Jesus believed in sharing the wealth.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I believe Obama is following the example of Jesus when he said feed the poor, Gleaning in he NT and Tithes. Every society in the human world believe in sharing the wealth. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor....He fed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and told them to give the surplus to the poor. He said pay your taxes. If that is not sharing the wealth, what is?
Plus GOD provided manna for the Jews in the wilderness. The Egyptians shared their store house of grain doing 7 lean year famine. The Christian bible teaches sharing the wealth.
As soon as Obama took office, sharing the wealth was communist and socialist and an evil thing as stealing and thief from those that have.
Mormon’s Bishop’s Storehouse it the largest example of sharing the wealth. After the U.S. Government.

Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it.
Tithe meant tenth, it was 10%, the Romans revolted when Augustus went to 25%.

Using Jesus to defend Socialism and Communism is vile
Jesus was not a Politican, he gave from his heart. He didn't lie to get re-elected.

He also had a greater power to help and guide him, the guy in the White House believes there is no greater power than himself.
"As soon as Obama took office, sharing the wealth was communist and socialist and an evil thing as stealing and thief from those that have."

He didn't mean taking honestly earned wealth from the rich and giving it to the poor against one's will. He wanted a person to do it willingly and from the heart.
No he didn't.


I believe Obama is following the example of Jesus when he said feed the poor, Gleaning in he NT and Tithes. Every society in the human world believe in sharing the wealth. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor....He fed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and told them to give the surplus to the poor. He said pay your taxes. If that is not sharing the wealth, what is?
Plus GOD provided manna for the Jews in the wilderness. The Egyptians shared their store house of grain doing 7 lean year famine. The Christian bible teaches sharing the wealth.
As soon as Obama took office, sharing the wealth was communist and socialist and an evil thing as stealing and thief from those that have.
Mormon’s Bishop’s Storehouse it the largest example of sharing the wealth. After the U.S. Government.

Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it.

James Madison saw the dangers in taxation: “A just security to property is not afforded by that government, under which unequal taxes oppress one species of property and reward another species: where arbitrary taxes invade the domestic sanctuaries of the rich, and excessive taxes grind the faces of the poor; where the keenness and competitions of want are deemed an insufficient spur to labor, and taxes are again applied, by an unfeeling policy, as another spur; in violation of that sacred property, which Heaven, in decreeing man to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, kindly reserved to him, in the small repose that could be spared from the supply of his necessities.”
Property: James Madison, Property

I believe Obama is following the example of Jesus when he said feed the poor, Gleaning in he NT and Tithes. Every society in the human world believe in sharing the wealth. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor....He fed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and told them to give the surplus to the poor. He said pay your taxes. If that is not sharing the wealth, what is?
Plus GOD provided manna for the Jews in the wilderness. The Egyptians shared their store house of grain doing 7 lean year famine. The Christian bible teaches sharing the wealth.
As soon as Obama took office, sharing the wealth was communist and socialist and an evil thing as stealing and thief from those that have.
Mormon’s Bishop’s Storehouse it the largest example of sharing the wealth. After the U.S. Government.

Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it.

That's what I love about Christian Conservatives. It's real....REAL easy to be pious about things that do not affect you...Homosexuality, Abortion. But talk about things like taking care of the poor, the old and infirm and the afflicted? Then they throw the Bible out the window and make their own rules.

They say shit like..."charity is a private thing...and that's the way God wants it!" Never ONCE did I see a Bible verse that supports that assertion. I would think that if a person is blessed by giving charity, a nation would be blessed immeasurably moreso by taking care of it's poor.

Hey, who knows...maybe all of this hard heartedness in our country is the reason for our economic downfall. Perhaps God is giving us a little smackdown for our greed and lack of empathy towards the less fortunate.

Funny how when we were economically strong, it was the everyday worker who had good wages, good benefits and....*gasp*....actual pensions provided by their employers. Shit like that wasn't only the realm of those "hated" public sector employees. It was the norm, not the exception....and you know what? It drove our economy through the roof, and those rich people....they were STILL rich.

but all that's changed now. We marginalize the workforce and deify the wealthy, and if....God forbid....anyone tries to change that paradigm.....even a little....they are demonized, ostricized and labeled.

