Jeb Calls Trump "Unhinged"..Then Says Damned Near The Same Thing A Couple Of Days Later


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Jeb Bush is full of shit.

Earlier this week he screamed like a stuck pig, saying Trump was unhinged when he said he wanted a temporary halt in allowing Muslims into this country, until we can figure out how to vet them properly.....and then yesterday simply rephrased what Trump said....acting like he wasn't against it from the beginning.
Jeb: There Should Be 'Temporary' Refugee Ban on Refugees Until 'Clear' There Aren't Any Terrorists - Breitbart


Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush argued, “we should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here” until “it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded,” but “blanket coverage of all Muslims doesn’t make sense” on Friday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Jeb stated, [relevant remarks begin around 5:15] “I think we should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here until we’re — it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded, but if we — if a Kurd wanted to come to this country, the strongest supporters of the United States in the region, that are Muslim, I’m not sure that’s the appropriate thing, or an Indonesian, blanket coverage of all Muslims doesn’t make sense, but the key here is to have a strategy to destroy ISIS. We need safe havens inside of Syria, the best refugee solution is to make sure they don’t leave, to give them safe harbor and build a Sunni-led force in Syria to mobilize support with the Arab world to take out ISIS.”

He added that if people can’t be vetted, “they shouldn’t come in.


That's the same exact thing Donald Trump said.
I was just laughing about that reading my news.

Georgia is refusing to process any benefits for syria refugees

Trump might have ill phrased the idea, but it is a screaming nerve with many americans. The refugees need to be contained and re-vetted. There is too much fear of ISIS and radical terrorism right now. Too much proof they are getting into the US and we have seen what just a couple of people can do and how many lives can be lost.

Trump now has a rich and powerful opponent in a Saudi prince that says he will not let Trump get elected. Not everyone "loves" Trump. Love him or hate him, he is making the race interesting and getting people talking.
Jeb Bush had a strategy, it was to lose every primary and let challengers drop out, then go on to win the general election.

His strategy failed. He has said that he will win the North Carolina primary. When he said that. In NC he polled at 4%. Since then, he's dropped to 3%. He should drop out after the NC primary.
Jeb Bush is full of shit.

Earlier this week he screamed like a stuck pig, saying Trump was unhinged when he said he wanted a temporary halt in allowing Muslims into this country, until we can figure out how to vet them properly.....and then yesterday simply rephrased what Trump said....acting like he wasn't against it from the beginning.
Jeb: There Should Be 'Temporary' Refugee Ban on Refugees Until 'Clear' There Aren't Any Terrorists - Breitbart


Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush argued, “we should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here” until “it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded,” but “blanket coverage of all Muslims doesn’t make sense” on Friday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Jeb stated, [relevant remarks begin around 5:15] “I think we should have a temporary ban on refugees coming here until we’re — it’s clear that there aren’t any terrorists embedded, but if we — if a Kurd wanted to come to this country, the strongest supporters of the United States in the region, that are Muslim, I’m not sure that’s the appropriate thing, or an Indonesian, blanket coverage of all Muslims doesn’t make sense, but the key here is to have a strategy to destroy ISIS. We need safe havens inside of Syria, the best refugee solution is to make sure they don’t leave, to give them safe harbor and build a Sunni-led force in Syria to mobilize support with the Arab world to take out ISIS.”

He added that if people can’t be vetted, “they shouldn’t come in.


That's the same exact thing Donald Trump said.

Who called Trump unhinged? Who?
Jeb is staying in because the RNC promised to broker the Convention his way, they don't care if they destroy the Party and frankly it long past time for it

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