George Soros puppetmaster of ukraine


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
georgie porgie friend and lover of the left

Zero Hedge On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/01/2015 - 21:13

Just days after George Soros warned that World War 3 was imminent unless Washington backed down to China on IMF currency basket inclusion, the hacker collective CyberBerkut has exposed the billionaire as the real puppet-master behind the scenes in Ukraine. In 3 stunning documents, allegedly hacked from email correspondence between the hedge fund manager and Ukraine President Poroshenko, Soros lays out "A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine," expresses his confidence that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force," and finally explained Poroshenko's "first priority must be to regain control of financial markets," which he assures the President could be helped by The Fed adding "I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement."
The more things change - the more they remain the same...

Poll: Ukrainians Unhappy About Corruption, Incomplete Reforms
October 13, 2015 - Ukrainians are unhappy with their current government. In a recent poll conducted in Ukraine, only 7 percent of the respondents said they felt the fight against corruption was yielding any results, and only 6 percent saw successful reforms in the legal and law enforcement spheres.
Forty percent of the respondents admitted having bribed someone in the last 12 months. The survey was carried out in September by the Washington-based International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), which has been conducting polls in Ukraine regularly since 1994. The pro-democracy and election-assistance non-profit receives most of its funding from USAID and the United Nations. Seventy-four percent of the respondents said they were unhappy with their government over the issue of limiting the influence of powerful businessmen known collectively as "oligarchs" and 67 percent believe the government is not doing enough to fight corruption. Still, half of the respondents said they want Ukraine to move closer to Europe and see democracy as the best form of government.


Activists throw tomatoes at portraits of parliamentary deputies who were absent from voting on anti-corruption laws, Kyiv​

Ukrainians are not ready to launch a "third Maidan," says IFES's Rakesh Sharma, referring to several waves of mass demonstrations against Ukrainian leaders starting in 2004, the most recent of which led to the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych, the country's pro-Russian president, last year. “People don’t think the reforms that have been promised by Maidan have come through," said Sharma, who is the director of IFES's Monitoring & Evaluation and public opinion research initiatives. "A majority of people, close to 70 percent, say that the only way the aspirations of Maidan can be met is through a new leadership that is not [tightly connected] to the status quo in Ukraine. There is a sense that the current leadership can’t push through the reforms [or] isn’t committed to the pushing the reforms that Maidan would have made necessary.”

Ukraine's armed forces, media and local authorities enjoy the greatest public trust. The high level of trust toward local officials shows the importance of decentralization and the empowerment of local communities. Almost half of the respondents said they believe democracy is the best form of government in Ukraine, and more than 71 percent of citizens said they are planning to participate in local elections. More than half of the respondents expressed a positive attitude towards the European Union, Germany, the United States and NATO, while only 12 percent said they have positive feelings about Russia. Major changes have occurred in the minds of Ukrainians in the eastern and southern parts of the country that were the most sympathetic to Russia.

Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Ukraine war...

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
February 21, 2016 — The U.N. children’s fund calls the daily suffering endured by more than 500,000 Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable. UNICEF finds children living in areas controlled by Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine are being deprived of their most basic rights and needs.
The U.N. children’s fund considers the many children affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine as much more than just “collateral damage.” It says the deprivation and trauma experienced by those who are most affected - some 580,000 children living near the front line - will have life-long damaging consequences. UNICEF representative in Ukraine Giovanna Barberis said these children were being deprived of their basic rights, including education, housing and the right to play. Speaking by telephone from the capital Kyiv, she said about 215,000 of the 1.6 million people displaced by the conflict could not return to the homes they were forced to flee.


A woman with her child and others pass body of a man, who died in a land mine explosion near a frontline crossing to Ukrainian government-controlled territory, in the war conflict-hit Donetsk region, near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Feb. 10, 2015. The U.N. children’s fund calls on Feb. 21, 2016, the daily suffering endured by more than one-half million Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable.​

“Over 200,000—so one in three are in need of psychosocial support…These are children that have witnessed violence and fighting and that are really in need of immediate support," said Barberis. Temperatures in the region are plummeting and Barberis said fuel shortages and high prices of coal were leaving children at risk of respiratory infections. She warned of an outbreak of diseases because of the lack of health services and a shortage of medicines.

Landmine threat

She said children were facing the imminent threat of stepping on landmines and other unexploded devices. She told VOA there was no proper system for tracking the number of children killed and maimed by these devices. She said UNICEF was relying on what she terms "unrealistic figures" from the Ministry of Health. “Out of the 60 children that had been killed as a result of the conflict, around 40 were killed by mines because of jumping on any of these devices. But, again, I would not take it as a reliable figure,” said Barberis.

In the early stages of the conflict, the government in Kyiv cut off social payments to people living in the rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. This has created great hardships for the population. Barberis said the government has not resumed any benefit payments, but Russia was trying to mitigate the situation by providing some financial support

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Ukraine war...

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine
February 21, 2016 — The U.N. children’s fund calls the daily suffering endured by more than 500,000 Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable. UNICEF finds children living in areas controlled by Russian-supported rebels in eastern Ukraine are being deprived of their most basic rights and needs.
The U.N. children’s fund considers the many children affected by the conflict in eastern Ukraine as much more than just “collateral damage.” It says the deprivation and trauma experienced by those who are most affected - some 580,000 children living near the front line - will have life-long damaging consequences. UNICEF representative in Ukraine Giovanna Barberis said these children were being deprived of their basic rights, including education, housing and the right to play. Speaking by telephone from the capital Kyiv, she said about 215,000 of the 1.6 million people displaced by the conflict could not return to the homes they were forced to flee.


A woman with her child and others pass body of a man, who died in a land mine explosion near a frontline crossing to Ukrainian government-controlled territory, in the war conflict-hit Donetsk region, near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Feb. 10, 2015. The U.N. children’s fund calls on Feb. 21, 2016, the daily suffering endured by more than one-half million Ukrainian children victimized by two years of conflict intolerable.​

“Over 200,000—so one in three are in need of psychosocial support…These are children that have witnessed violence and fighting and that are really in need of immediate support," said Barberis. Temperatures in the region are plummeting and Barberis said fuel shortages and high prices of coal were leaving children at risk of respiratory infections. She warned of an outbreak of diseases because of the lack of health services and a shortage of medicines.

Landmine threat

She said children were facing the imminent threat of stepping on landmines and other unexploded devices. She told VOA there was no proper system for tracking the number of children killed and maimed by these devices. She said UNICEF was relying on what she terms "unrealistic figures" from the Ministry of Health. “Out of the 60 children that had been killed as a result of the conflict, around 40 were killed by mines because of jumping on any of these devices. But, again, I would not take it as a reliable figure,” said Barberis.

In the early stages of the conflict, the government in Kyiv cut off social payments to people living in the rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine. This has created great hardships for the population. Barberis said the government has not resumed any benefit payments, but Russia was trying to mitigate the situation by providing some financial support

UN: Children Biggest Victims of 2-Year Conflict in E. Ukraine

They wont let in Russian help. Bastards in Kiev are starving them out.
Check out Pinchuk. Links to Hillary via Canada. You wont believe what they did to this Ukrainian pianist. I'm not done with this yet.

I am going to make the TSO pay big time.

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