Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

Interesting, this video is not transferrable:

It was made inavailable here and elsewhere. I'm hoping you can go to youtube and find what's left of this video. You might go to the youtube website and load
"Sean Hannity, Jan. 6 Committee" if the video I just finished watching is still available. 6:22am, CST. It is obvious to me the Democrat Party has pressured the website to ban this telling the truth video. The DNC espouses the "truth is optional" clause that has become the main theme of Nancy Pelosi's corrupt leadership," and that is her heinous trademark, not to mention her celebrating the fake impeachment of President Trump with gifts of gold pens to those who helped her corrupt the presidency. Nancy Pelosi is the most evil human being ever to smudge the halls of Congress. She lies. She cheats. She holds secret meetings. She excludes Republicans who are not Rinos from her vicious, with malice aforethought, mismanagement of Congress outragous and dishonorable criminalities against the Republican Party which does not cotton to communist takeovers she is planning with interpretive languages such as "socialism" as if that totally conceals her true purpose of decimating the Constitution as she projects her crimes onto Republicans to confuse the citizens of the United States of America and appease enemies of the state by cancelling the majority of American citizens who do not appreciate being lied to minute by minute by the Democrat Party who supports all this garbage to get raw power it was never intended to have because it locksteps totalitarian government if it doesn't stop soon. Pelosi is counting on using every trick in the book to fool the American people into thinking that she's okay. Well, it sure as hell isn't okay to celebrate anything as profound as an impeachment because a Republican beat a Democrat in 2016. The Democrats would have impeached God himself had he dared to run against the mob that the Democrat Party has turned itself into with nobody else's help but their groupthink that they are all-powerful and do not have to bargain equality of each American citizen when they do not want interference in their reducing their enemies into powder. The Democrat Party is crazy mad for power over every detail of everybody else's life. Their truth is "good for me, bad to thee." Nancy Pelosi will go down in history of being the blackest hearted politician to ever disgrace her office. She disgraces her office for every evil thing she did to the past 3 Republican Presidents, orchestrating Press lies to suit her greed for money and power for herself and Democrats, while picking the pockets of Republicans who now have zero representation with her bullying ways. Down with Nancy Pelosi!! She is destroying America with plots that hurt honest people.

Jan. 6 Committee, 'The Sham Committee'

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The GOP will do no investigation of 1/6.

OK, how about Impeachment investigations?
Emolument investigations?
Covid origin investigations?
Open border investigations?
AFG withdrawal investigations?
Xiden family cash payments from China, Russia, and Ukraine investigations?
Misusing the FBI to threaten concerned parents investigations?
Torturing J6 prisoner in DC jails investigations?
OK, how about Impeachment investigations?
Emolument investigations?
Covid origin investigations?
Open border investigations?
AFG withdrawal investigations?
Xiden family cash payments from China, Russia, and Ukraine investigations?
Misusing the FBI to threaten concerned parents investigations?
Torturing J6 prisoner in DC jails investigations?

I imagine most of that will take place...not sure who Xiden. All will have the same earth shattering results as the Ben-Gotcha hearings did...nothing.
They really don't but it would be easier for the defendants if they did testify.
When they sentence the defendants, they will get sentenced to the fullest extent of the law, ALL to protect a traitor, who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
sentene? Jordan isn't charged with anything, and the Committee isn't a Court...geez...on what planet are you living? Just how brainwashed are you cultist?
sentene? Jordan isn't charged with anything, and the Committee isn't a Court...geez...on what planet are you living? Just how brainwashed are you cultist?
You don't have to be charged with anything to be required to testify.

Those Trump U. "law" school correspondence courses, really paid off.
You don't have to be charged with anything to be required to testify.

Those Trump U. "law" school correspondence courses, really paid off.
you do to be sentenced....are you that crazy you don't remember your post that I responded to?
The insurrection attempt lasted about 5 hours, its incredibly doubtful that there were 3,000 video cameras going.

