with those things, then how come France and England were freely colonizing the Mideast?
Why would Theodor Hertl have been organizing Jewish colonies in Palestine?
"And Muslims have never been associated with violence, aggression, invasion, or theft."

You kill me!


Laughing at this cretin is like laughing at evil itself, nothing here is funny, it's all very sad.
The Mideast, their countries, their homes, and Islam.
The Ottoman Empire was the last wave of Asiatic invaders that ruled over the Mideast Arabs since around 1100 AD.
Taking total control over Islam, and using it for their own ends.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband

Why do you care if she got her nose cut off? She's an evil Muslim right? I guess you only care about Muslims if it helps support your warped view of the world. :dunno:

You are a heartless pig...……………..

Enjoy the existence you call a life

You are the one that said all Muslims are evil. :dunno:
Opinion. Sure that’s fine. But her opinion ain’t everyone else’s. Just Pirro is a corrupt, evil person. Her opinion is shit.
So, if a person has a different opinion than you can your cronies, the deserve to get fired?

Depends on the rules of the place we work now don’t it? You don’t get free speech in my living room. Sure, you can barge in and start gabbing, but there will be consequences. If fox had a policy and she violated it then yes, they can.
Previously you said she deserved to get fired simply from having a different opinion from you and your douchebag friends. Now you're changing your story.

No one should be fired.
All opinions should be heard.
But Pirros opinion should be denounced as ignorant and irrational.

A hair covering is originally from the Old Testament, so also is worn by nuns, Amish, Pilgrims, and all conservative Christians, as well as Muslims and Jews.

These are modern Israeli Jewish women.

Muslims have pretty much identical beliefs, because they use the same Old Testament.
If all Muslims have the same beliefs they all need to be eliminated


In the United States we still use the death penalty.
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband

Why do you care if she got her nose cut off? She's an evil Muslim right? I guess you only care about Muslims if it helps support your warped view of the world. :dunno:

You are a heartless pig...……………..

Enjoy the existence you call a life

You are the one that said all Muslims are evil. :dunno:
The Ottomans weren't Muslims? I'll be damned! You'll have to inform a bunch of history professors about that.

Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia

The Ottomans became involved in multi-continental religious wars when Spain and Portugal were united under the Iberian Union, the Ottomans as holders of the Caliph title, meaning leader of all Muslims worldwide, and Iberians, as leaders of the Christian crusaders, were locked in a worldwide conflict, with zones of operations in the Mediterranean sea[47] and Indian Ocean[48] where Iberians circumnavigated Africa to reach India, and in the way, wage wars upon the Ottomans and their local Muslim allies and likewise the Iberians passed through newly Christianised Latin-America and had sent expeditions that traversed the Pacific in order to Christianize formerly Muslim Philippines and use it as a base to further attack the Muslims in the Far East.[49] In which case, the Ottomans sent armies to aid its easternmost vassal and territory, the Sultanate of Aceh in Southeast Asia.

That is silly.
The Turks invaded, took over, and then decided that is they wanted to whole Muslim world to do what they wanted, they had better convert.
Which they did.
But do you think they really cared about the religious aspects, like ethics?

Get your fucking head out of the past and look around today

Afghan woman has nose cut off by husband

Why do you care if she got her nose cut off? She's an evil Muslim right? I guess you only care about Muslims if it helps support your warped view of the world. :dunno:

You are a heartless pig...……………..

Enjoy the existence you call a life

You are the one that said all Muslims are evil. :dunno:

Anyone who defends this is evil, including you Muslim or not
Any Muslim who does not try to end this or leave is evil
Looking the other way is not an option for anyone who can care

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