John Solomon Drops a Tick-Tock Bombshell – DIA Holds Documents That Can Exonerate Flynn…

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
My best guess is Trump is very confident this Russian nonsense has zero effect on him. As such, he’ll let Mueller continue to chase people like Cohen and Manafort. Will he risk pissing-off the intelligence deep state with a document dump?

Its his doomsday device - he probably feels he doesn’t need to use it at this point.

FTA: Now, unbeknownst to us at the time FISA Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer was writing a report based on NSA/FBI information given to her as part of a background FISA-702 review and reauthorization process.

In April of 2017 that FISC report was delivered to recently confirmed Office of Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats; who also received a supplementary briefing on the background of the content by NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers. On April 26th that FISC report was partially declassified. [See Here]

Here’s where it all connects.

We know from Collyers report the FISA-702(16)(17) process was extraordinarily abused by verified “contractors” who had access to the FBI/NSA database. The rate of abuse was 85%. Meaning 85 out of every 100 FISA702 database searches were unauthorized and outside of compliance...

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Ya know what I think?? Trump has in his possession and in the process of obtaining more....evidence against the left, and specifically the Clintons.....that if he's impeached and/or charged with any crime, he's going to take everyone down with him. :thup:

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