Joe Biden got 5 Viet Nam Draft Deferments because of Asthma......while playing College Football.

Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?
Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?
Trump refuses a foot Xray even though challenged by a Medal of Honor awarded Navy SEAL.
They both dodged the draft because they were both DEMOCRATS during the vietnam war. Trump got smarter Biden did not.
They both dodged the draft because they were both DEMOCRATS during the vietnam war. Trump got smarter Biden did not.

So, you think that being a coward and refusing to serve your country when called makes someone "smart"? Trump denigrated the veterans of this country by calling them "losers". Biden has not. Trump still doesn't respect veterans. Biden does, as he lost a son.
That son of a bitch Sleepy Joe has nothing to say when it comes to military. Trump although supports our troops 20 times stronger than him. Do not pander your children into this either. Where is Hunter??
So, Crazy Joe dodged the draft with some trumped up (hehe) medical condition.


Spin away, Bidenistas.

Deferments, asthma kept Biden out of Vietnam

According to the documents, Biden, 65, received several deferments while he was an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University. A month after undergoing a physical exam in April 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency.

"As a result of a physical exam on April 5, 1968, Joe Biden was classified 1-Y and disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager," said David Wade, a campaign spokesman.

He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1965 from the University of Delaware, with a double major in history and political science and a minor in English.[23][22]:98 Biden played halfback for the Delaware Fightin' Blue Hens freshman football team, and defensive back for the varsity team

Politicians are always draft dodgers.
Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?
Trump refuses a foot Xray even though challenged by a Medal of Honor awarded Navy SEAL.
Sure, I understand. I'd be curious to see bidens medical records with the asthma diagnosis. I did look for his selective service cards and found them online, and it didn't show anything about a 1-Y deferment. Perhaps it doesn't list that on the registration card itself? Perhaps there is documentation from that time frame that shows this disqualification status?
Hey Stupid, you didn't have to "register for the draft" during Viet Nam.


This is going to be a huge problem for a lot of dems. They find draft dodging to be a deal breaker.

They've been harping on how bad of a thing it is to do, for years now.
Biden didn't dodge the draft..he registered, applied for and got student deferments, at 25 he was disqualified for asthma. Did Trump register?
Hey Stupid, you didn't have to "register for the draft" during Viet Nam.
It was automatic.

A man was required to register for the draft within 30 days of reaching the age of 18. You would then be sent a draft card.

Hate to say it, but they're right. When I turned 18, I had to register for the draft, as it was law. Interestingly, 3 days after I registered for the draft, I was in Orlando FL, going through boot camp.

I have that slightly beat. In 1980, when they reinstated the draft registration I had to register even though I was no longer eligible to be drafted because I was already a veteran.

Technically, I was a veteran when I registered, as I had done a DEP enlistment in Feb, and had to register on my 18th birthday in July.

No. You did not have 180 days active service.
They both dodged the draft because they were both DEMOCRATS during the vietnam war. Trump got smarter Biden did not.

So, you think that being a coward and refusing to serve your country when called makes someone "smart"? Trump denigrated the veterans of this country by calling them "losers". Biden has not. Trump still doesn't respect veterans. Biden does, as he lost a son.

Lie. That has been debunked about 25 times, dumbass!

What does his son having brain cancer have to do with being a veteran?
You know I really don't care about bone spur's or asthma, The question is what will they do for the majority of the population who worked hard or work hard now, and still struggle just to maintain.
A Medal of Honor awarded Navy SEAL has an open challenge for Trump to have an x-ray done for proving or disproving his bone spur claim. Bones spurs do not go away. They will be found when your body has become a pile of bones.


As you know, bone spurs can and do dissolve and can also be removed with surgery.

President Trump is doing a terrific job, I don't give a tinker's dam whether he had bone spurs or not.
They both dodged the draft because they were both DEMOCRATS during the vietnam war. Trump got smarter Biden did not.

So, you think that being a coward and refusing to serve your country when called makes someone "smart"? Trump denigrated the veterans of this country by calling them "losers". Biden has not. Trump still doesn't respect veterans. Biden does, as he lost a son.

A Medal of Honor awarded Navy SEAL has an open challenge for Trump to have an x-ray done for proving or disproving his bone spur claim. Bones spurs do not go away. They will be found when your body has become a pile of bones.


As you know, bone spurs can and do dissolve and can also be removed with surgery.

President Trump is doing a terrific job, I don't give a tinker's dam whether he had bone spurs or not.
Bone spurs do not dissolve or go away. I have no idea where you got this wacky idea. The whole idea of former Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient, Senator and Governor Bob Kerrey challenging Trump to have an Xray was because bone spurs never go away unless surgically removed.
Curious isn't it?

Democrats have screamed for four years that everything President Donald Trump has done and is doing is horrible, anti-American, and even treasonous.

Yet, when it comes to campaigning, they don't say what and how they'll do better, only that they don't believe that Donald Trump had bone spurs sixty years ago.

What else needs to be said?
Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?

Here is the thing. I know Olympic athletes who have asthma. If I had gone to the Olympics, I would be one of them. There is a vast difference between competing in sports in conditions you can control, and going out into combat in fields or jungles which may be filled with allergic triggers to that asthma. When I competed, I would frequently take a puff on my inhaler before starting a race to ensure I didn't have a problem.
if you're going to war, Joe Biden is the man you want to have on your team!

Rather Biden than Trump. Trump would run and hide in his bunker.
Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?

Here is the thing. I know Olympic athletes who have asthma. If I had gone to the Olympics, I would be one of them. There is a vast difference between competing in sports in conditions you can control, and going out into combat in fields or jungles which may be filled with allergic triggers to that asthma. When I competed, I would frequently take a puff on my inhaler before starting a race to ensure I didn't have a problem.
if you're going to war, Joe Biden is the man you want to have on your team!

Rather Biden than Trump. Trump would run and hide in his bunker.

You do realize that Biden will first have to come out of his bunker?
Attacking Trump for bone spurs and spinning every angle to defend Biden’s 5 deferments over asthma is pathetic.

First, the Left has little or no ground on holding someone accountable for avoiding Vietnam. It was the Left that promoted draft dodging, draft-card destruction, and running to Canada to avoid Vietnam. It was the Left that spit on armed forces members, threw rocks and bottles at them, and called them “baby killers” during that era. It was the Left that let justified Bill Clinton for avoiding Vietnam and celebrated John Kerry whose “Winter Soldier” speech in 1971 sold out the lives of American troops serving in Vietnam.

Democrats and Republicans, rich and poor alike avoided service in Vietnam. It was an unpopular war in American History. God Bless the American troop who served their country in that war regardless.

Just stop it with candidates’ service or avoidance of service in Vietnam out of respect for those who did serve.
OR..attacking Biden for asthma and spinning every angle to defend Trump's deferment over phony bone spurs is pathetic.
So, bidens asthma is real, but trumps bone spurs were phony? How do you know?

Here is the thing. I know Olympic athletes who have asthma. If I had gone to the Olympics, I would be one of them. There is a vast difference between competing in sports in conditions you can control, and going out into combat in fields or jungles which may be filled with allergic triggers to that asthma. When I competed, I would frequently take a puff on my inhaler before starting a race to ensure I didn't have a problem.
if you're going to war, Joe Biden is the man you want to have on your team!

Rather Biden than Trump. Trump would run and hide in his bunker.

You do realize that Biden will first have to come out of his bunker?
Maybe he's just there to inspect it.

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