Jill Biden’s White House Christmas tap dancing extravaganza!

That's a fact, but that was kinda weird......not the decorations, but the tap dancing. IMO
When he top coreographers and dancers from broadway offer to perform in a video, you say thank you and show the video. What is upsetting about that to you?
You people are fucking ignorant.

The dancers were all characters from The Nutcracker. The one your idiot brain fried over is the Mouse King.

You know The Nutcracker? A long running show for kids at Christmas?

I was just about to point this out. The ignorance is truly astonishing.

Clear case of BDS and seeing black people featured in a video.
Words are thought. Thought is formed with words. Plans, actions..... It's all words. We even dream in words.

When dimocrap scum steal a word, when they destroy a word, they control thought.

Please call them what they are. They are NOT 'liberals'. I am liberal, most conservatives are actually liberal. We believe in the freedom of speech, dimocrap scum do not, we believe in the right To Bear Arms, dimocrap scum do not, we believe in fair and honest elections, dimocrap FILTH do not.

If you can't bring yourself to call them what they are -- The scum of the Earth, at least call them something other than what they are NOT. They are NOT liberals. At best, they are leftists.
Translation - "I'm not a serious person. I have to express outrage because a Democrat is in the White House. I'm simply following my programming. Ignore me."
Translation - "I'm not a serious person. I have to express TDS outrage because Trump is not in the White House but I can't stop my Reichbabble about him. I always follow my brownshirt programming. If you ignore me I will whine more loudly."

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