Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life'

I was against the Vietnam war. Both my father and my brother fought in the Vietnam war. It was wrong from start to finish but you don't go to the enemy and give them comfort. You don't go to the enemy and do propaganda photos and radio shows. You go to Washington and you picket, you write your congressmen, you write letters to the editor, you run for office and try to change things, YOU DON'T COMMIT TREASON because you don't agree with a war our soldiers are fighting.
What I find most interesting about your condemnation of Fonda is you, as another woman, have ignored the pertinence of her very female modus operandi. And in spite of your obvious intelligence you fail to question the reason why she would so readily jeopardize her freedom.

I was lucky enough to be fully discharged from the Marine Corps just one year before the Vietnam debacle erupted. But my cousin Tommy, who was more like a younger brother to me, wasn't so lucky. He was drafted and killed just five weeks after arriving in Vietnam.

I became an active organizer and participant in the Vietnam protest movement. As such I was very conscious of the activities of Hollywood personalities who belonged to the movement. Jane Fonda was without question the most active, the most knowledgeable, and the most passionate of the lot. She was one pissed off lady, and as such she devised a way to toss a red hot brick at the Washington power structure behind the "police action" in Vietnam that was killing our troops at an increasing rate.

The problem was the American people weren't paying attention to the fact that our actions in Vietnam were illegal, immoral, and wholly unnecessary. We couldn't get that point across to all the willfully blind and dumb flag-wavers who believed the U.S. was at war and the cause was just. Fonda found a way. What Fonda's very female action was saying to the Secretary of Defense and the President is, Look here! If you believe this is treason -- arrest me! Prosecute me!

Why do you suppose she did that? And why do you suppose they didn't dare to arrest and prosecute her? Because to do so would necessarily have clearly revealed the Tonkin Gulf lie, along with other lies, and call public attention to the fact that our troops were suffering and dying for no good reason in an illegal, immoral, and unnecessary military adventure.

Her action is hard for most men to understand, because what Fonda did was an angry and frustrated woman's way of doing things. And although she did get a bit too carried away in her performance, the bottom line is she did manage to contribute to the shortening of the Vietnam misadventure. Because those who were capable of looking beyond the surface were made to see the truth.

Fonda showed it to them by posing the very obvious question of why she was not prosecuted for treason. That is the question all who so despise "Hanoi Jane" need to ask themselves and to look more deeply for the answer.

The bottom line is she was more bravely patriotic than were most of us. She took one hell of a chance.

I disagree. The truth is Jane Fonda refused to take any chance at all. There she was.....in front of American POW's rail thin - obviously tortured - their last chance is to get a tiny piece of paper into her hands to tell the world of the torture these Communist pigs are putting them through. What does she do once all the papers are in her hand? She hands the tiny pieces of paper to their captors.

What kind of courage did it take Jane to not step up to the plate and help our American POW's? To instead decide to save her own neck and do nothing? NONE! ALL JANE CARED ABOUT THAT DAY WAS SAVING HER OWN SKIN. SHE IS A COWARD JUST AS ALL COMMUNISTS ARE. IT IS ONE OF THEIR MARKERS.

While I appreciate your personal testimony and detailed reply, you could not be more wrong. In my opinion. What she did was nothing short of an act of treason. She betrayed our soldiers. She will be remembered for that if I have to continue to tell the story 10 million times. She will be remembered for it. She earned her reputation as an American Traitor. She owns it.


The more times you tell a lie doesn't make it any more true
This is just one of the reasons that I don't support the entertainment industry anymore. This and because they are annoyingly superficial and totally out of touch with the real world.


LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War.

“Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.”

This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page's fans.

“Get a life."

Read more: Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life' | Fox News

From your link:

"He told us Fonda had “every right” to protest the Vietnam War and to lobby Capitol Hill to get her message across, but says she bordered on treason when she went to Hanoi, Vietnam, called Americans “war criminals,” and was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery, a move she claimed she regretted in her 2005 autobiography."

Bordered on treason? It was treason. She should have been shot.

Those who kept sending troops into a meatgrinder with no plan for winning should have been shot

That would have been LBJ who had a lot of contracts to supply oil and equipment. Kennedy was cranking that war down which was going to cost Johnson mucho bucks. He lured Kennedy to Dallas and had him shot. Ahh..... the left, they are such lovely Kumbaya people!
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

No shit! How long ago did Fonda her Hanoi Jane routine? It's been something like 40 plus years ago. At this point it would be classified by mental health experts as an unhealthy obsession. :cuckoo: The woman has rightfully stated she regrets that point in her life

"The woman has rightfully stated she regrets that point in her life"

If she truly meant that, she, out of respect for Nancy Reagan and her patriotism, would not have accepted the role. There is more going on with the whole thing here, in my opinion, and I am distrustful of the intentions of the movie-makers as well as Fonda, the unintelligent anti-American. I would not be surprised if Oliver Stone were not the director or producer. He was a veteran and is now a typical Hollywood liberal who makes their living pretending to be sincere, all the while hating traditional American values and enjoying the huge profits their work ( :eusa_whistle: ) brings them.

How DO they live with themselves. ( Rhetorical question )

The guy in that pic is John Kerry. Anybody notice that?
Still fighting Hanoi Jane?

