Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California. So many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.

giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?

I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.
I wouldn't bother looking for it either since there is no evidence it is true.

If it causes morons to take their kids out of public school, excellent. Smaller classes will benefit the people that don't live in fear under their beds.
What does communism have to do with being homosexual?

Do you want laws against gays teaching? Against unmarried people with children teaching?

Socialism/communism needs to institute relativism in order to operate....the STATE replaces GOD....and the ultimate source of your rights is no longer God....but whichever group of men is in power....your rights will then depend upon what the socialist fascists deem are your rights...

That's why the socialist commies promote gays.....it is the bending of a moral society that believes in God....same thing with unmarried people having kids.....both forms of depravity help to destroy the family unit and the belief in God....both of which are anathema to socialist commies.....they must destroy our traditional moral system first in order to institute their own moral system...

Socialism and communism are economic models. Not value systems.


Maybe this will help augment what you learned in the liberal propaganda schools....note the bolds...you might try to explain exactly how it is that everybody becomes "cooperative" and "communal"....

Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.
Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Communism is a sociopolitical movement that aims for a classless society structured upon communal ownership of the means of production and the end of wage labour and private property.[1] The exact definition of communism varies and it is commonly used interchangeably with socialism, however, communist theory contends that socialism is just a transitional stage on the way to communism.
Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Because they're forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California so many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.
Intolerant? Perhaps you could school us in tolerance.

Let's try this method: I'll ask you a question, and you tell me if the attitude expressed is tolerant or not. Ready? Here goes.

Gays and unwed mothers should not teach school.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Discrimination and intolerance for people outside the majority is endemic of the culture people like Jim DeMint were raised in because it was legislated and institutionalized in the south.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Justifying such attitudes as an expression of first amendment rights is shallow thinking because the constitution is there to guarantee and protect the rights of the oppressed.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Let me tell you something about "tolerance".....

It is NOT always a good thing.....especially when it means you are compromising basic values....

Relativists, on the other hand, will tolerate just about anything....which is why they are typically a bunch of slimy characters...
I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

You, of course, have a link to there being lesson plans teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing. :eusa_eh:
My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Because they're forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California so many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.
Intolerant? Perhaps you could school us in tolerance.

Let's try this method: I'll ask you a question, and you tell me if the attitude expressed is tolerant or not. Ready? Here goes.

Gays and unwed mothers should not teach school.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Discrimination and intolerance for people outside the majority is endemic of the culture people like Jim DeMint were raised in because it was legislated and institutionalized in the south.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Justifying such attitudes as an expression of first amendment rights is shallow thinking because the constitution is there to guarantee and protect the rights of the oppressed.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Let me tell you something about "tolerance".....

It is NOT always a good thing.....especially when it means you are compromising basic values....

Relativists, on the other hand, will tolerate just about anything....which is why they are typically a bunch of slimy characters...

Yes...I remember the booths at the 1996 RNC convention here in San Diego selling shirts saying "Intolerance is a Beautiful Thing."
I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Except that's not what's being taught. I call bullshit on your claim. Don't you think that kids that age should know that there's some families with two mommies and some with two daddies? Of course you want to teach the tots how evil this is, and how their souls will rot in hell.
My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California. So many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.

giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?

I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

so it's just a lie, then?

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Except that's not what's being taught. I call bullshit on your claim. Don't you think that kids that age should know that there's some families with two mommies and some with two daddies? Of course you want to teach the tots how evil this is, and how their souls will rot in hell.

From you, it doesnt mean very much.
Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Can we get a link on where kindergarteners are taught about cross dressing?

Or is this just more right wing misinformation?

Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?
Can we get a link on where kindergarteners are taught about cross dressing?

Or is this just more right wing misinformation?

Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?

Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.
Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Except that's not what's being taught. I call bullshit on your claim. Don't you think that kids that age should know that there's some families with two mommies and some with two daddies? Of course you want to teach the tots how evil this is, and how their souls will rot in hell.

From you, it doesnt mean very much.

That's your response? Of course you can't document your claim, since you just made it up. So all you have left is ad hominen, and not a very clever one.
Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?

Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.
Excellent point.

