Judge orders text of Clinton emails on Benghazi to be released


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The full contents of two Hillary Clinton emails about the Benghazi attack will soon be brought to light in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling Friday that the State Department has to share with the American people the contents of two emails sent two days after the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya.

The attack on the Benghazi compound resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Clinton and the Obama White House offered the American public a very different version of the cause than the one they expressed privately."

Breaking: Federal Judge Smacks Hillary With Big News - It's Happening...

There would be nothing better than to see this twit hung and sent to prison. But as we know she gets out of everything. She is up there with the high rollers where she's part of the " To big to fail" cult.


State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server
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What did they know and when did they know it?

Why did it take until after The Supreme Court has been dragged back to honesty for lower courts to get off their asses?

Cover up , looks like it didn't go so well.
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What did they know and when did they know it?

Why did it take until after The Supreme Court has been dragged back to honesty for lower courts to get off their asses?

I'm sure he knows he was there --->

View attachment 125010

The full contents of two Hillary Clinton emails about the Benghazi attack will soon be brought to light in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling Friday that the State Department has to share with the American people the contents of two emails sent two days after the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya.

The attack on the Benghazi compound resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Clinton and the Obama White House offered the American public a very different version of the cause than the one they expressed privately."

Breaking: Federal Judge Smacks Hillary With Big News - It's Happening...

There would be nothing better than to see this twit hung and sent to prison. But as we know she gets out of everything. She is up there with the high rollers where she's part of the " To big to fail" cult.

View attachment 125011

State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server

So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
[QUOTE="Wry Catcher, post: 17185843, member: 20297"

So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.[/QUOTE]


"HRC" and "friend" used in same sentence!
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.

What proof do you have - other than the testimony of Limbaugh, Hannity or one of the other right wing hacks who mentor fools like you? Tell me what you can't know, the Mens rea of the killers that day. That you actually believe the meme that HRC was somehow culpable of the events at Benghazi that day is foolish, hateful and absurd.

Posting that she is complicit is mendacious and as disgusting as you and the echoes of bullshit you choose to post.
How many times did the fat bitch ignore requests for additional security?

As for the upcoming 9/11 anniversary at the time, she probably forgot the significance of that date. You know, like she forgot she really wasn't in Manhattan on 9/11/01 after claiming she was there. Perhaps we should forgive her though as she was likely suffering from PTSD after dodging all that deadly sniper fire on the tarmac.
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.

What proof do you have - other than the testimony of Limbaugh, Hannity or one of the other right wing hacks who mentor fools like you? Tell me what you can't know, the Mens rea of the killers that day. That you actually believe the meme that HRC was somehow culpable of the events at Benghazi that day is foolish, hateful and absurd.

Posting that she is complicit is mendacious and as disgusting as you and the echoes of bullshit you choose to post.
I just gave you specifics and facts gleaned from basic observation. You can't rebut.
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.

What proof do you have - other than the testimony of Limbaugh, Hannity or one of the other right wing hacks who mentor fools like you? Tell me what you can't know, the Mens rea of the killers that day. That you actually believe the meme that HRC was somehow culpable of the events at Benghazi that day is foolish, hateful and absurd.

Posting that she is complicit is mendacious and as disgusting as you and the echoes of bullshit you choose to post.
I just gave you specifics and facts gleaned from basic observation. You can't rebut.

Empirical evidence is what you seem to be saying, it is sufficient to offer an opinion - a postulate - but insufficient for no evidence exists to prove the Sect. committed misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance. You have offered no such proof, and none has every been proffered to make the claim that HRC was complicit by commission or omission of wrong doing.

You lied. You offered no specific and no facts. And, yes I have rebutted your bullshit.
View attachment 125010

The full contents of two Hillary Clinton emails about the Benghazi attack will soon be brought to light in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling Friday that the State Department has to share with the American people the contents of two emails sent two days after the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya.

The attack on the Benghazi compound resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Clinton and the Obama White House offered the American public a very different version of the cause than the one they expressed privately."

