Joe Rogan signs a $100 million deal to move to Spotify.

The man the left love to claim has no influence through his podcasts just got paid 100 million dollars for that make believe influence by Spotify
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Here is what I don't get...

If guy like Rogan can get $100M for a podcast, why can't wealthy anti-collectivists establish something that takes google, assbook and youtube down several pegs and competes with them?

Here is what I don't get...

If guy like Rogan can get $100M for a podcast, why can't wealthy anti-collectivists establish something that takes google, assbook and youtube down several pegs and competes with them?


Theyve tried but the platform that attracts those kinds of activists does not have broad appeal and generally devolves into a cesspool of racism and anti-semitism.
Here is what I don't get...

If guy like Rogan can get $100M for a podcast, why can't wealthy anti-collectivists establish something that takes google, assbook and youtube down several pegs and competes with them?

Because Google owns the highway that platform requires to function.
No they don’t.
Yes, they do.
The store you get your apps from is owned by Google and certification is required for approval to be placed on the store. It is 100% a closed and privately regulated store front.
Congress has given Zuckerberg and pals the right to monopolize just like they had done for baseball
just about a century earlier.

"In 1922, the Supreme Court handed down a decision that effectively granted Major League Baseball a legal monopoly over professional baseball in the United States — a situation that persists to this day"

The man the left love to claim has no influence through his podcasts just got paid 100 million dollars for that make believe influence by Spotify
Here is what I don't get...

If guy like Rogan can get $100M for a podcast, why can't wealthy anti-collectivists establish something that takes google, assbook and youtube down several pegs and competes with them?


That's precisely the argument I've put forward every time conservatives on this board scream for the government to regulate Facebook, Twitter, etc.
"Wealthy anti collectivists" like who?

And besides.... "The store you get your apps from is owned by Google and certification is required for approval to be placed on the store. It is 100% a closed and privately regulated store front."

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