Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life'

She didn't betray anyone..and has apologized profusely for exercising rights that the Constitution has given her.

She was right in protesting an unjustified war......just wrong in how she did it

She broke no laws

She went to the enemy and shot propaganda photos, she did radio shows while in enemy Territory, she was VERY wrong in how she protested. She was wrong to the point of committing treason.

She showed poor judgement, she apologized, she broke no laws, VietNam is our friend now, it is 40 years later........get over it
If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I believe it is you, and many others who remain blind to the truth about how our government wastes the lives of our sons and brothers, who owe Jane Fonda an apology for your willful blindness. The tragedy of it is how so many of you simply refuse to look at the glaring evidence of how wrong our actions in Vietnam were.

There are none so blind as they who will not see!

I was against the Vietnam war. Both my father and my brother fought in the Vietnam war. It was wrong from start to finish but you don't go to the enemy and give them comfort. You don't go to the enemy and do propaganda photos and radio shows. You go to Washington and you picket, you write your congressmen, you write letters to the editor, you run for office and try to change things, YOU DON'T COMMIT TREASON because you don't agree with a war our soldiers are fighting.
It is sad to hear you say that the testimonies of the POW soldiers are not credible in your opinion. That you prefer to take the word of a communist over our own men who were over there defending your freedom of speech to now accuse them as liars. Oh the irony of that one. Is there an ignore button here? - Jeremiah

snopes says you are full of shit and so do I

snopes.com: Jane Fonda and POWs
rightwingers torn asshole is so big the hospital used coal miners to perform his colonoscopy .
You malicious, often vulgar, always obnoxious and utterly meaningless waste of time and space has earned you a place on my Ignore list.

I'm not sure that I understand why so many people are furious with Jane, while at the same time, Vietnam is now on our government's international trade "favored nation" list. I have three shirts that were manufactured there. Does that make me a traitor?
Fonda can get over herself and suck my ass.

I will never "get over" what she did.
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I am a veteran of the the Vietnam War and Jane Fonda doesn't owe me an apology. .:cool:

From reading your writings on this board I wouldn't expect you to, Sunni. I am speaking about American veterans who condemn communism and hold dear American values such as freedom, 2nd amendment rights, freedom of speech, the United States Constitution.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am totally opposed to communism and fully support the 2nd Amendment, free speech, and the US Constitution. .. :cool:

Supporting the US Constitution means you agree that the Constitution trumps the Koran. It means you believe in 1 wife, not 4. Beating her means you will get jail time, Divorce settlement is settled in a court of law ( not Sharia ) your children have freedom of choice for their faith, sex slavery - you would report immediately - any terrorist activity - you would report immediately - you believe the testimony of a woman is equal to that of a man ( not 1/4 as under Sharia law for women ) and you would testify against a Muslim if you were a witness to a crime he was planning to commit, did commit, tried to commit. If you agree with all of that then I agree with you. You are full fledged American. :clap2:

- Jeremiah
snopes says you are full of shit and so do I

snopes.com: Jane Fonda and POWs
rightwingers torn asshole is so big the hospital used coal miners to perform his colonoscopy .
You malicious, often vulgar, always obnoxious and utterly meaningless waste of time and space has earned you a place on my Ignore list.


It took you this long to put yidnar on ignore? I'm impressed, I don't think I could handle him past a couple of days...
I'm not sure that I understand why so many people are furious with Jane, while at the same time, Vietnam is now on our government's international trade "favored nation" list. I have three shirts that were manufactured there. Does that make me a traitor?

Apparently you don't understand the definition of the word "traitor". Look it up.
So you'd prefer to believe the american prisoners of war all lied when they say they handed her those little pieces of paper - to inform her of their being tortured - a plea for help & she responded by handing those little pieces of white paper to their captors, eh?

I believe the prisoners of war. They had no reason to lie and later the stories of that torture came out for the entire world to hear about. It validates their claim about Jane. I believe them.
Do you also believe the fable about returning GIs being spit on by protesters? That's another propaganda gem, enhanced by Stallone's performance as Rambo, the one-man super-trooper who kills platoons of enemies with his bare hands but tearfully laments being spat on.

