John Kerry...

Are you sure Divine Wind does not have something to do with heavenly farts?

Why can't you admit that Republicans supported Vietnam from the beginning and were the last to finally admit the mistake? Everyone knows LBJ escalated the war.......but for you to pin the war on Democrats you have to show where Republicans stood up and said....This is a stupid fucking war
Translation: You are absolutely correct, DW. I cannot calmly and honestly refute you so I'll just pick my own shit and fling it along with my usual lies.

Meanwhile, for those who are honest:
Vietnam War Deaths and Casualites, by Month

Vietnam War > Events

Republican Party Platforms: Republican Party Platform of 1968
The Administration's Vietnam policy has failed—militarily, politically, diplomatically, and with relation to our own people.

We condemn the Administration's breach of faith with the American people respecting our heavy involvement in Vietnam. Every citizen bitterly recalls the Democrat campaign oratory of 1964: "We are not about to send American boys 9-10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves." The Administration's failure to honor its own words has led millions of Americans to question its credibility.

The entire nation has been profoundly concerned by hastily extemporized, undeclared land wars which embroil massive U.S. armed forces thousands of miles from our shores. It is time to realize that not every international conflict is susceptible of solution by American ground forces.

Militarily, the Administration's piecemeal commitment of men and material has wasted our massive military superiority and frittered away our options. The result has been a prolonged war of attrition. Throughout this period the Administration has been slow in training and equipping South Vietnamese units both for fighting the war and for defending their country after the war is over.

Politically, the Administration has failed to recognize the entirely novel aspects of this war. The overemphasis on its old-style, conventional aspects has blinded the Administration to the fact that the issue is not control of territory but the security and loyalty of the population. The enemy's primary emphasis has been to disrupt orderly government.

The Administration has paid inadequate attention to the political framework on which a successful outcome ultimately depends. Not only has the Administration failed to encourage assumption of responsibility by the Vietnamese, but their sense of responsibility has been in fact undermined by our approach to pacification. An added factor has been a lack of security for the civilian population.

At home, the Administration has failed to share with the people the full implication of our challenge and of our commitments.

To resolve our Vietnam dilemma, America obviously requires new leadership—one capable of thinking and acting anew, not one hostage to the many mistakes of the past. The Republican Party offers such leadership.

We pledge to adopt a strategy relevant to the real problems of the war, concentrating on the security of the population, on developing a greater sense of nation-hood, and on strengthening the local forces. It will be a strategy permitting a progressive de-Americanization of the war, both military and civilian.

We will see to it that our gallant American servicemen are fully supported with the highest quality equipment, and will avoid actions that unnecessarily jeopardize their lives.

We will pursue a course that will enable and induce the South Vietnamese to assume increasing responsibility.

The war has been conducted without a coherent program for peace.

We pledge a program for peace in Vietnam—neither peace at any price nor a camouflaged surrender of legitimate United States or allied interests—but a positive program that will offer a fair and equitable settlement to all, based on the principle of self-determination, our national interests and the cause of long-range world peace.

We will sincerely and vigorously pursue peace negotiations as long as they offer any reasonable prospect for a just peace, We pledge to develop a clear and purposeful negotiating position.

We will return to one of the cardinal principles of the last Republican Administration: that American interests are best served by cooperative multilateral action with our allies rather than by unilateral U.S. action.

Our pride in the nation's armed forces in Southeast Asia and elsewhere in the world is beyond expression.

In all our history none have fought more bravely or more devotedly than our sons in this unwanted war in Vietnam.

They deserve—and they and their loved ones have—our total support, our encouragement, and our prayers.

Nice try Heavenly Fart
But you failed

That Republican platform says Democrats are fucking up the war. What else do you expect them to say?

Nowhere in there does it say

We were wrong to go in there
We need to pull our troops out
This war is wrong
Vietnamization was a policy from the get go
You are going full retard again

Iran gave up its stockpiles of enriched uranium. They also destroyed the centrifuges needed to enrich it
This means they need to start the process over of buying new centrifuges and enriching new quantities of uranium

You whimpering about them having small quantities of experimental uranium is nonsense
LOL. I supply links to back up my posts, you supply ad hominems, empty rhetoric and standard partisan memes. Typical of you.

6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal

1. It Would Curb Iran's Nuclear Programs:
....The agreement also calls for Iran to give up most of its centrifuges. Under the deal, Iran would go from having 20,000 centrifuges, which are used to enrich uranium, to having 6,104 for the next 10 years. Under the deal, Iran also agrees to give up its most advanced centrifuges and use only their oldest models.

2. But It Still Allows Iran To Continue Enrichment: This part of the deal could be seen as a big win for Iran.....

3. The U.S. Says The Deal Makes An Iranian Nuclear Bomb More Difficult: Critics of the deal — House Speaker John Boehner and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu among them — believe that this is a bad deal because it doesn't entirely dismantle Iran's nuclear program.

In a speech to the nation, President Obama said that while that is true, this deal extends Iran's "breakout time" — or the time it would take the country to make enough highly enriched material for a nuclear bomb.

The White House estimates that at the moment, Iran's breakout time is two to three months. The White House estimates that if the deal were implemented and Iran were to someday walk away from it, the breakout time would be a year or more.

Perhaps the biggest unknown is what happens to that breakout time once some of the terms of this deal start to expire 10 and 15 years from now.

In an interview with NPR after the framework of this agreement was reached, President Obama conceded that "at that point the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero."....
Progressives could never know what is best for military folk in general. Because they want to control everyone that disagrees with them that includes to military. It makes for a weak country
Agreed. Part of the problem is that Democrats are no longer true liberals. They are authoritarians who have embraced the idea that only an elite is fit to run the country and that this elite should dictate to everyone else what is best for them.

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