In my state, the Republican leadership wanted to teach elementary school children to shoot at anyone perceived as gay or having sex while unmarried. The entire program went down the toilet when it turned out the Republican leadership was having sex while married with people they were not married to, some of them of the same sex...and the little buggers were shooting Republican congressmen left and right. :eek:

Sadly, the websites discussing this have all been taken down.
Except that's not what's being taught. I call bullshit on your claim. Don't you think that kids that age should know that there's some families with two mommies and some with two daddies? Of course you want to teach the tots how evil this is, and how their souls will rot in hell.

From you, it doesnt mean very much.

That's your response? Of course you can't document your claim, since you just made it up. So all you have left is ad hominen, and not a very clever one.

I love toying with idiots.

Transgenderism in 3rd grade!

This touched on the very state I described. Try using some skills instead of ignorance.
Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?

Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.

nice deflection

i suppose if you tell enough lies, you can find another credulous fool like yourself to believe them. so, what else you got?

third grade threesomes?

leather fetishist in the middle school?

c'mon, bring it

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?

Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.

nice deflection

i suppose if you tell enough lies, you can find another credulous fool like yourself to believe them. so, what else you got?

third grade threesomes?

leather fetishist in the middle school?

c'mon, bring it


See above
Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.

nice deflection

i suppose if you tell enough lies, you can find another credulous fool like yourself to believe them. so, what else you got?

third grade threesomes?

leather fetishist in the middle school?

c'mon, bring it


See above

so you're story is that every single reference to what would arguably be a pretty big news story, has been taken down? otay.:lol:

allow me to offer a modest counter proposal:

you're full of shit. :eusa_shhh:
Where did I say those should be illegal? (That would increase the size of the government)
I would encourage those "teachers" to start their own school. It would demonstrate how many parents would "pay" to have their children "exposed" to people that choose to live a less moral lifestyle.
Guessing by the amount of negative feedback, some of you feel that the schools are a great experiment to be conducted on other people's children, and not an institution that focuses on reading, writing, and arithmetic. How does "exposing" children to distractive lifestyles improve their test scores?

The examples you gave were ALL Illegal activities,

which logically leads to my statement.

It's not my responsibility to protect folks from what and how life IS.

UNLESS you want to outlaw those thangs, they're a part of Real Life,

NOT Illegal, and NOT to be discriminated against,

any more than ~ (I just saw this thread, but it's a good example) ~ PROCESSED FOODS.

We ALL have to learn how to deal with them,

and how to make our own decisions about them.

Still....open this can of worms and you may get a surprise.

Pretty soon any special interest group will feel discriminated against.

All I see here is you trying to justify your own bigotry
My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Because they're forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California so many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.
Intolerant? Perhaps you could school us in tolerance.

Let's try this method: I'll ask you a question, and you tell me if the attitude expressed is tolerant or not. Ready? Here goes.

Gays and unwed mothers should not teach school.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Discrimination and intolerance for people outside the majority is endemic of the culture people like Jim DeMint were raised in because it was legislated and institutionalized in the south.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Justifying such attitudes as an expression of first amendment rights is shallow thinking because the constitution is there to guarantee and protect the rights of the oppressed.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Let me tell you something about "tolerance".....

It is NOT always a good thing.....especially when it means you are compromising basic values....

Relativists, on the other hand, will tolerate just about anything....which is why they are typically a bunch of slimy characters...
If your 'values' include judging people on stereotype and prejudice, I suggest that may be a value worth compromising. Even losing altogether.

Ignorance and bigotry defended as 'values'. My that's rich!
Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

i did. it doesn't exist.

it's amusing to be lectured on morals by people who come up with whoppers like this.

what else you got?

Stories are taken down all the time. The latest and greatest example is crashtheteaparty.org. This was quite the topic on another board. I dont care if you believe it or not.

And so, you don't care if we know you to be a liar. OK....you aren't the only one on these boards. You're kinda dime a dozen around here. :eusa_eh:
From you, it doesnt mean very much.

That's your response? Of course you can't document your claim, since you just made it up. So all you have left is ad hominen, and not a very clever one.

I love toying with idiots.

Transgenderism in 3rd grade!

This touched on the very state I described. Try using some skills instead of ignorance.

You know, if you search hard enough in the right wingnut blogs, you can find just about anything to justify whatever bullshit you're shoveling.

My question for you is........can you find this SAME story on a REAL news website?

I'm guessing not.

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