Judge overseeing General Flynn sentencing dismissed similar case in 2009 due to fraudulent 302 doc..


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Judge Overseeing General Flynn Sentencing Dismissed Similar Case in 2009 Due to Fraudulent 302 Documents and DOJ "Misconduct"

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is overseeing the sentencing in the case of the US government against General Michael Flynn, has seen government corruption before. In 2009 the judge dismissed the DOJ’s case against Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens due to government corruption.

Governmental corruption oh imagine that one. The Government crooked the demtards say that is not possible they will say not true, it's a lie lmfao............ Of course that is only when they need something to fit their agenda of illegal activities. They get off blaming others for their screw ups too.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
judge sullivan is also known for ignoring prosecutor's request for leniency and slapped some jail time on the defendant...
Judge Overseeing General Flynn Sentencing Dismissed Similar Case in 2009 Due to Fraudulent 302 Documents and DOJ "Misconduct"

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is overseeing the sentencing in the case of the US government against General Michael Flynn, has seen government corruption before. In 2009 the judge dismissed the DOJ’s case against Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens due to government corruption.

Governmental corruption oh imagine that one. The Government crooked the demtards say that is not possible they will say not true, it's a lie lmfao............ Of course that is only when they need something to fit their agenda of illegal activities. They get off blaming others for their screw ups too.
I wonder if you ever get tired of being so wrong- or trying to cover up the crimes of Trump's hand picked associates.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge abruptly postponed the sentencing of President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, on Tuesday, saying he could not hide his disgust for Flynn's crime of lying to the FBI and accusing him of selling out his country.

Lawyers for Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general who pleaded guilty last year to lying to the agency about his Russia contacts, requested the delay during a stunning hearing in which U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan gave Flynn a blistering rebuke.

"Arguably you sold your country out," Sullivan told Flynn, who was flanked by his attorneys.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
judge sullivan is also known for ignoring prosecutor's request for leniency and slapped some jail time on the defendant...

Yeah, and he definitely seemed to be leaning toward the latter this morning.
Judge Overseeing General Flynn Sentencing Dismissed Similar Case in 2009 Due to Fraudulent 302 Documents and DOJ "Misconduct"

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is overseeing the sentencing in the case of the US government against General Michael Flynn, has seen government corruption before. In 2009 the judge dismissed the DOJ’s case against Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens due to government corruption.

Governmental corruption oh imagine that one. The Government crooked the demtards say that is not possible they will say not true, it's a lie lmfao............ Of course that is only when they need something to fit their agenda of illegal activities. They get off blaming others for their screw ups too.
Appointed by Reagan, elevated by HW, and then by Clinton. But Gateway Pundit has the truth. Sure.

Nothing from InfoWars?
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
The agents in this case had to break the law if they swore under oath that the information contained in the case was the truth. The fact they never vetted the information is not a defense.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
Could you give a reference to the Kidnap thing.
Judge Overseeing General Flynn Sentencing Dismissed Similar Case in 2009 Due to Fraudulent 302 Documents and DOJ "Misconduct"

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is overseeing the sentencing in the case of the US government against General Michael Flynn, has seen government corruption before. In 2009 the judge dismissed the DOJ’s case against Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens due to government corruption.

Governmental corruption oh imagine that one. The Government crooked the demtards say that is not possible they will say not true, it's a lie lmfao............ Of course that is only when they need something to fit their agenda of illegal activities. They get off blaming others for their screw ups too.
Another reason to laugh at USMB's rating system, where the crappiest threads that end up in embarrassment are given multiple "winner!" Ratings .
‘I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain’: Veteran judge upends hopes of Trump allies as he spotlights Flynn’s misdeeds

What is it that stands out about that "person" to you?.

It is no wonder there is incompetence.

"Put a black robe on them!!!"

LOL!!!! That does not mean shit.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
Could you give a reference to the Kidnap thing.

You are to be complimented for catching him in that lie.

1. Big news is that the oft-attacked Michael Flynn is the target once again by the Left's hopeful Robert Mueller, for something out of a spy novel.

a. "Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were allegedly set to receive up to $15 million for helping to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. and for providing him to the Turkish government. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly asked that Gulen be extradited to Turkey."
Report: Mueller Probing Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Turkish Cleric

b. "....claims made by former CIA Director James Woolsey that Flynn and Turkish officials discussed a plot...."

2. Every story seems to involve 'allegedly' or 'possibly' or 'discussed.'

None mention any actions, nor any exchange of money toward this end.....

It's the sort of fabrication that fuels the reliable Democrat voter, and proves Rule #1:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Judge Overseeing General Flynn Sentencing Dismissed Similar Case in 2009 Due to Fraudulent 302 Documents and DOJ "Misconduct"

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is overseeing the sentencing in the case of the US government against General Michael Flynn, has seen government corruption before. In 2009 the judge dismissed the DOJ’s case against Alaska Republican Senator Ted Stevens due to government corruption.

