Jim DeMint: Gays And Unmarried, Pregnant Women Should Not Teach Public School

Normally ,I say there are no stupid questions except the ones that go unasked.
Check this out....I now make an exception to that rule.
BTW, there is no Constitutional protection frm being offended by words.
Also there are no laws that prohibit "thinking" a certain person or people have a similar trait.
I think our little debate is now concluded.
When a United States Senator proclaims Gays and unwed mothers should be excluded from making a living in a noble profession like teaching simply because HE cannot find morality in their circumstances, in spite of what individual Gays and unwed mothers may be, then yes words are offensive. They offend by taking bread off the tables of hard working teachers because of the group they may be in and not as a result of their personal behavior.

Now unless you're against equal justice for all, I think this does indeed close the argument.

You can't legislate bigotry, in spite of the ignorance and stupidity of those who can't see the sin of it.

Unreal....The spin you just spewed could dry a load of bedspreads.
Yes, those words are offensive to some. Once again ,we do not have the right to be free from offense. The problem with political correctness is that it poisons and seizes a society.
Today we have politically correct speech codes on college campuses. A man refers to a group of lousmouths as "Water Buffaloes" and is brought up on charges of racism by a college disciplinary committee..Where does it end?
Look, if you or anyone else is offended by the spoken or written word ,there is a solution. Acquire a thicker skin.
Free speech must apply to all ( as does the right to freedom of expression) or it means nothing. It cuts both ways....
Hmm...This statement attributed to DeMint is over 6 years old.
Now, let's say De Mint is a liberal...What say you then?
When a United States Senator proclaims Gays and unwed mothers should be excluded from making a living in a noble profession like teaching simply because HE cannot find morality in their circumstances, in spite of what individual Gays and unwed mothers may be, then yes words are offensive. They offend by taking bread off the tables of hard working teachers because of the group they may be in and not as a result of their personal behavior.

Now unless you're against equal justice for all, I think this does indeed close the argument.

You can't legislate bigotry, in spite of the ignorance and stupidity of those who can't see the sin of it.

Unreal....The spin you just spewed could dry a load of bedspreads.
Yes, those words are offensive to some. Once again ,we do not have the right to be free from offense. The problem with political correctness is that it poisons and seizes a society.
Today we have politically correct speech codes on college campuses. A man refers to a group of lousmouths as "Water Buffaloes" and is brought up on charges of racism by a college disciplinary committee..Where does it end?
Look, if you or anyone else is offended by the spoken or written word ,there is a solution. Acquire a thicker skin.
Free speech must apply to all ( as does the right to freedom of expression) or it means nothing. It cuts both ways....
Hmm...This statement attributed to DeMint is over 6 years old.
Now, let's say De Mint is a liberal...What say you then?
You just don't get it, do you? It's not a matter of a throw away insult. It's not just the matter of calling a person an epithet.

It's depriving people of earning a living and practicing their profession because a stone headed bigot decided that the actions of an individual MUST, by default, conform to the stilted ideas he holds about a group.

Acquire a thicker skin? Is that the new dismissive when you take away rights and work and freedom because of your ignorance an bigotry? I thought it was just "get a job!".
Free speech must apply to all ( as does the right to freedom of expression) or it means nothing. It cuts both ways....

Glad you brought up free speech, but it has limitations, such as not shouting fire in a theater, and maybe not being part of a religion connected to and adoring terrorists. Especially when you are a Senator like Demint, and serving in the American government as a subversive. So it cuts both ways............... This guy is a terrible blow to US Troops.

The organization has been described as one of the most politically well-connected ministries in the United States. The Fellowship shuns publicity and its members share a vow of secrecy. The Fellowship's leader Doug Coe and others have explained the organization's desire for secrecy by citing biblical admonitions against public displays of good works, insisting they would not be able to tackle diplomatically sensitive missions if they drew public attention.

