Jefferson / Hemmings misinformation of the modern age. A god called DNA

Tell me that you didn't just say the name of that reactionary Christian apologist and propagandist David Barton, number one on the Liars for Jesus softball team?

Oh crap, yep, that's what you said. Never did a more dishonest person walk the earth, after Peter "Get thee behind me satan" breathed in the dust from the sandals of Jesus....

Barton is a fine scholar and his work on the religious basis of America's founding is solid. Liberal scholars have largely resorted to outright lying in responding to his research. For every one relatively minor error liberals have found in Barton's research, there are several indisputable facts therein. Barton's research is far, far more accurate than that of his critics.

That said, I disagree with Barton on the Sally Hemmings issue. I'm a big fan of Jefferson's, but I suspect that he did have intimate relations with Hemmings.
Tell me that you didn't just say the name of that reactionary Christian apologist and propagandist David Barton, number one on the Liars for Jesus softball team?

Oh crap, yep, that's what you said. Never did a more dishonest person walk the earth, after Peter "Get thee behind me satan" breathed in the dust from the sandals of Jesus....

Barton is a fine scholar and his work on the religious basis of America's founding is solid. Liberal scholars have largely resorted to outright lying in responding to his research. For every one relatively minor error liberals have found in Barton's research, there are several indisputable facts therein. Barton's research is far, far more accurate than that of his critics.

That said, I disagree with Barton on the Sally Hemmings issue. I'm a big fan of Jefferson's, but I suspect that he did have intimate relations with Hemmings.
Barton is a hack, with no training as a historian. He's a right-wing theocratic Christian apologist, and not worthy of the time of day.
And given that the family of Thomas Jefferson has accepted that TJ fathered black slaves, wouldn't the burden of proof be on you to prove them wrong?

the family of Martin Luther King doesn't think James Earl Ray killed him , does our society still list him as the assassin? yes

the fact is the family is trusting too much in guys with white coats that say DNA is proof of everything.
26 possible candidates

Says who? Remember, your standard that a biased source isn't evidence. Barton is clearly biased. Ergo, by your own standards his claims aren't evidence.

What are the odds that you're going to ignore your own standards because you want to believe Barton?

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