John Kasich of Ohio


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
He is the only GOP hopefull I could vote for in the General.

Now I am sure the RW Loons on here can now start slamming him and calling him a RINO. But he is the one hopeful that can win the General, if any can.
He's not insane, stupid, dishonest, authoritarian, treasonous and a whiny little bitch.

Therefore, most conservatives won't support him, being how he's so unlike them.
He's not insane, stupid, dishonest, authoritarian, treasonous and a whiny little bitch.

Therefore, most conservatives won't support him, being how he's so unlike them.

Yup, he will never make it through the primaries. His only chance is to call opponents losers and women sluts. Then maybe the RW Loons will listen.
He is the only GOP hopefull I could vote for in the General.

Now I am sure the RW Loons on here can now start slamming him and calling him a RINO. But he is the one hopeful that can win the General, if any can.
---------------------- Agreed JimH, and that's part of the reason I hae no use for 'kasich' !! he is a 'rino' !!
I don't like Kasich as he is a limp wrist of the highest order. I did think he did well on the last debate. However, I do get tired of hearing "balanced budget" and "ohio" every other word out of his mouth
He can shove his amnesty and corporatism up his ass. I remember that tonto, in a town hall meeting a few months ago, saying deals need to be better looked at, he is a "fair" trader blah blah blah yet he voted YES on fast track authority in the late 90s and voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO.
He is the only GOP hopefull I could vote for in the General.

Now I am sure the RW Loons on here can now start slamming him and calling him a RINO. But he is the one hopeful that can win the General, if any can.
Even after his enthusiastic shout out to Strom Thurmond the other night?

That should endear him to the Far Right! But it won't be enough. Trump has stumped the GOP...
You've really got a thing for the "far right" don't you?

The huge percentage of those supporting Trump are middle-of-the-road Americans who are sick and tired of career politicians.

Yes, as he tells us over and over and over again, Kasich has done some good things that conservatives should like. He did a good job in Ohio.

In fact, I always prefer governors over Congressmen. But, this year, they too are viewed as "the problem" and it will be a true outsider who wins the nomination.
You've really got a thing for the "far right" don't you?

The huge percentage of those supporting Trump are middle-of-the-road Americans who are sick and tired of career politicians.

Yes, as he tells us over and over and over again, Kasich has done some good things that conservatives should like. He did a good job in Ohio.

In fact, I always prefer governors over Congressmen. But, this year, they too are viewed as "the problem" and it will be a true outsider who wins the nomination.

and loses the whomever.
kasich is a wusse , same as ben carson !!

Yup, you don't want to win the WH.
--------------------------------- AGREE JimH , I do not want to win with any wusse rino , gop republican . I wouldn't want to make YOU , Jake or other moderate rinos happy !! I prefer a Trump , Cruz or Hilary , castro brother , biden , sanders or similar !!
kasich is a wusse , same as ben carson !!

Yup, you don't want to win the WH.
--------------------------------- AGREE JimH , I do not want to win with any wusse rino , gop republican . I wouldn't want to make YOU , Jake or other moderate rinos happy !! I prefer a Trump , Cruz or Hilary , castro brother , biden , sanders or similar !!

You do realize that US voters are not that extreme, don't you?

Many of these people make Reagan look like a Liberal.
well , what has the republican party done for people that normally identify as conservative and usually support republicans but now support Trump . One issue these people see is a flood of foreigners ever since Reagans first amnesty which wasn't supposed to happen but rinos allowed the flood when they were in control all the way to 2008 with GWB . Anyway , Trump may have changed things in politics from being a rino and dem game and I hope he has done that JimH .

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