John Kerry’s Sympathy for Islamic Terror »


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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John Kerry’s Pro-Terror Swiftboating

April 24, 2013
By Steven Plaut

Leave it to Secretary of State John Kerry to exploit his state visit to Turkey for some pro-terror swiftboating.

As reported on the conservative Israel National News web site:

Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.


A few years back Kerry addressed the national conference of the Anti-Defamation League. He joked there about how he had acquired his “perspective” on the Middle East. He had once looped-the-loop inside an Israeli air force trainer. “I want you to know,” Kerry told the ADL, “that to see it all upside down was the perfect way to see the Middle East and Israel.”

Even better than from a swift boat! We think Kerry’s comment needs no further elaboration.

John Kerry?s Pro-Terror Swiftboating | FrontPage Magazine
well since he's not running for reelection in MA, he can be free to speak his mind (I love it when liberals do this, as they are far different than the whitebread image they try to portray)
Because we're the bad guy and the Islamic terrorist are the good guys. You see Islamic culture within the leftist mind is perfurable to ours.

Fuck American culture and fuck everything that made the leftist possible. The leftist is like the parasite on the body that slowly grows(cancer). It is like a special species of animal that grows off of our culture and society just to harm it.
Because we're the bad guy and the Islamic terrorist are the good guys. You see Islamic culture within the leftist mind is perfurable to ours.

Fuck American culture and fuck everything that made the leftist possible. The leftist is like the parasite on the body that slowly grows(cancer). It is like a special species of animal that grows off of our culture and society just to harm it.

I just think they'll side with anyone opposed to the US because we're such an impediment to world's funny the left and the terrorist are buddies, the terrorists are basically facist and yet the left says they're right wing......lololololol
Because we're the bad guy and the Islamic terrorist are the good guys. You see Islamic culture within the leftist mind is perfurable to ours.

Fuck American culture and fuck everything that made the leftist possible. The leftist is like the parasite on the body that slowly grows(cancer). It is like a special species of animal that grows off of our culture and society just to harm it.

I just think they'll side with anyone opposed to the US because we're such an impediment to world's funny the left and the terrorist are buddies, the terrorists are basically facist and yet the left says they're right wing......lololololol

If the islamic rule in America the progressive/liberals will have massive casualties especially the LGBT community, heads will roll...:eek:
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Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

John Kerry, Secretary of Gaffes

By John Tabin on 4.25.13

Secretary of State John Kerry suggested yesterday that Boston bomber Tamarlan Tsarnaev became a terrorist when he traveled to Russia in 2011: “We just had a young person who went to Russia, Chechnya, who blew people up in Boston,” he said. “So he didn’t stay where he went, but he learned something where he went and he came back with a willingness to kill people.”

Of course it’s not yet clear what happened on Tsarnaev’s trip to Russia — he may have had direct contact with terrorist groups there, but we don’t know that yet. Does Kerry know something that hasn’t been made public? Apparently not. Josh Rogin reports:

Both the State Department and White House press shops sought to walk back Kerry’s comments about the elder Tsarnaev’s Russia experience in their daily press conferences on Wednesday, saying that Kerry was not revealing any actual information on the case.


White House Press Secretary Jay Carney urged reporters on Wednesday to set aside Kerry’s comments in Belgium and wait for the FBI-led investigation into the bombings to run its course.

“Secretary Kerry was not reflecting any new information or conclusion about the individuals involved. He was speaking generally about the nature of terrorism. But we are in the process of an investigation. Those comments don’t reflect any new information,” he said.


Someone needs to explain to John Kerry that the Secretary of State doesn’t get to speak “personally” about foreign policy.

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : John Kerry, Secretary of Gaffes
Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

Do you really think we can talk diplomacy with a people that have hated the west for 1,400 years?:confused:
Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

Do you really think we can talk diplomacy with a people that have hated the west for 1,400 years?:confused:
Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

yeah it's a dangerous position, our ambassadors tend to get killed and the left acts like it never happened......wonderfully compassionate people that really sure their families enjoy the generic auto signed's a nice a liberal
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Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

yeah it's a dangerous position, our ambassadors tend to get killed and the left acts like it never happened......wonderfully compassionate people that really sure their families enjoy the generic auto signed's a nice a liberal

I don't recall this sort of thing turning into witch-hunts in the past:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan bomb kills US diplomat

Hezbollah Terrorist Blows Up American Embassy in Beirut - September 20, 1984 - Hezbollah Suicide Attack on U.S. Embassy in Lebanon
Speaking at Istanbul, Turkey, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a jarring comparison between the victims of the Boston Marathon terror bombs and terror activists from the IHH group who were killed when they attacked IDF forces aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Kerry told his hosts in Turkey that he understands the pain of the families whose loved ones were killed aboard the Marmara – and added that he can understand their pain well, having just dealt with the families whose loved ones were slain in Boston.

Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

Do you really think we can talk diplomacy with a people that have hated the west for 1,400 years?:confused:

Since they have been part of NATO for 6 decades, well, fucking duh :cuckoo:
Our chief diplomat engaging in diplomacy? Oh noes :rolleyes:

yeah it's a dangerous position, our ambassadors tend to get killed and the left acts like it never happened......wonderfully compassionate people that really sure their families enjoy the generic auto signed's a nice a liberal

I don't recall this sort of thing turning into witch-hunts in the past:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan bomb kills US diplomat

Hezbollah Terrorist Blows Up American Embassy in Beirut - September 20, 1984 - Hezbollah Suicide Attack on U.S. Embassy in Lebanon

Sounds like they found out who.....and this is 30 years later......still slamming the parties...we didnt just ignore it...

Kerry slams Hezbollah over 1983 US embassy bombing | News , Politics | THE DAILY STAR

But you're comparing those with Ben Ghazi? Those were pretty open and shut and we blamed the terrorists..and were correct..Obama didnt, he blamed a youtube vidoe, you drones fell for it then he just kidding....and we still dont know what happend and why ANYONE would blame a video and not the fuckers that killed him.....weirdest response to an assasination I've ever seen...
yeah it's a dangerous position, our ambassadors tend to get killed and the left acts like it never happened......wonderfully compassionate people that really sure their families enjoy the generic auto signed's a nice a liberal

I don't recall this sort of thing turning into witch-hunts in the past:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan bomb kills US diplomat

Hezbollah Terrorist Blows Up American Embassy in Beirut - September 20, 1984 - Hezbollah Suicide Attack on U.S. Embassy in Lebanon

Sounds like they found out who.....and this is 30 years later......still slamming the parties...we didnt just ignore it...

Kerry slams Hezbollah over 1983 US embassy bombing | News , Politics | THE DAILY STAR

But you're comparing those with Ben Ghazi? Those were pretty open and shut and we blamed the terrorists..and were correct..Obama didnt, he blamed a youtube vidoe, you drones fell for it then he just kidding....and we still dont know what happend and why ANYONE would blame a video and not the fuckers that killed him.....weirdest response to an assasination I've ever seen...

Do we really want to compare the results of "bad intelligence"?
Khamenei's New Book Preaches Hatred and Annihilation of America
The chilling rhetoric from Iran Obama doesn't want you to know about.
October 13, 2015
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh


Ironically, as the financial rewards and the improved legitimacy that have resulted from Obama’s nuclear deal continue to benefit the Iranian ruling clerics, the Iranian political establishment’s hatred towards the United States is reaching its peak.

This week, the highest authority in the Islamic Republic, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, banned and forbade any further talks and negotiations between his country and the United States: “Negotiation with US is forbidden."

In addition, he recently made his new e-book available for download in English. The Ayatollah points out: “The regional nations truly hate America and its European branch, England. This hatred is not limited to our people: all regional nations hate them ... Why do they complain about being hated? Yes, we hate you.” The book advocates for annihilating America and Israel. It rants about how the Muslim world hates the US and Israel.

As a result, how can President Obama stand behind his promise that the nuclear deal is going to make the ruling clerics of the Islamic Republic more rational, less hostile to the United States and Israel, more civilized and a more constructive player in the region?

Adding to the intrigue is the fact that the theocratic leader has not even officially endorsed the nuclear deal, although the sanctions on the country are being gradually lifted. His strategy is to pull out of the nuclear deal after all economic sanctions have been lifted and Iran has obtained full nuclear capabilities.

The timing of the Supreme Leader’s announcement and other recent equally inflammatory statements is important since they come after the Islamic Republic has ensured that the nuclear deal is sealed and Tehran will be receiving over $150 billion in the short term and other additional financial rewards when the economic sanctions are fully lifted.

In addition, the Supreme Leader has heightened his anti-American and anti-Semitic views and speeches after getting indirect assurance from the Obama administration that the US will not impose any kind of sanctions on the Islamic Republic. Even in the future, no sanctions will be imposed on Iran’s human rights abuses, support for terrorism, or any other outlandish inhumane actions.

As the Secretary of State John Kerry pointed out to US senators, Congress won't be able to impose new sanction on the Islamic Republic. The administration’s rule of not imposing sanctions applies to anything, whether related to nuclear issues or not, because as Mr. Kerry pointed out, he does not desire to show the Islamic Republic that the US is projecting "bad faith."


Khamenei's New Book Preaches Hatred and Annihilation of America
Kerry: Freed Gitmo Terrorist Isn't "Supposed To Be" Making Videos for Al Qaeda
February 25, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

I have a one step plan for defeating Al Qaeda.

1. Convince John Kerry to join Al Qaeda

No second step is needed. If you doubt that, please watch this exchange between Senator Kirk and the most ridiculous man to ever mistakenly hold the office of Secretary of State.




Sure. We could capture him, put him back in Gitmo and then free him again.

But I'm glad to hear that he's "not supposed to be doing that". Perhaps if Kerry were to make a personal phone call to the terrorist and inform him that he isn't supposed to be doing that, he'll no doubt stop. Either that or maybe he'll recruit Kerry and Hanoi John can unintentionally help bring down the Islamic terror group from within.

Kerry: Freed Gitmo Terrorist Isn't "Supposed To Be" Making Videos for Al Qaeda

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