
Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
It's always impressive on Parent-Teacher Night (or Open House, or Curriculum Development Night or whatever it is being called at any given time - education always produces an endless supply of jargon and 10 names for the same thing) when the school's JrROTC is deployed around the school to help families find their children's classes or generally get unlost. The kids are in their uniforms, standing at attention at every entrance, classroom, and every few yards down the hallways (and this is a BIG school). It really makes the school look sharp, and the parents appreciate the help. I always try to remember to tell my students who are in JrROTC how proud of them I am.

And yes, this is a very inner-city school, and most of these young people are of exactly the kinds that make hateful cowards like brokeloser shit his Depends.
So you've no problem with the level of authoritarianism being imposed UnKotare?

Well said! I once spoke to a substitute teacher who had just substituted for the ROTC teacher, who is a retired army officer. Both he and the NCO in charge or out for the day. The Substitute need to do nothing. The cadet chain of command immediately took charge and made sure the class ran smoothly and that the lesson got taught.

Whatever you may think of the politics of this deployment or that deployment this occupation or that other one, the military is a great place for a young person to start.
i'm just not going to get into this w/you UnKotare

Just a question. These kids join JrROTC because they want to. There is a long waiting list, and if they mess up they're out. A higher percentage of our graduates do enter the military after high school. It's a good and honorable path. No one is being "forced" to do anything. The kids themselves are certainly not an "authoritarian" presence. They are polite, respectful, and helpful to the families on nights like this. They are very much appreciated all around. So again I ask, what "authoritarianism"?

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