No, it's not a lie. Ask your buddy Jane, she'll tell you.
Wow that people still care about Jane Fonda is unbelievable.

Anyone still obsessing over her should get a life.

People with strong morals, convictions do not "forget". They continue to speak out against evil and speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves. ( because they are dead! ) See the holocaust for an example of what NEVER FORGET means.

The fact that she betrayed a "small group" of American POWS matters not. What matters is she DID betray them and it led to their being tortured for it and for some? Their death.

I'm not forgetting about ANYTHING. Jane Fonda is no different from a European who eagerly turned over Jews to the Nazis. She needs to apologise. Especially to the families of these men. Instead she tells the American POWS and their families.... get a life!

Hell will FREEZE before I watch another Fonda movie. Same goes for Mel Gibson.

- Jeremiah
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NOTE*** Mel Gibson is an anti semite and doesn't deserve an audience in America or anywhere else for that matter.
If Jane Fonda is a born again Christian she missed the first step. Repentance and restitution. She owes the American people AND the Americans who fought in the Vietnam war a huge apology but first she will have to admit she did something wrong.

Get a life doesn't quite cut it. - Jeri
I believe it is you, and many others who remain blind to the truth about how our government wastes the lives of our sons and brothers, who owe Jane Fonda an apology for your willful blindness. The tragedy of it is how so many of you simply refuse to look at the glaring evidence of how wrong our actions in Vietnam were.

There are none so blind as they who will not see!

I was against the Vietnam war. Both my father and my brother fought in the Vietnam war. It was wrong from start to finish but you don't go to the enemy and give them comfort. You don't go to the enemy and do propaganda photos and radio shows. You go to Washington and you picket, you write your congressmen, you write letters to the editor, you run for office and try to change things, YOU DON'T COMMIT TREASON because you don't agree with a war our soldiers are fighting.
What I find most interesting about your condemnation of Fonda is you, as another woman, have ignored the pertinence of her very female modus operandi. And in spite of your obvious intelligence you fail to question the reason why she would so readily jeopardize her freedom.

I was lucky enough to be fully discharged from the Marine Corps just one year before the Vietnam debacle erupted. But my cousin Tommy, who was more like a younger brother to me, wasn't so lucky. He was drafted and killed just five weeks after arriving in Vietnam.

I became an active organizer and participant in the Vietnam protest movement. As such I was very conscious of the activities of Hollywood personalities who belonged to the movement. Jane Fonda was without question the most active, the most knowledgeable, and the most passionate of the lot. She was one pissed off lady, and as such she devised a way to toss a red hot brick at the Washington power structure behind the "police action" in Vietnam that was killing our troops at an increasing rate.

The problem was the American people weren't paying attention to the fact that our actions in Vietnam were illegal, immoral, and wholly unnecessary. We couldn't get that point across to all the willfully blind and dumb flag-wavers who believed the U.S. was at war and the cause was just. Fonda found a way. What Fonda's very female action was saying to the Secretary of Defense and the President is, Look here! If you believe this is treason -- arrest me! Prosecute me!

Why do you suppose she did that? And why do you suppose they didn't dare to arrest and prosecute her? Because to do so would necessarily have clearly revealed the Tonkin Gulf lie, along with other lies, and call public attention to the fact that our troops were suffering and dying for no good reason in an illegal, immoral, and unnecessary military adventure.

Her action is hard for most men to understand, because what Fonda did was an angry and frustrated woman's way of doing things. And although she did get a bit too carried away in her performance, the bottom line is she did manage to contribute to the shortening of the Vietnam misadventure. Because those who were capable of looking beyond the surface were made to see the truth.

Fonda showed it to them by posing the very obvious question of why she was not prosecuted for treason. That is the question all who so despise "Hanoi Jane" need to ask themselves and to look more deeply for the answer.