Maybe we deserve the fall from grace.
Jesus paid his taxes (Matthew 17 and 22), and in Romans, Paul explicitly tells Christians to pay their taxes. If Jesus only meant that people should give through charity, then he wouldn't have paid his taxes.

I also believe (my opinion) that Jesus would worry less about how much to pay in taxes and worry more about where the money is spent. Given his preference for helping the poor, I have no doubt he would support welfare and similar social programs while decrying the defense budget. His anti-war stance is pretty clear.

Now, I'm no hippie. We need a strong military in this world, and I support defense spending despite Christ's wishes. (I hate saying that, but that's the truth.) It's just that, in reference to the OP's point, I agree. Jesus would want us to help the poor and needy regardless of how that's accomplished, and would likely tell people to worry less about taxes and worry more about loving others.

(On a side note, I strongly disagree with the OP's last line: "Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it." Um, no. If you cannot afford a child, don't have sex. Just because the government should take care of people doesn't mean you have carte blanche to bring people into this world and give up responsibility for them.)

I believe Obama is following the example of Jesus when he said feed the poor, Gleaning in he NT and Tithes. Every society in the human world believe in sharing the wealth. Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor....He fed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish and told them to give the surplus to the poor. He said pay your taxes. If that is not sharing the wealth, what is?
Plus GOD provided manna for the Jews in the wilderness. The Egyptians shared their store house of grain doing 7 lean year famine. The Christian bible teaches sharing the wealth.
As soon as Obama took office, sharing the wealth was communist and socialist and an evil thing as stealing and thief from those that have.
Mormon’s Bishop’s Storehouse it the largest example of sharing the wealth. After the U.S. Government.

Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it.

James Madison saw the dangers in taxation: “A just security to property is not afforded by that government, under which unequal taxes oppress one species of property and reward another species: where arbitrary taxes invade the domestic sanctuaries of the rich, and excessive taxes grind the faces of the poor; where the keenness and competitions of want are deemed an insufficient spur to labor, and taxes are again applied, by an unfeeling policy, as another spur; in violation of that sacred property, which Heaven, in decreeing man to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, kindly reserved to him, in the small repose that could be spared from the supply of his necessities.”
Property: James Madison, Property know what? If proper wages and benefits were paid....we wouldn't need to tax as heavy. I'm not talking about taxation. That's the whole problem with you guys. you want your cake and eat it too. you want low taxes AND shit wages/benefits. You can't have both. You want people to take "personal responsibility"? Give them the tools to do so.
" Heaven, in decreeing man to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow"

Invoking an Old Testament, religious precept for a basis of action in the modern world is questionable at most.
Jesus is only showing what a real chrisitan and a true follower of God should be like, we can see there are no real christians here.
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That would mean that Jamal, who puts a gun in your face and takes your wallet is doing God's work!

Who would have thought.
Jesus paid his taxes (Matthew 17 and 22), and in Romans, Paul explicitly tells Christians to pay their taxes. If Jesus only meant that people should give through charity, then he wouldn't have paid his taxes.

I also believe (my opinion) that Jesus would worry less about how much to pay in taxes and worry more about where the money is spent. Given his preference for helping the poor, I have no doubt he would support welfare and similar social programs while decrying the defense budget. His anti-war stance is pretty clear.

Now, I'm no hippie. We need a strong military in this world, and I support defense spending despite Christ's wishes. (I hate saying that, but that's the truth.) It's just that, in reference to the OP's point, I agree. Jesus would want us to help the poor and needy regardless of how that's accomplished, and would likely tell people to worry less about taxes and worry more about loving others.

(On a side note, I strongly disagree with the OP's last line: "Anytime the Government forces me to have a child that I cannot afford, they damn well be willing to take care of it." Um, no. If you cannot afford a child, don't have sex. Just because the government should take care of people doesn't mean you have carte blanche to bring people into this world and give up responsibility for them.)

The American conservatives are most generous people on the planet.

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