Judge Pirro

Is Fox News Changing?

  • Fox is getting better.

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fox is about the same.

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Fox is getting worse.

    Votes: 15 60.0%

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Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
Unfortunately, you are just 100% wrong. No person's belief is against our constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to believe anything you want, including believing the Constitution is stupid. That's one of the things that makes our godless Constitution so great.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
Unfortunately, you are just 100% wrong. No person's belief is against our constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to believe anything you want, including believing the Constitution is stupid. That's one of the things that makes our godless Constitution so great.

Is that right? I was wondering why you loons are always trying to shred it.
The Constitution may guarantee the right to believe anything you want. Sadly sharia law does not. Unbelievers will be put to death. The wearing of the hijab is proof that Mullah Omar believes that too.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong
Unfortunately, you are just 100% wrong. No person's belief is against our constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to believe anything you want, including believing the Constitution is stupid. That's one of the things that makes our godless Constitution so great.

Is that right? I was wondering why you loons are always trying to shred it.
Good, get all of your fetishism out of your system before lunch, so you can start acting like a normal human being the rest of the day.
The Constitution may guarantee the right to believe anything you want. Sadly sharia law does not.
No doubt. But people wishing for it does nothing. Just like you wishing gay people would be thrown off rooftops does nothing to affect the laws against that. Hey, looks like you and the Muslim fundies have a lot in common...
The hijab is a shariah law but its punishment for disobedience is in the afterlife.
So who cares.
Is that right? I was wondering why you loons are always trying to shred it.

Kind of like the Executive attempting a power grab through emergency order because Congress won't bow to his will?
That a Democrat congress voted to give the President power to do what he did and then bitch about it is hilarious. IOW, you can have the cake but you can't eat it. Got it.
While we are judging people by headwear let's talk about what those MAGA hat wearing douches believe about applying a religious test for all US law and politicians. If they had their way law would be handed down from the pulpit by charlatans who claim to know the will of God.
I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong

Holy shit are you ignorant on this.

1) America is about freedom of expression - not freedom or repression. If someone wants to wear a certain kind of non-threatening, head garment - that is none of your fucking business.

2) You have not a fucking clue what 'anti-Semitism' even means obviously.

(also antisemitism)

mass noun
  • Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.'
anti-Semitism | Definition of anti-Semitism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Post EXACTLY where Omar specifically knocked the religion of Judaism?

Omar said NOTHING about the religion of Judaism in her attacks. She ONLY spoke about her opposition to Israel government policy. And insulting Israeli government policy is NOT anti-Semitic...by definition.

I guarantee you there are Jewish citizens of Israel who are against their government's policy. Does that make them anti-Semitic as well?


Why don't you people learn what words mean before you used them?

Have a nice day.
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I stand with Judge Pirro, i believe a woman who wears a hijab shows she adheres to Sharia Law, which is against to our Constitution. And furthermore Omar’s antisemitism, to me, proves she’s a radical Sharia Islamist. Gox is wrong

Holy shit are you ignorant on this.

1) America is about freedom of expression - not freedom or repression. If someone wants to wear a certain kind of non-threatening, head garment - that is none of your fucking business.

2) You have not a fucking clue what 'anti-Semitism' even means obviously.

(also antisemitism)

mass noun
  • Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.'
anti-Semitism | Definition of anti-Semitism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

Post EXACTLY where Omar specifically knocked the religion of Judaism?

Omar said NOTHING about the religion of Judaism. She ONLY spoke about her opposition to Israel government policy. And insulting Israeli government policy is NOT anti-Semitic...by definition.

I guarantee you there are Jewish citizens of Israel who are against their government's policy. Does that make them anti-Semitic as well?


Why don't you people learn what words mean before you used them?

Have a nice day, you (obviously) prejudiced ignoramus.

…..and yet you cheer when someone wearing a MAGA hat gets accosted.
Anyone who believes Omar isn't anti-Semitic needs to have a brain check.

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