January 1; How much you wanna bet nothing changes


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I heard on Planet Money that on January 1, the Bush Tax Cuts, the payroll tax holiday, and the automatic spending cuts that the Super Committee defacto authorized take hold.

So taxes on the wealthiest people go up on 1/1/13
So tax withholding on people like you and I will go up on 1/1/13
And There are supposed to be massive cuts to spending that goes into effect on1/1/13.

How much you wanna bet none of the three happens. Obama is on record saying that he will veto any attempt to repeal the cuts. Yeah; right.

I would be shocked if any of the three happen.

Any thoughts?

We're Headed For A Fiscal Cliff. Should We Jump? : Planet Money : NPR
January 1; How much you wanna bet nothing changes

I heard on Planet Money that on January 1, the Bush Tax Cuts, the payroll tax holiday, and the automatic spending cuts that the Super Committee defacto authorized take hold.

So taxes on the wealthiest people go up on 1/1/13
So tax withholding on people like you and I will go up on 1/1/13
And There are supposed to be massive cuts to spending that goes into effect on1/1/13.

How much you wanna bet none of the three happens. Obama is on record saying that he will veto any attempt to repeal the cuts. Yeah; right.

I would be shocked if any of the three happen.

Any thoughts?




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Obama will only veto keeping wealthy cuts...like he's said all along.

Not quite. This from Wiki:

Deficit reduction and the automatic cuts scheduled to take effect in January 2013 were viewed as likely to figure in the 2012 presidential election.[40][30] President Obama stated that he would veto any attempt by Congress to cancel the $1.2 trillion sequester.[41]

I'll still wager that nothing changes.
I heard on Planet Money that on January 1, the Bush Tax Cuts, the payroll tax holiday, and the automatic spending cuts that the Super Committee defacto authorized take hold.

So taxes on the wealthiest people go up on 1/1/13
So tax withholding on people like you and I will go up on 1/1/13
And There are supposed to be massive cuts to spending that goes into effect on1/1/13.

How much you wanna bet none of the three happens. Obama is on record saying that he will veto any attempt to repeal the cuts. Yeah; right.

I would be shocked if any of the three happen.

Any thoughts?

We're Headed For A Fiscal Cliff. Should We Jump? : Planet Money : NPR
On those three items, probably nothing.
Obama signed the extension of what are now the Obama tax cuts. But he won't be in any position to sign legislation in January.
Well let's see. Later in January we'll have a new president and solid control of the House and Senate, so...

Amazing just how badly everything has gone to hell since Pelosi-Reid took control of the checkbook in the '06 election.

Time to put the adults back in charge.

Unfortuantely, no adults are currently in congress and none are running for congress.

Furthermore, nowadays, only one with a childish campaign attitude can win a campaign.
Well let's see. Later in January we'll have a new president and solid control of the House and Senate, so...

Amazing just how badly everything has gone to hell since Pelosi-Reid took control of the checkbook in the '06 election.

Time to put the adults back in charge.

Unfortuantely, no adults are currently in congress and none are running for congress.

Furthermore, nowadays, only one with a childish campaign attitude can win a campaign.

You just have to decide if you want the continued -Obam-Pelosi-Reid budget - or the Ryan budget.

Pick one!

Well let's see. Later in January we'll have a new president and solid control of the House and Senate, so...

Lemme guess......that's what Nostradamus said.....or, was it the Mayans??

Amazing just how badly everything has gone to hell since Pelosi-Reid took control of the checkbook in the '06 election.

Time to put the adults back in charge.

Unfortuantely, no adults are currently in congress and none are running for congress.

Furthermore, nowadays, only one with a childish campaign attitude can win a campaign.

You just have to decide if you want the continued -Obam-Pelosi-Reid budget - or the Ryan budget.

Pick one!

Hey...dont get me wrong....If I am going to forced to let children make adult decisions, I prefer children that recognize the fiscal problems we have as a nation.

Certtainly not children who keep on saying "they did it in the past so there is nothing wrong with us doing it now"
Well let's see. Later in January we'll have a new president and solid control of the House and Senate, so...

Amazing just how badly everything has gone to hell since Pelosi-Reid took control of the checkbook in the '06 election.

Time to put the adults back in charge.

Yeah.....that's what Republicans said, in 1999.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKgPY1adc0A]Bush "Fool Me Once..." - YouTube[/ame]

Who cares?
Anyone who thinks there will be any real difference in our lives whether Obama or Romney wins - needs to have their head examined.
Real unemployment will still be in the 12%-15% range, underemployment will still be in the 20% range.
It will still be like now.
Possibly...no...likely it will be worse at the end of 2016 than now.
The trumped up stimulus bubble will collapse...nothing will stop this from happening.
Amazing just how badly everything has gone to hell since Pelosi-Reid took control of the checkbook in the '06 election.

Time to put the adults back in charge.

Unfortuantely, no adults are currently in congress and none are running for congress.

Furthermore, nowadays, only one with a childish campaign attitude can win a campaign.

You just have to decide if you want the continued -Obam-Pelosi-Reid budget - or the Ryan budget.

Pick one!

There's no need.

The Bush tax-cuts will be allowed to......


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
Who cares?
Anyone who thinks there will be any real difference in our lives whether Obama or Romney wins - needs to have their head examined.
Real unemployment will still be in the 12%-15% range, underemployment will still be in the 20% range.
It will still be like now.
Possibly...no...likely it will be worse at the end of 2016 than now.
The trumped up stimulus bubble will collapse...nothing will stop this from happening.

Lemme guess......that's what Nostradamus said.....or, was it the Mayans??

Who cares?
Anyone who thinks there will be any real difference in our lives whether Obama or Romney wins - needs to have their head examined.
Real unemployment will still be in the 12%-15% range, underemployment will still be in the 20% range.
It will still be like now.
Possibly...no...likely it will be worse at the end of 2016 than now.
The trumped up stimulus bubble will collapse...nothing will stop this from happening.

Lemme guess......that's what Nostradamus said.....or, was it the Mayans??


Or was it the part cherokee lady?
I heard on Planet Money that on January 1, the Bush Tax Cuts, the payroll tax holiday, and the automatic spending cuts that the Super Committee defacto authorized take hold.

So taxes on the wealthiest people go up on 1/1/13
So tax withholding on people like you and I will go up on 1/1/13
And There are supposed to be massive cuts to spending that goes into effect on1/1/13.

How much you wanna bet none of the three happens. Obama is on record saying that he will veto any attempt to repeal the cuts. Yeah; right.

I would be shocked if any of the three happen.

Any thoughts?

We're Headed For A Fiscal Cliff. Should We Jump? : Planet Money : NPR
On those three items, probably nothing.
Obama signed the extension of what are now the Obama tax cuts. But he won't be in any position to sign legislation in January.

Well, they expire on 12/31/12. There will have to be legislation to continue them and he'll be president on 1/1/13. Likely until 1/20/17.
Who cares?
Anyone who thinks there will be any real difference in our lives whether Obama or Romney wins - needs to have their head examined.
Real unemployment will still be in the 12%-15% range, underemployment will still be in the 20% range.
It will still be like now.
Possibly...no...likely it will be worse at the end of 2016 than now.
The trumped up stimulus bubble will collapse...nothing will stop this from happening.

Well, this isn't anything that will hinge on the election. Whoever wins, we'll either have a term limited lame duck with no re-election to worry about or a man who doesn't take office until the 1/20.

I agree, with your sentiment; our "leaders" will find some way to prevent the budget cuts and extend the payroll tax holiday. Obama may be able to power through letting the Bush tax cuts expire but I doubt it. I see another self-deceiving bargain.

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