An article in Harper's, has stated that the organization fetishizes power by comparing Jesus to “Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Bin Laden” as examples of leaders who change the world through the strength of the covenants they had forged with their “brothers.”

seems something is mixing up who said what....

I asked what makes you think gays or unwed mothers are legitimate minority groups to be protected and touted as teachers of morality....?

both are groups based on their sexual behaviors....why should certain sexual behaviors get "special rights"....?

Why would any parent want to have them teaching their kids about morality...?

I think Jim DeMint is on the right track...

Yeah.......sure........DeMint is on the right track if you're looking for a facist state where all behaviors that aren't approved land you in prison.
DeMint is one politician furthest from being a fascist since he believes in adhereing to the Constitution...unlike so many of our socialist Democrats...

Remember.......it's when people start touting their way as more "moral" or "right" than others that problems start, usually with the "more moral" people acting in the worst interests of everyone.
So you think everybody should just "do it if it feels good"...? That's the problem with you lefties....you don't know what good morals are...or you hate them because they contradict the sleazy life you want to lead...

The Victorians and the Puritans were WONDERFUL examples of that. The GOP with their bullshit values (remember, they don't adhere much to "family values") is yet another, because they're shouting that they're just trying to make us all follow God.
I admit, today moral values today have gotten pretty scarce....which is why we need to get back to them more than ever....

But......quick question for those Christians.........which name of God are they wanting us to follow? HaShem? Elohim? Adonai? Remember.......all those names are a different facet of God, so instead of saying there is only 1 way, why not see where it helps and let them be?
Follow whatever God you wish....it's a free country....however every major religion has basic values that pretty much reflect traditional values....can't say the same for relativists....

Incidentally, gays pay EXTREME attention to detail. Why? Because they have to, otherwise the homophobes do bad things to them. So, in a teaching job, don't you think attention to detail is a GOOD thing?
incidentally i could care less....altho extremes sometimes have a habit of getting out of control...

Incidentally Squawking Chicken (you definitely ain't no Screaming Eagle), school is where FACTS and HISTORY and MATH and SCIENCE are taught.
Boy have you got a lot to learn....our schools are failing in history, math, and science, and a whole lot of garbage is being taught instead....and messing with my name only tells me that you are flustered, losing the argument, and must resort to insults....

Not morality. That's supposed to be done at home.
Actually, I pretty much agee with you on that....however there are basic moral problems that should not be ignored with students.....such as lying, cheating, respect for their elders, respect for others, self-reliance, hard work, responsibility..etc.....you know....basic traditional values....
However, that's NOT what is happening in schools these days....socialist propaganda is infiltrating our schools, it's replacing solid learning and dumbing down our children, and moral relativity, anti-Christian values, and anti-traditional values are being taught.....
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Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.
No....but there is such a thing as wisdom from the ages (such issues are not new issues, believe it or not).........you can find a lot of wisdom in the Bible....and in the writings of our Founding Fathers....as opposed to communism/socialism teachings which are just leading you to believe in "anything goes" nonsense....

What does communism have to do with being homosexual?

Do you want laws against gays teaching? Against unmarried people with children teaching?

Socialism/communism needs to institute relativism in order to operate....the STATE replaces GOD....and the ultimate source of your rights is no longer God....but whichever group of men is in power....your rights will then depend upon what the socialist fascists deem are your rights...

That's why the socialist commies promote gays.....it is the bending of a moral society that believes in God....same thing with unmarried people having kids.....both forms of depravity help to destroy the family unit and the belief in God....both of which are anathema to socialist commies.....they must destroy our traditional moral system first in order to institute their own moral system...

Socialism and communism are economic models. Not value systems.

Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Because they're forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California so many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.
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Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California. So many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.

giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?
Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California. So many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.

giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?

I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.
Free speech must apply to all ( as does the right to freedom of expression) or it means nothing. It cuts both ways....

