*JFK Nails Young Intern He Was A Lecherous Man*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. JFK was a dog.
2. He had a young intern on the side, took advantage of her, she was so easy to take her virginity, and use her, he had no conscience, he was a lech, and womanizer, and a regular *sack of shit*.
3. I have lost so much respect for him, he was truly a loser.
4. What a piece of crap he was.
5. LINK:JFK’s teen mistress in explosive new tell-all - NYPOST.com

“I was sitting next to him in the living room when a handful of yellow capsules — most likely amyl nitrate, commonly known as poppers — was offered up by one of the guests. The president asked me if I wanted to try the drug, which stimulated the heart but also purportedly enhanced sex. I said no, but he just went ahead and popped the capsule and held it under my nose.”

New York Times
TEEN LOVER: Mimi Alford, seen here in a 1963 portrait as a White House intern.

Time & Life Pictures/Getty Image
HORNDOG: JFK, here with Jackie in 1960, seduced the teen in the first lady's bedroom.
He didn't’t try it himself.

“This was a new sensation, and it frightened me,” Mimi recalls. “I panicked and ran crying from the room.”

It wasn't’t her first glimpse of Kennedy’s dark side.

“He had been guilty of an even more callous and unforgivable episode at the White House” during a noon swim. Powers had rolled up his pants to cool his feet in the water. “The president swam over and whispered in my ear. ‘Mr. Powers looks a little tense,’ he said. ‘Would you take care of it?’

It was a dare, but I knew exactly what he meant. This was a challenge to give Dave Powers oral sex. I don’t think the president thought I’d do it, but I’m ashamed to say that I did . . . The president silently watched.”

6. JFK also had this teenager do sexual favors for his friends, what a *scum bag*.:evil:
7. Not to mention he loved Hitler.

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Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.
Sorry bout that,

Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

1. Tip of the iceberg, I wonder what we will find out about Obama fifty years from now?
2. JFK as not what we all thought he was.

Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

News flash, douche noodle, we're getting screwed by both parties, RIGHT NOW.

Turn off MSNBC and think for yourself.

BTW, CWNs threads are best when left to themselves...
Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

You are a complete idiot if you think its just the GOP screwing us. Its everyone in Washington screwing us!!:doubt:
Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

Actually this woman was all over the Today show and network news.

She wrote a book about fucking JFK and for some reason the media thinks it's an important story.
Sorry bout that,

Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

Actually this woman was all over the Today show and network news.

She wrote a book about fucking JFK and for some reason the media thinks it's an important story.

1. It is important, its the measure of the man that is starting to come out.
2. People who really knew him are about to pass away, and as a way to set the record straight, are speaking out about what they know.
3. Perhaps these things shall shed a clearer light on the event that happened November 22, 1963 12:30 pm, when he was struck down.
4. Perhaps the miracle shots by Oswald was indeed sanctioned by God, and was more or less having one evil man take out another.
5. Stranger things have happened.
6. And we all thought he was a righteous man.
7. Funny how our perception of him was so off.

Everybody back then knew he was having an affair with Marylin Monroe.
They knew he was a womanizer.
Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

News flash, douche noodle, we're getting screwed by both parties, RIGHT NOW.

Turn off MSNBC and think for yourself.

BTW, CWNs threads are best when left to themselves...
Who is, or might, run on a third party ticket? I'm not thrilled of any of the current crop. I could see Paul as a third party alternative, and vote for him to show support for SOME of his ideas.
Sorry bout that,

Excuse me but are you arware that IF this happened, its been more than 50 years ago?

Whereas, the GObP/Repubs are screwing all of us RiGHT NOW.

Wise up. Turn off foxNOTnews and think for yourself.

BTW, Sasquatch isn't real either.

Actually this woman was all over the Today show and network news.

She wrote a book about fucking JFK and for some reason the media thinks it's an important story.

1. It is important, its the measure of the man that is starting to come out.

No, it's not important at all. Everyone has sex. Billions of men have cheated on their wives. Men in power are especially prone to fuck anything they can

2. People who really knew him are about to pass away, and as a way to set the record straight, are speaking out about what they know.

He was a politician and a man like any other with the same weaknesses and perversions of any man. To say that knowing the gory details of JFKs sexcapades is important is stretching it.

3. Perhaps these things shall shed a clearer light on the event that happened November 22, 1963 12:30 pm, when he was struck down

Yeah maybe the husband or father of a girl he fucked was on the grassy knoll.
4. Perhaps the miracle shots by Oswald was indeed sanctioned by God, and was more or less having one evil man take out another.

So once again your god murders instead of forgives.

5. Stranger things have happened.

Not really

6. And we all thought he was a righteous man.

You might have but I never did

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