Breaking: Federal Judge Smacks Hillary With Big News - It's Happening...

There would be nothing better than to see this twit hung and sent to prison. But as we know she gets out of everything. She is up there with the high rollers where she's part of the " To big to fail" cult.

View attachment 125011

State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server

So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.

believe the man who was there and ordered to STAND DOWN , how because I actually listened to him and not pass his videos up because it was on infowars. Keep laughing .............. HE was THERE YOU WEREN'T.

I guess if you KNEW WHAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW that question on HRC wouldn't be asked so apparently you follow her sheep pack. You are her victim way to go hero. You do not know what you dot know and it's all in plain view.

One thing GEOLOGY can't and won't do for anybody is give them a degree in Logic, common sense, and learning how to follow the information and money.
Money talks bs walks apparently you can't figure that out yet.
A transcript of a telephone conversation released by The State Department proves once and for all that Hillary Clinton knowingly lied about the Benghazi attack on the American diplomatic compound there in 2012.

The transcript, obtained under a FOIA request by Judicial Watch, details a call immediately after the attack between the then-secretary of state and then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil.

“We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” Clinton told Kandil. “It was a planned attack – not a protest.”

Kandil responded “You’re not kidding. Based on the information we saw today we believe that group that claimed responsibility for this is affiliated with al-Qaida.”

Judicial Watch


BREAKING NEWS >> State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton #Benghazi Documents: http://jwatch.us/LQx9k7 via @JudicialWatch

12:21 PM - 14 Apr 2016

State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton Benghazi Documents - Judicial Watch
Document Release Raises New Questions about State’s FOIA Responses, Court Statements (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it has obtained new documents from the Department of State...


A press statement Clinton released to the American public on September 12th, the same day as this conversation, suggested that the attack was a protest that had been spurred by “inflammatory material posted on the Internet” and then gotten violent.

It was clear, however, that Clinton knew this was not the case. In emails previously revealed as part of the investigation into Hillary’s home server, she also admitted that she knew the YouTube video was not the catalyst for the attack.

When evidence emerged that the massacre was indeed a premeditated terrorist attack, Clinton attributed her false statements to confusion produced by the “fog of war.”

The documents were previously provided to the Select Committee on Benghazi. The release by Judicial Watch marks the first time the public has had access to the files.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said that the State Department has been holding the documents back purposefully, claiming that the Watchdog group’s request for documents related to the Benghazi attacks did not encompass these particular materials.

“There are two scandals here. The first is Hillary Clinton was telling different stories to different foreign leaders about the Benghazi attack – including an admission that it was a terrorist attack,” Fitton stated.

“The second is the State Department’s cover-up of these documents. The State Department is forcing Judicial Watch to play ‘whack-a-mole’ with Clinton and Benghazi documents. It is no wonder that two frustrated federal court judges granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton FOIA issues.” Fitton urged.

Phone Transcript Proves Hillary LIED About Benghazi Attack

And some are dumb enough to believe her, some are even dumb enough where they can't even figure out WHY MSM doesn't report on this. MSM WAS TOLD TO STAND DOWN AND STFUP , why and how come because the CLINTONS have ownership in the media.. GD you fks are so clueless it' incredible.
Can't even figure out how Corporations work hand in hand with each other. It's fkn high school politcal science, history, corporate business.......................

Government whistleblowers exposed real story early on to alternative media.

August 4, 2013

The corporate media is now forced to admit that the Benghazi attack was staged by a State Department hired jihadist security outfit in connection with an arms transfer to al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria.

It has yet to point out, however, that the Obama administration attempted to cover-up the real reason for the murder of ambassador Stevens – U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the State Department initially pointing to a lame anti-Muslim video – and has consistently downplayed the incident and characterized it as a non-event not requiring congressional investigation and the impeachment of President Obama.