Glad you brought up free speech, but it has limitations, such as not shouting fire in a theater, and maybe not being part of a religion connected to and adoring terrorists. Especially when you are a Senator like Demint, and serving in the American government as a subversive. So it cuts both ways............... This guy is a terrible blow to US Troops.

The organization has been described as one of the most politically well-connected ministries in the United States. The Fellowship shuns publicity and its members share a vow of secrecy. The Fellowship's leader Doug Coe and others have explained the organization's desire for secrecy by citing biblical admonitions against public displays of good works, insisting they would not be able to tackle diplomatically sensitive missions if they drew public attention.

An article in Harper's, has stated that the organization fetishizes power by comparing Jesus to “Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Bin Laden” as examples of leaders who change the world through the strength of the covenants they had forged with their “brothers.”


DeMint is supposed to be a leader in the GOP so of course stories like this start coming out. He's seen as a threat to the Dems. I wonder if this is even true in the first place. The reason I say this is we constantly hear shit like this about anyone who's the demon of the month for the Democrat party. Last month it was Christine O'Donnell. This month it's Meg Whitman. I figure this was just a another smear campaign. They do the same thing to anyone who becomes prominent in the GOP. It doesn't matter a damn if it's even true.

When is everyone gonna wake up and realize that without this constant smearing of GOP candidates the Dems wouldn't stand a chance. They can't run on their programs because they don't work so they have to resort to this.

But let's not forget that Obama has written books that reveal his true thoughts. We're not taking it through third parties as we are with DeMint. The people Obama chooses to pal around with and he has working for him spells out exactly what he is. Just take the names of members of his administration...google them and it's obvious we have a radical extremist in the White House. Too many lovers of Mao, James Cone, and Saul Allinsky for it to be a coincidence.
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seems something is mixing up who said what....

I asked what makes you think gays or unwed mothers are legitimate minority groups to be protected and touted as teachers of morality....?

both are groups based on their sexual behaviors....why should certain sexual behaviors get "special rights"....?

Why would any parent want to have them teaching their kids about morality...?

I think Jim DeMint is on the right track...

Yeah.......sure........DeMint is on the right track if you're looking for a facist state where all behaviors that aren't approved land you in prison.
DeMint is one politician furthest from being a fascist since he believes in adhereing to the Constitution...unlike so many of our socialist Democrats...

Remember.......it's when people start touting their way as more "moral" or "right" than others that problems start, usually with the "more moral" people acting in the worst interests of everyone.
So you think everybody should just "do it if it feels good"...? That's the problem with you lefties....you don't know what good morals are...or you hate them because they contradict the sleazy life you want to lead...

The Victorians and the Puritans were WONDERFUL examples of that. The GOP with their bullshit values (remember, they don't adhere much to "family values") is yet another, because they're shouting that they're just trying to make us all follow God.
I admit, today moral values today have gotten pretty scarce....which is why we need to get back to them more than ever....

But......quick question for those Christians.........which name of God are they wanting us to follow? HaShem? Elohim? Adonai? Remember.......all those names are a different facet of God, so instead of saying there is only 1 way, why not see where it helps and let them be?
Follow whatever God you wish....it's a free country....however every major religion has basic values that pretty much reflect traditional values....can't say the same for relativists....

Incidentally, gays pay EXTREME attention to detail. Why? Because they have to, otherwise the homophobes do bad things to them. So, in a teaching job, don't you think attention to detail is a GOOD thing?
incidentally i could care less....altho extremes sometimes have a habit of getting out of control...

Incidentally Squawking Chicken (you definitely ain't no Screaming Eagle), school is where FACTS and HISTORY and MATH and SCIENCE are taught.
Boy have you got a lot to learn....our schools are failing in history, math, and science, and a whole lot of garbage is being taught instead....and messing with my name only tells me that you are flustered, losing the argument, and must resort to insults....

