Jem/Holograms: Comics Feminism (Media Arguments)


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Sep 22, 2013
Does modern media cater to progressive platforms such as feminism?

This yarn was inspired by Legally Blonde and The Contender.

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. -Emily Dickinson



"There was much intrigue in the world of media and magazines. People cared about the marketing of social aesthetics in the public forum, and Facebook became a lifestyle toy. The TV series Jem and the Holograms was a consumerism-symbolic fashion-themed drama-adventure cartoon featuring rival female rock bands in America typifying this new age cultural fascination with the style of hand-shakes and milkshakes."


"A female TrumpUSA political cartoonist named Jericha decided to create feminism-oriented cartoons about U.S. President Donald Trump. Jericha wanted to invent a new aesthetic geared towards the marketing of feminism-gauged sensibilities, so she began making mosaics of culturally-symbolic feminism-vitality American prayers and tales and comic book stylized art."


"Jericha became very popular, and Hillary Clinton, former Senator and Presidential candidate and current U.S. Secretary of State, wanted to help her forward her political art and hyped her in press interviews. Suddenly, Jericha was the new Mandrake (the Magician). Some even called her the feminist's Thomas Nast."


"Jericha's consumerism-feminism hybridized art was inspired by Jem and the Holograms and celebrated the female aesthetic and women's contributions to fashion and street-culture in American society. Suddenly, comics feminism was born as a new 'genre' in folk-art."


"Jericha wanted to integrate folk-stories from the East regarding 'ninja-democracy' and Western feminism-useful icons such as Sheena (Queen of the Jungle) and She-Ra (woman-warrior of Etheria). Jericha also highlighted gender-idyllic colors in her mosaics and comics-art."


"Of course, Jericha had much to work with in the American landscape, including street-poetry such as Kerouac, consumerism female avatars/mascots including Aunt Jemima, Little Orphan Annie, and of course the iconic Pink Cadillac. Jericha quickly became Hillary Clinton's favorite 'modern artist'."


"Jericha combined mosaics and photos and costumes with comic book storyboards and color-pencil drawings and all kinds of feminism-oriented pro-democracy rhetoric. She also wanted to incorporate the modernism-relevant political labors of Hillary Clinton, a woman who rose above the humiliation of her husband's disastrous publicized sex-scandal to forge her own personal political successes."


"Americans were in love with comic books, since comics-art captured a general pedestrian aesthetic geared towards a celebration of 'simplified art,' 'lyrical conversationalism,' 'Beatnik-style humor,' and 'panel-themed figurine arrays.' Comic book characters such as Harley Quinn, Sheena, Jem, Poison Ivy, Phantom, Mysterio, Richie Rich, Punky Brewster, and Supergirl represented a modern interest in 'conversational intellectualism'."


"Intellectual property was so valuable and weighty in the age of Internet, and burglars and hackers were really the 'new terrorists.' Protecting and valuating media-circulated comics-art and feminism-weighty designs reflected social securities regarding democratic access to pop-politics archives. This is how WikiLeaks became so intriguing."


"Jericha became so passionate in her crusade that re-presentations of her work sprung up in Japanese anime and manga, which declared Jericha's brand of 'female knighthood' akin to Joan of Arc oriented political idealism. Feminism suddenly gained a 'fertile dimension' through media. Was this art or religion?"


"Meanwhile, street-fashions reflected punk-rock styles and fan-zine culture, and comic book 'fan-fics' emerged as a new 'genre' capturing the modern world's interest in pedestrianism-friendly poetry. The new fashion-themed film The Devil Wears Prada (Meryl Streep) accented this new 'humanism trend'."


"A brilliant freelance English illustrator/painter working in London named Alford was creating luscious renderings of gorgeous heroines and models arrayed in street-wisdom postures to capture this modern age focus on primal aesthetics, and Jericha considered him a significant rival. This was all so darn democratic, and Hillary Clinton tweeted about the importance of evaluating the very real threat of political myopia and even censorship."


"Jericha tied all this modern feminism to classic comic book art, so she paired her female model portraits/drawings/mosaics with vintage heroism-themed comic books featuring a politically-relevant focus on 'free-speech chivalry'."


"Jericha became a well-known feminist in this modern landscape, and she was even featured in the new live-action film-adaptation of Jem and the Holograms, starring Leo DiCaprio, Anne Hathaway, Madonna, and Tilda Swinton. Hillary Clinton said in an interview that the film was an achievement for the MTV generation and for general feminism glorification. Was she right?"


"More and more comic book writers and film-makers were inventing luscious 'anti-heroines' such as Harley Quinn who captured a very modern social interest in passionate street-aesthetics and customs-inventiveness. Media access to radical ideas therefore led to the construction of all kinds of 'democracy arguments,' and Hillary Clinton said this could all potentially become some modernized rendition of the Great Revival."


TRUMP: I like this whole Jem craze.
CARTER: It's an MTV phenomenon I think!
TRUMP: Are you a fan of Martha Stewart?
CARTER: I prefer Sara Lee...
TRUMP: It seems the public pulpit is 'host' to consumerism-friendly 'propaganda.'
CARTER: We have to stay ahead of the world in 'poetic marketing.'
TRUMP: Of course; lest we fall behind Europe and Asia in fashion and politics!
CARTER: This is the era of media and markets, Mr. President.
TRUMP: It seems Mrs. Clinton is a very 'passionate' political 'advocate.'
CARTER: She's done an incredible amount of work, sir!
TRUMP: She almost defeated me in the Presidential race, Carter...
CARTER: That must have been humbling, sir.
TRUMP: It was; let's think positively about the Home Shopping Network.
CARTER: You should make a cameo in a Hollywood film.
TRUMP: Yeah, maybe a Leo DiCaprio film about the Amazon.
CARTER: Hail to journalism!



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