Jeb Bush's Proposed Tax Cuts: 53% Goes To Top 1%


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The poorest fifth of Americans would get just under 3 percent of the tax breaks.

More than half of the tax cuts proposed in former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's (R) tax plan would flow to America's wealthiest citizens, according to a report released by the nonpartisan group Citizens for Tax Justice, which advocates for "requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share."

While Americans at every income level would get a tax break under the presidential hopeful's plan, the report concludes, the size of that break would differ vastly. Those part of the poorest 20 percent of the country would receive, on average, a $227 cut, while those in the top 1 percent could expect about $82,392 -- a nearly 53 percent share of the individual income tax cuts.


More: More Than Half Of Jeb Bush's Proposed Tax Cuts Would Benefit The Top 1 Percent: Report

I recently heard that about 400 wealthy families control our government. Can those 400 wealthy families put Jeb in the White House? I don't know...
If 53% of the tax cuts went to the bottom 1% we would end up paying them to file a tax return. Of course 53% of tax cuts go to the taxpayers who pay the most freaking tax. Why are radical lefties so lacking in basic math skills?
If 53% of the tax cuts went to the bottom 1% we would end up paying them to file a tax return. Of course 53% of tax cuts go to the taxpayers who pay the most freaking tax. Why are radical lefties so lacking in basic math skills?

No, sparky, it isn't basic math skills - it's that the rich are fucking us deep and hard via corporate welfare and other loopholes. They have totally gamed the system in their favor. What is sadly funny is that morons like you continue to support people who are not supporting your interests.

If 53% of the tax cuts went to the bottom 1% we would end up paying them to file a tax return. Of course 53% of tax cuts go to the taxpayers who pay the most freaking tax. Why are radical lefties so lacking in basic math skills?

No, sparky, it isn't basic math skills - it's that the rich are fucking us deep and hard via corporate welfare and other loopholes. They have totally gamed the system in their favor. What is sadly funny is that morons like you continue to support people who are not supporting your interests.


How did you manage with the guy on the left, to get such a close likeness of Whitehall??
If 53% of the tax cuts went to the bottom 1% we would end up paying them to file a tax return. Of course 53% of tax cuts go to the taxpayers who pay the most freaking tax. Why are radical lefties so lacking in basic math skills?

No, sparky, it isn't basic math skills - it's that the rich are fucking us deep and hard via corporate welfare and other loopholes. They have totally gamed the system in their favor. What is sadly funny is that morons like you continue to support people who are not supporting your interests.


All his wealth going to the rich is easy to fix, just give to the Clinton Foundation.
Man progressive liberals are so racist it's almost funny.

Should I post a picture of some dumb looking back guy, missing teeth, dressed like a homeless gangsta standing next to a white old male Democrat politician and add a bigoted caption to make believe I have an argument against Keynesian economics and welfare?
Should I post a picture of some dumb looking back guy, missing teeth, dressed like a homeless gangsta standing next to a white old male Democrat politician and add a bigoted caption to make believe I have an argument against Keynesian economics and welfare?

Go for it.......start by looking in your family album........LOL

(Who or what is a "back guy???)
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I kind of wish this recovery would continue for another generation just so we can weed out this thinking. All we have to wait.
No surprise he's a fucking Bush, his whole Nazi family is corrupt and incompetent..

Daddy was so awful, and pathetic he was crushed by Slick Willie..

W, was a half retarded drunk, who allowed 9-11 to happen, put 2 lost wars on the Credit card, blew up wall st in 2008, everything that mumbling, bumbling asshole touched turned to shit..

Jeb is Garbage and would be another disaster, fuck him, nobody in his own sorry party even likes him..

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