We should be boycotting those who were involved in getting us into that stupid excuse for a war

Being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

1. Jane Fonda was one of those opponents of the Vietnam War for whom no amount of sympathy for America’s communist enemy was too much. This daughter of privilege traveled to Hanoi, and, in obedience to the wishes of her North Vietnamese hosts, heaped scorn on the notion that American POW’s were being mistreated. She posed gaily peering through the sight of an anti-aircraft gun (presumably prepared to fire on American planes), and made propaganda radio broadcasts. It is difficult to imagine what more she could have done to qualify as a traitor. Charen, “Useful Idiots,” p. 46.

2. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:
“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return… People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

3. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

Oh brother, another person who is obsessed with hating!
I always thought what Fonda did was stupid but Fonda has publically stated she regrets what she did over 40 years ago. That's good enough for rational people. Would it help if she practiced self-flogging, then would you get a life? Grow up.

People regret a lot when there is money involved.
I find it interesting that the Christian Right joins in on the bashing of Jane Fonda, in spite of the fact that Jane is now, and has been for several years, a "born again Christian". Aparantly, Christ's teachings do not apply to those with a history of "incorrect politics".

If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri

Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.
I find it interesting that the Christian Right joins in on the bashing of Jane Fonda, in spite of the fact that Jane is now, and has been for several years, a "born again Christian". Aparantly, Christ's teachings do not apply to those with a history of "incorrect politics".

If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri

Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.

This has nothing to do with God. Our government secular. And when we get a personal letter from her asking forgiveness, then it will be considered. This is not about God. It is about MONEY!
This is just one of the reasons that I don't support the entertainment industry anymore. This and because they are annoyingly superficial and totally out of touch with the real world.


LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War.

“Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.”

This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page's fans.

“Get a life."

Read more: Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life' | Fox News

Maybe they should get a life. She's 76 years old and sort of done with Viet Nam protesting..
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I find it interesting that the Christian Right joins in on the bashing of Jane Fonda, in spite of the fact that Jane is now, and has been for several years, a "born again Christian". Aparantly, Christ's teachings do not apply to those with a history of "incorrect politics".

If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri

Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.

There is no reconciliation without repentance. Christians are to speak out against evil wherever, whenever they see it. It is the person who remains silent who is secretly in agreement with such things. I am making it clear Jane Fonda was wrong to do what she did. She can be forgiven as quickly as any other human on this earth for their wrongdoings. The problem is repentance doesn't begin with............Get a life!

Does that clarify things for you? - Jeremiah
This is just one of the reasons that I don't support the entertainment industry anymore. This and because they are annoyingly superficial and totally out of touch with the real world.


LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum.

Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War.

“Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.”

This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page's fans.

“Get a life."

Read more: Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life' | Fox News

Maybe they should get a life. She's 76 years old and sort of done with Viet Nam protesting..

Then maybe her and the looney Hollywood casting people should stop trying to capitalize on her anti war past. See, you don't get to claim you have moved on...and then not move on.
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If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri

Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.

This has nothing to do with God. Our government secular. And when we get a personal letter from her asking forgiveness, then it will be considered. This is not about God. It is about MONEY!

I was addressing someone else who chose to bring up Christian values. Obviously, you are more concerned about "MONEY" than the Christian values.
Since you brought up Christianity let me be clear I believe Jesus when he says the prostitute and the tax collector will enter heaven before some self righteous folks will. Jane Fonda in her ignorance thought she was acting righteously but in fact she was acting self - righteously. Therein the trouble I have with her. To hear her tell it she is more compassionate than G-d Almighty. I don't think so. Communism is the arch enemy of God. She made it her best buddy. You figure it out. G-d isn't grading on a curve here, you know? Side with the devil and you get to live with him. - Jeri
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Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.

This has nothing to do with God. Our government secular. And when we get a personal letter from her asking forgiveness, then it will be considered. This is not about God. It is about MONEY!

I was addressing someone else who chose to bring up Christian values. Obviously, you are more concerned about "MONEY" than the Christian values.

Are you standing in for God today? Just checking...
Isn't forgiveness a Christian value? Seems to me that we have some folks, who like to jump on the God bandwagon, when it's convenient. How nice and sincere.

This has nothing to do with God. Our government secular. And when we get a personal letter from her asking forgiveness, then it will be considered. This is not about God. It is about MONEY!

I was addressing someone else who chose to bring up Christian values. Obviously, you are more concerned about "MONEY" than the Christian values.

Man, that went over your head like a 747!

It is JANE who is groveling for money~!
This has nothing to do with God. Our government secular. And when we get a personal letter from her asking forgiveness, then it will be considered. This is not about God. It is about MONEY!

I was addressing someone else who chose to bring up Christian values. Obviously, you are more concerned about "MONEY" than the Christian values.

Are you standing in for God today? Just checking...

I respect your opinion, mike, but she is pond scum to me and will forever be pond scum.
Just give it some thought, Gracie. Think about why she took such a risk. She could have been killed right there in Vietnam, and she could not have been more aggressively offensive to the Administration.

What do you suppose was her motive?
I respect your opinion, mike, but she is pond scum to me and will forever be pond scum.
Just give it some thought, Gracie. Think about why she took such a risk. She could have been killed right there in Vietnam, and she could not have been more aggressively offensive to the Administration.

What do you suppose was her motive?

No administration would have dared kill Henry Fonda's daughter!

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