Jesus on Marriage...

show me one place in the joy of cooking where they say homosexuality isn't an abomination.

lol Yes, and unless he can answer to THAT...? Winning! :eusa_dance:

I didn't post this in the Flame for a Reason...

If the Entire Forum is a Flame Zone then what is the point of ever Trying to have a Discussion here?...

Many people point out that I Rarely leave the Flame Zone...

This is why. :thup:



^ Always way too dense to understand humorous analogies relative to the point. :2up:

11: Otherwise NO Christian Church for you! :lol:
Given numbers 3 and 9... I'd say Tha malcontent's lifestyle is incompatible with Christianity. :(
Your flawed logic makes baby Jesus cry. :(

Jesus was certainly not "pro-gay marriage" but so what? He wasn't especially anti either.

What makes one sin measure more or less than another?
Jesus never mentioned "sin" in relation to all sorts of relationships and contracts including "marriage"... There are many things Christians do which Jesus didn't go out of his way to mention, however "sinful"...

No, he did not REVERSE the "abominations" of the Old Testament, but again so what? Jesus did not teach us to condemn our neighbors, so why do you go out of your way to do it here...?

Here's something for you to ponder. Romans and First Corinthians are written to Christians and both condemn homosexuality. The same Holy Spirit that wrote the Law, spoke through Jesus and spoke as Paul wrote it down. That's the belief of Christians.

And? Why go out of your way to condemn one neighbor's sin over another?

That's not true. Read first Corinthians 6:9-10.
Keep pounding your fist on the table for bible quotes we all know don't exist, you fucking retarded haranguing orangutan. :thup:


Malstrodumus' post number 2 in his ever so sincere attempt at a rational discussion outside of the Flame Zone:

One or more of the following, and likely in this order will respond to this Thread by calling me a Fag by Insinuation:

del (unfortunately).
G.T. (Because Pinky's trying so hard to fit in).

Just wanted to be sure that was said in Advance of it happening.

Carry on.



Covering bases... :thup:

You forgot to take the Ravi account's Ignore of me off before posting with it... And it shows. :lol:


I'm not here to Convince you of anything :thup:



Yeah, you're premise was that gays can't be Christian and you're wrong.

The New Testament condemns homosexuality.

The Old and New Testament only make Reference to Homsoexuality as Sin and Abomination.

Valerie, del, Valerie.1 nor anyone else can Disagree with this Fact about the Book and what is written in it.

Homosexuality is Incompatible with Christianty...

Unless one Acknowleges the Sin and works to Sin no more.

It is Written.

If you don't like the Rules of Christianity as given by it's God then find another Religion.

Why is that so Difficult for some of you?

Oh yeah, you aren't being Honest. :thup:


You aren't God, mal... YOU don't get to quantify your neighbors sins and judge them as disqualified from a relationship with Christ. Condemnation of your neighbor for their sins is in fact an anathema to Christianity... Did you take the short bus to Sunday School too?

Also, since you know I am not Ravi and you continue with that lie, it just makes your self righteous act that much more hypocritical and your thread even more pathetic. Lies are sins too mal, so go find a new religion, huh?
You spend a lot of time thinking about gay sex.

G.T. wanted to be here but he's too busy jerking off to thoughts of "Hot" dudes "Pinkying" him in his butt... :thup:


Yes, indeed...He spends a disproportionate amount of time on the topic, because HE has an agenda. How many times has he posted this same tired spiel AS IF he has a point which could be "discussed"?

Homosexuality is a sin 100% of the time, it is written!

I demand a quote from Jesus which REVERSES the Old Testament on homosexuality!

^ this guy for real...??? :blahblah:

God forbid you find his hateful agenda objectionable and call him on his bullshit, he will make up lies about you and put words into your mouth as he blusters about the forum waving his fucking baboon ass, you know, like a good Christian would...

As I said yesterday..The Religion and Ethics Forum waits with bated breath for a myriad of threads about other various types of "sins" which mal's good Christian conscience struggles with on a daily basis... :eusa_whistle:

Up next: Jesus on oral sex Repent mal, REPENT!!! :lol:
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You aren't God, mal... YOU don't get to quantify your neighbors sins and judge them as disqualified from a relationship with Christ. Condemnation of your neighbor for their sins is in fact an anathema to Christianity... Did you take the short bus to Sunday School too?

Also, since you know I am not Ravi and you continue with that lie, it just makes your self righteous act that much more hypocritical and your thread even more pathetic. Lies are sins too mal, so go find a new religion, huh?

Do you acknowledge the NT condemns homosexuality, murder, drunkeness, gluttony, etc?
You aren't God, mal... YOU don't get to quantify your neighbors sins and judge them as disqualified from a relationship with Christ. Condemnation of your neighbor for their sins is in fact an anathema to Christianity... Did you take the short bus to Sunday School too?

Also, since you know I am not Ravi and you continue with that lie, it just makes your self righteous act that much more hypocritical and your thread even more pathetic. Lies are sins too mal, so go find a new religion, huh?

Do you acknowledge the NT condemns homosexuality, murder, drunkeness, gluttony, etc?

Well... Except that Homosexuality doesn't really count... God didn't really mean that one...

It's Idiocy or Dishonesty.

With del, Ravi and her Sock... It's Dishonesty.

TdM?... Idiocy.


Keep pounding your fist on the table for bible quotes we all know don't exist, you fucking retarded haranguing orangutan. :thup:


Malstrodum's post number 2 in his ever so sincere attempt at a rational discussion outside of the Flame Zone:

One or more of the following, and likely in this order will respond to this Thread by calling me a Fag by Insinuation:

del (unfortunately).
G.T. (Because Pinky's trying so hard to fit in).

Just wanted to be sure that was said in Advance of it happening.

Carry on.



Mal pointed out several quotes RIGHT OUT OF THE BIBLE. How can you say they don't exist when the Bible is where they ALL came from??? I'll bet you've never even picked up a Bible! It really doesn't matter to me what you think, because i'm not the one you'll have to worry about someday when you're in Judgement. :) But don't you worry about it, i'm sure you and all your friends will still be together....just not with us.


But I'm betting y'all have your destinations reversed.
You aren't God, mal... YOU don't get to quantify your neighbors sins and judge them as disqualified from a relationship with Christ. Condemnation of your neighbor for their sins is in fact an anathema to Christianity... Did you take the short bus to Sunday School too?

Also, since you know I am not Ravi and you continue with that lie, it just makes your self righteous act that much more hypocritical and your thread even more pathetic. Lies are sins too mal, so go find a new religion, huh?

Do you acknowledge the NT condemns homosexuality, murder, drunkeness, gluttony, etc?

Well... Except that Homosexuality doesn't really count... God didn't really mean that one...

It's Idiocy or Dishonesty.

With del, Ravi and her Sock... It's Dishonesty.

TdM?... Idiocy.



Yes, it's dishonesty. Nothing new. Jesus told us about wolves in sheep's clothing.

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