John Forbes Kerry Decorated American Combat Veteran

When it comes to the Vietnam War; John Kerry was on the right side of history.

(Yes, he made mistakes in the methods he used to get the U.S. out of that brutal and unwinnable conflict)

So you can also add the word "patriot", next to "war hero", when describing him.
As a US Senator and Presidential candidate, he called our troops terrorists and stupid

He can go fuck himself

FDR or Truman would have throw Kerry in the brig for a few decades, at best, if he was lucky
If, during his FOUR MONTHS of service in Viet Nam Kerry really had committed such exploits as to be worthy of his medals, they would still be making movies about them, and writing books about his heroism. One of his medals was for a paper cut. Not much heroism there.
If, during his FOUR MONTHS of service in Viet Nam Kerry really had committed such exploits as to be worthy of his medals, they would still be making movies about them, and writing books about his heroism. One of his medals was for a paper cut. Not much heroism there.

And his only notable achievement: :rofl:

Although some Purple Hearts were awarded under dubious circumstances during the Vietnam War.

Bronze Stars, and especially Silver Stars, were throughly vetted and investigated before being awarded to military personal for heroic actions during combat.
"John Forbes Kerry Decorated American Combat Veteran"

And all those medals flew over the White House fence, tossed by this gigolo, including Purple Heart "earned" for self-inflicted scratches.
I always find it comical when limbaugh and his types criticize Kerry's service in Vietnam. How did limbaugh get out of going to Vietnam?

I find it comical that anyone would feel that service in Vietnam, or anywhere else, would automatically qualify them to be Sec. of State.

Everyone knows that Obama has set the standard much higher than this.

You must have remained married to Bill Clinton while he was getting a blow-job from a white house intern to be Sec of State.

No one says that. What they say is it is part of a set of qualifications...serving in combat and having an outlook that has experience on what sending troops into battle entails.

you're such a pathetic fuck.
I always find it comical when limbaugh and his types criticize Kerry's service in Vietnam. How did limbaugh get out of going to Vietnam?
Cyst on his ass.

"Rush Limbaugh got out of military service for having a pilonidal cyst. What’s that, you ask? That’s a big ol’ ass cyst."
5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty – Holytaco

I could really care less about draft dodging in relation to the comment, but those cysts resulted in something like 100,000 troops being hospitalized in WW2 it was called something like Jeep Seat Disease. it can be a condition that is pretty painful. I read about them sometime ago because a friend of mine had to have several surguries due to a recurring one. He was in a lot of pain since it is deep and sits on the tail bone and had several issues because of it. Just thought it was interesting when I read it.
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CaféAuLait;6623939 said:
I always find it comical when limbaugh and his types criticize Kerry's service in Vietnam. How did limbaugh get out of going to Vietnam?
Cyst on his ass.

"Rush Limbaugh got out of military service for having a pilonidal cyst. What’s that, you ask? That’s a big ol’ ass cyst."
5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty – Holytaco

I could really care less about draft dodging in relation to the comment, but those cysts resulted in something like 100,000 troops being hospitalized in WW2 it was called something like Jeep Seat Disease. it can be a condition that is pretty painful. I read about them sometime ago because a friend of mine had to have several surguries due to a recurring one. He was in a lot of pain since it is deep and sits on the tail bone and had several issues because of it. Just thought it was interesting when I read it.

yet Rush was able to sit on his fat drug addled ass for decades doing radio for hours at a time. go figure
I find it comical that anyone would feel that service in Vietnam, or anywhere else, would automatically qualify them to be Sec. of State.

This is a very good point. You need more than that. Which is why Powell was such a natural candidate for the job.
CaféAuLait;6623939 said:
Cyst on his ass.

"Rush Limbaugh got out of military service for having a pilonidal cyst. What’s that, you ask? That’s a big ol’ ass cyst."
5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty – Holytaco

I could really care less about draft dodging in relation to the comment, but those cysts resulted in something like 100,000 troops being hospitalized in WW2 it was called something like Jeep Seat Disease. it can be a condition that is pretty painful. I read about them sometime ago because a friend of mine had to have several surguries due to a recurring one. He was in a lot of pain since it is deep and sits on the tail bone and had several issues because of it. Just thought it was interesting when I read it.

yet Rush was able to sit on his fat drug addled ass for decades doing radio for hours at a time. go figure

Like I said I was not commenting about Rush but rather the disease itself. Once it is operated on and removed one can be fine, it can reoccur, Jason kept having that problem until they did some special surgery of some sort. I just found it interesting that near 100,000 troops were hospitalized because of the issue during one war alone.

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