Covert War Between the Pentagon and CIA

A number of guests appearing on the Alex Jones Show following the attack have built an indisputable case that the CIA was shipping arms from U.S.-controlled facilities located at the U.S. mission in Benghazi to its mercenaries in Syria and the murder of ambassador Stevens was carried out by an al-Qaeda affiliated group as part of a turf war between the CIA and elements in the Pentagon.

In May, former government insider Steve Pieczenik explained how a Pentagon effort to derail a CIA operation may have occurred.
Confirmed: Benghazi was Cover-up of Arms Transfer to al-Qaeda
Ambassador Stevens and the CIA’s Jihadist Recruitment

Last November, Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer pointed out during an appearance on the Alex Jones Show that Turkey partnered with the CIA to take down Bashar al-Assad in Syria and, hours before the compound was attacked and Stevens and others lost their lives, the Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin met with the U.S. ambassador.

According to Egyptian security officials, Stevens was instrumental in recruiting jihadists for the CIA’s war in Syria and “served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces,” writes Aaron Klein.

As Infowars.com and others have reported, the Syrian mercenaries belong to the al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate. This is part of a well-established pattern on the part of the CIA going back to at least its recruitment of the Mujahideen and so-called Afghan Arabs in Afghanistan and later in the Balkans.

It was learned after the attack that the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was paid by the State Department to protect the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. The group had “clear al-Qaida sympathies, and had prominently displayed the al-Qaida flag on a Facebook page for months before the deadly attack,” Max Rosenthal reported for Newsmax in May. The February 17th Martyrs Brigade, it was latter learned during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, are in league with Ansar al-Sharia, said to be linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

CIA Sending Surface-to-air Missiles to Libya

Part of the operation involving Stevens included sending surface-to-air missiles to al-Qaeda in Syria. “Speculation on Capitol Hill has included the possibility the U.S. agencies operating in Benghazi were secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles out of Libya, through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels,” CNN reported late last week, months after Infowars.com and others reported the illicit arms shipment.

Predictably, the establishment media, led by CNN and Fox News, is taking credit for exposing details on the arms smuggling operation. On Saturday, Fox News “political insider” Geraldo Rivera speculated “that the CIA is covering up a gun-running operation in Benghazi.” Now that the real details on Benghazi are public, the establishment media is playing catch-up and is attempting to control the story.

Confirmed: Benghazi was Cover-up of Arms Transfer to al-Qaeda
What did they know and when did they know it?

Why did it take until after The Supreme Court has been dragged back to honesty for lower courts to get off their asses?

Plenty to read from these

Mar 25, 2017 ... Benghazi hero Kris “Tanto” Paronto gives the Democrats a warning that they do not want the violence to continue. Also, watch Paronto warn ...


May 3, 2014 ... Exclusive: CIA Whistleblower Exposes Secret of Benghazi ... for the agency, joins the show to break down the extensive cover-up of Benghazi, ...


Mar 31, 2017 ... But after Benghazi, that's how I felt. My teammates and I were left to die with no help. Worse yet, people back home weren't being told the truth ...


May 18, 2014 ... The attack in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, killed ambassador Christopher Stevens, a Foreign Service Information Management ...
View attachment 125010

The full contents of two Hillary Clinton emails about the Benghazi attack will soon be brought to light in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling Friday that the State Department has to share with the American people the contents of two emails sent two days after the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya.

The attack on the Benghazi compound resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Clinton and the Obama White House offered the American public a very different version of the cause than the one they expressed privately."

Breaking: Federal Judge Smacks Hillary With Big News - It's Happening...

There would be nothing better than to see this twit hung and sent to prison. But as we know she gets out of everything. She is up there with the high rollers where she's part of the " To big to fail" cult.

View attachment 125011

State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server
More for Chelsea To Apologize for at Her Preordained Nomination

I wonder if hillary commented on the fact that the Ambassador was a Gayist pedophile who wanted to be left alone while he sampled the action on the Arab Street. Her typical nasty and self-centered remarks on that would lose her LGBT support.
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
More stunning than anything is that a judge ordered democrats to do something they don't want to do
How those judges looking now that shoe is on other foot libbies?

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