You guys are weird.

You do realize the FBI has video including footage taken by many in the crowd? A lot of people posted video's, which have now been removed for youtube and other sites, showing coordination of individual in the crowd who are not being charged. I can recall a video show a group of people hiding in bushes changing clothes to put on TRUMP gear, along with video of people coordinating to force the flow of the crowd into the capital by blocking them from making an exit from the crowd and in some instances grabbing people and pushing them back into the crowd. A lot of video on people calling out members of ANTIFA, and others who were instigating violence.
Jordan is probably stretching out the Kangaroo Committee's time scale until the GOP takes back the House and can do their own investigations.
The problem is that the kangaroo committee is the Democrats tactic of last resort to bamboozle voters into maintaining their legislative majorities. We all know that their platform of defunding police, runaway inflation, dependence on foreign oil, broken supply chain, wide open southern border, the world's worst COVID response, two-tiered justice system and government conducted behind closed doors, is not about to get Democrats many votes.
You do realize the FBI has video including footage taken by many in the crowd? A lot of people posted video's, which have now been removed for youtube and other sites, showing coordination of individual in the crowd who are not being charged. I can recall a video show a group of people hiding in bushes changing clothes to put on TRUMP gear, along with video of people coordinating to force the flow of the crowd into the capital by blocking them from making an exit from the crowd and in some instances grabbing people and pushing them back into the crowd. A lot of video on people calling out members of ANTIFA, and others who were instigating violence.

Yeah, sounds like you were snorting something... Hiding in bushes, forcing the flow of people into the capitol....up about 70-80 steps...?


You guys aren't even giving your bullshit stories the time and care they deserve. Try harder.
Screw the letters. They accomplish nothing. The democrats will wipe Joe's ass with them. The only thing these heathens understand is the brute force of law and smash-mouth politics. Time to start smashing some mouths. Now if only we had some GOP members at the top capable or interested in that.

Thanks to politicians and lawyers we have forgotten in this country that there is a time and a place to just punch someone in the mouth. Letter writing, hand wringing, and legal bullshit has its place.....and so does just saying "fuck it" and bitch slapping someone.

Politicians know this and thats why they have designed the law to punish people who decide to pop someone when they deserve it. People like Eric Fartswell hide behind the law and say outlandish things about people. They know the threat of hurting someone financially will protect them when they SHOULD be in fear of getting their ass kicked.

I had a mouthy POS like this in my life once. He let his mouth overload his ass and he paid for it with a bloody nose and black eye. He tried to punish me financially and take me to court but a little research into his background showed he had a history of doing this to people. My charges were dropped and he was embarrassed in front of a judge by not only my lawyer, but the DA as well.

My point is.....sometimes the hassle is worth it to see them bleed a little!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone in a leadership position in the GOP needs to grow a pair and DO SOMETHING other than write meaningless letters.
you do to be sentenced....are you that crazy you don't remember your post that I responded to?

"Jordan isn't charged with anything'.

What is GYM being sentenced for?
He hasn't even been charged by congress, you moron.
Not yet.

When he is charged by the justice department, he will be in court, where he will either take the 5th or testify.

"Jordan isn't charged with anything'.

What is GYM being sentenced for?
He hasn't even been charged by congress, you moron.
Not yet.

When he is charged by the justice department, he will be in court, where he will either take the 5th or testify.
hahhaa then why did you write this? "
They really don't but it would be easier for the defendants if they did testify.
When they sentence the defendants, they will get sentenced to the fullest extent of the law, ALL to protect a traitor, who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire."

you are such a troll....and charged by Congress? hahahhahah geez...where did you get your civics education? The Cult News Network? hhahhahhhaaah
I believe Jordan is correct since the committee is not involved in legislating, as in helping to flesh-out a Bill that has already been given a number and set to the various House subcommittees involved to be worked on.

That said I don't know if that has to with internal House rules or something larger in a legal sense.