Not morality. That's supposed to be done at home.
Actually, I pretty much agee with you on that....however there are basic moral problems that should not be ignored with students.....such as lying, cheating, respect for their elders, respect for others, self-reliance, hard work, responsibility..etc.....you know....basic traditional values....
However, that's NOT what is happening in schools these days....socialist propaganda is infiltrating our schools, it's replacing solid learning and dumbing down our children, and moral relativity, anti-Christian values, and anti-traditional values are being taught.....
We know this much...Obama said this is not a Christian nation...yet two weeks ago he felt the need to silence worries of his Muslim background by attending a church for the first time in months.

Republicans are painted as Rich Christian White Racists and Bigots. And guess who's running the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic and Harry Reid is a fucken Mormon for Christ's sake. Both of them are millionaires.

Talk about hypocrisy.

I see a double-standard here.

Democrats support every special interest group that is anti-Christian...yet they show up in churches when somebody starts to question their faith.

We all know that there are hypocrites on both sides. It doesn't mean that all of them are but that doesn't stop folks from assuming they are.
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How many ghestapo republicans would it take to administer this gov monstrosity of drug testing the 8 million unemployed?
Would it be a mere matter of political incorrectness if Senator DeMint said "Damn ******* shouldn't teach school."

Would that just be another 'good ol' boy' expressing his first amendment rights?

Or would it be a matter of profound embarrassment for the Senator, for the United States Senate and the state of South Carolina?

Or, would it be immoral?

You don't exclude Blacks from teaching positions because of your perception of the attitudes and morality of Black Americans. You judge each applicant for a teacher's position on a level playing field. On that applicant's qualifications.

Or, do you just hire Blacks because the law says so?

But, when it comes to Gay Americans or unwed American mothers, what goes for the group goes for the individual, according to the Senator from South Carolina.

And it's that neanderthal thinking that is both a remnant of the past when discrimination was woven into the sad, stupefied southern culture and cover for the bigotry it wrought and incredibly still lives within the hearts of the woefully ignorant and weak minded.

My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Because they're forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California so many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.
Intolerant? Perhaps you could school us in tolerance.

Let's try this method: I'll ask you a question, and you tell me if the attitude expressed is tolerant or not. Ready? Here goes.

Gays and unwed mothers should not teach school.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Discrimination and intolerance for people outside the majority is endemic of the culture people like Jim DeMint were raised in because it was legislated and institutionalized in the south.

Tolerant or intolerant?

Justifying such attitudes as an expression of first amendment rights is shallow thinking because the constitution is there to guarantee and protect the rights of the oppressed.

Tolerant or intolerant?
My...what an intolerant statement.

I wonder if DeMint ever said this in the first place.

We all know just from reading the posts here the hate topics like this causes. Who in their right mind would run for office and admit this openly?

Like I said before and was roundly attacked before I could better explain myself, common-sense doesn't enter into this issue. Because of the in your face crowd many parents take their kids out of our public schools and home school them....which I think is an extreme reaction. But then giving rubbers to kindergartners is a bit extreme as well. Forcing their Progressive viewpoints down our kids throats in states like California. So many took their kids out of CA public schools that the legislature changed the home schooling laws forcing parents to maintain a certification which essentially removed their right to home school their own kids.

giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?

I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.
giving rubbers to kindergartners?

link? or is this just more hyperbole?

I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?
I'm not gonna look for it.

Reports of this kind are out there. Whether they're true or not it's scaring enough people to yank their kids out of public schools.

Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Can we get a link on where kindergarteners are taught about cross dressing?

Or is this just more right wing misinformation?
Of course not, because it's not true. It's a meme created when Obama said there should be AGE APPROPRIATE sex education for all school kids. You know, like good touching/bad touching. But instead of giving him credit for actually wanting to reduce sexual predatory pedophilia, the right created this canard.

Canard? When does teaching kindergarteners about cross dressing represent good or bad touching. The liberal mind?

Can we get a link on where kindergarteners are taught about cross dressing?

Or is this just more right wing misinformation?

Try google bing or ask jeeves. For your hint, it was in MASS. The liberal capitol of the east.

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