Governmental corruption oh imagine that one. The Government crooked the demtards say that is not possible they will say not true, it's a lie lmfao............ Of course that is only when they need something to fit their agenda of illegal activities. They get off blaming others for their screw ups too.
Another reason to laugh at USMB's rating system, where the crappiest threads that end up in embarrassment are given multiple "winner!" Ratings .
‘I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain’: Veteran judge upends hopes of Trump allies as he spotlights Flynn’s misdeeds

Now....about the picture you've chosen for your avi......

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

And, he inspired lying Leftists everywhere.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
Could you give a reference to the Kidnap thing.

You are to be complimented for catching him in that lie.

1. Big news is that the oft-attacked Michael Flynn is the target once again by the Left's hopeful Robert Mueller, for something out of a spy novel.

a. "Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were allegedly set to receive up to $15 million for helping to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. and for providing him to the Turkish government. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly asked that Gulen be extradited to Turkey."
Report: Mueller Probing Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Turkish Cleric

b. "....claims made by former CIA Director James Woolsey that Flynn and Turkish officials discussed a plot...."

2. Every story seems to involve 'allegedly' or 'possibly' or 'discussed.'

None mention any actions, nor any exchange of money toward this end.....

It's the sort of fabrication that fuels the reliable Democrat voter, and proves Rule #1:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

You seem confused, Poli.

Mueller isn't the 'left's' anything. He's a republican. Appointed by a republican. Under a republican administration.

And there's nothing 'alleged' or 'possible' or 'discussed' in Flynn's plea agreement. Flynn openly admits to very, very serious crimes.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

And did again before the judge.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
Could you give a reference to the Kidnap thing.

You are to be complimented for catching him in that lie.

1. Big news is that the oft-attacked Michael Flynn is the target once again by the Left's hopeful Robert Mueller, for something out of a spy novel.

a. "Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were allegedly set to receive up to $15 million for helping to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. and for providing him to the Turkish government. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly asked that Gulen be extradited to Turkey."
Report: Mueller Probing Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Turkish Cleric

b. "....claims made by former CIA Director James Woolsey that Flynn and Turkish officials discussed a plot...."

2. Every story seems to involve 'allegedly' or 'possibly' or 'discussed.'

None mention any actions, nor any exchange of money toward this end.....

It's the sort of fabrication that fuels the reliable Democrat voter, and proves Rule #1:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

You seem confused, Poli.

Mueller isn't the 'left's' anything. He's a republican. Appointed by a republican. Under a republican administration.

And there's nothing 'alleged' or 'possible' or 'discussed' in Flynn's plea agreement. Flynn openly admits to very, very serious crimes.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

And did again before the judge.

Please don't post to me.

Find someone who doesn't object to the odor.
Any descent Judge should've dismissed all this politically motivated crap....General Flynn is a patriot hes better than any of these scum politicians
Flynn is a 'patriot' who has admitted to committing multiple crimes- and now it appears it may have been working with the Turkish government to kidnap a Turkish citizen on American soil.

But I will agree- Flynn is better than that scum politician Trump.
Could you give a reference to the Kidnap thing.

You are to be complimented for catching him in that lie.

1. Big news is that the oft-attacked Michael Flynn is the target once again by the Left's hopeful Robert Mueller, for something out of a spy novel.

a. "Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were allegedly set to receive up to $15 million for helping to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. and for providing him to the Turkish government. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has repeatedly asked that Gulen be extradited to Turkey."
Report: Mueller Probing Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Turkish Cleric

b. "....claims made by former CIA Director James Woolsey that Flynn and Turkish officials discussed a plot...."

2. Every story seems to involve 'allegedly' or 'possibly' or 'discussed.'

None mention any actions, nor any exchange of money toward this end.....

It's the sort of fabrication that fuels the reliable Democrat voter, and proves Rule #1:

Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

You seem confused, Poli.

Mueller isn't the 'left's' anything. He's a republican. Appointed by a republican. Under a republican administration.

And there's nothing 'alleged' or 'possible' or 'discussed' in Flynn's plea agreement. Flynn openly admits to very, very serious crimes.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

And did again before the judge.

Please don't post to me.

Find someone who doesn't object to the odor.

And once again, when a conservative is presented with actual facts and evidence......they flee to personal insults.
To me I think it is a shame when the one that is most guilty like Flynn gets off while the others that followed him go to jail or at least have to pay a lot of lawyer fees. If you want to work in the trump Whitehouse you had better have enough money to lawyer up with good lawyers something that Trump seems unable to do because of his past of shafting people and lawyers because he is very cheap. This is also why American firms will not lend him any money so he goes to foreign banks which comes with heavy strings attached. My question is whether he is selling out our allies the Kurds to make turkey's despot happy.

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