The bottom line is she was more bravely patriotic than were most of us. She took one hell of a chance.
I respect your opinion, mike, but she is pond scum to me and will forever be pond scum.
From reading your writings on this board I wouldn't expect you to, Sunni. I am speaking about American veterans who condemn communism and hold dear American values such as freedom, 2nd amendment rights, freedom of speech, the United States Constitution.
Incorrect nitwit.

I am totally opposed to communism and fully support the 2nd Amendment, free speech, and the US Constitution. .. :cool:

Supporting the US Constitution means you agree that the Constitution trumps the Koran. It means you believe in 1 wife, not 4. Beating her means you will get jail time, Divorce settlement is settled in a court of law ( not Sharia ) your children have freedom of choice for their faith, sex slavery - you would report immediately - any terrorist activity - you would report immediately - you believe the testimony of a woman is equal to that of a man ( not 1/4 as under Sharia law for women ) and you would testify against a Muslim if you were a witness to a crime he was planning to commit, did commit, tried to commit. If you agree with all of that then I agree with you. You are full fledged American.

- Jeremiah
Sorry to burst your bubble junior.

But I already am a full fledged 100% American citizen with the exact same rights and privileges as you.

True story........ :thup:
In other words, you commited perjury when you took the oath to uphold the constitution of the United States of America. I already knew that but thanks for confirming it with the response. - Jeremiah
I believe it is you, and many others who remain blind to the truth about how our government wastes the lives of our sons and brothers, who owe Jane Fonda an apology for your willful blindness. The tragedy of it is how so many of you simply refuse to look at the glaring evidence of how wrong our actions in Vietnam were.

There are none so blind as they who will not see!

I was against the Vietnam war. Both my father and my brother fought in the Vietnam war. It was wrong from start to finish but you don't go to the enemy and give them comfort. You don't go to the enemy and do propaganda photos and radio shows. You go to Washington and you picket, you write your congressmen, you write letters to the editor, you run for office and try to change things, YOU DON'T COMMIT TREASON because you don't agree with a war our soldiers are fighting.
What I find most interesting about your condemnation of Fonda is you, as another woman, have ignored the pertinence of her very female modus operandi. And in spite of your obvious intelligence you fail to question the reason why she would so readily jeopardize her freedom.

I was lucky enough to be fully discharged from the Marine Corps just one year before the Vietnam debacle erupted. But my cousin Tommy, who was more like a younger brother to me, wasn't so lucky. He was drafted and killed just five weeks after arriving in Vietnam.

I became an active organizer and participant in the Vietnam protest movement. As such I was very conscious of the activities of Hollywood personalities who belonged to the movement. Jane Fonda was without question the most active, the most knowledgeable, and the most passionate of the lot. She was one pissed off lady, and as such she devised a way to toss a red hot brick at the Washington power structure behind the "police action" in Vietnam that was killing our troops at an increasing rate.

The problem was the American people weren't paying attention to the fact that our actions in Vietnam were illegal, immoral, and wholly unnecessary. We couldn't get that point across to all the willfully blind and dumb flag-wavers who believed the U.S. was at war and the cause was just. Fonda found a way. What Fonda's very female action was saying to the Secretary of Defense and the President is, Look here! If you believe this is treason -- arrest me! Prosecute me!

Why do you suppose she did that? And why do you suppose they didn't dare to arrest and prosecute her? Because to do so would necessarily have clearly revealed the Tonkin Gulf lie, along with other lies, and call public attention to the fact that our troops were suffering and dying for no good reason in an illegal, immoral, and unnecessary military adventure.

Her action is hard for most men to understand, because what Fonda did was an angry and frustrated woman's way of doing things. And although she did get a bit too carried away in her performance, the bottom line is she did manage to contribute to the shortening of the Vietnam misadventure. Because those who were capable of looking beyond the surface were made to see the truth.

Fonda showed it to them by posing the very obvious question of why she was not prosecuted for treason. That is the question all who so despise "Hanoi Jane" need to ask themselves and to look more deeply for the answer.

The bottom line is she was more bravely patriotic than were most of us. She took one hell of a chance.

I disagree. The truth is Jane Fonda refused to take any chance at all. There she was.....in front of American POW's rail thin - obviously tortured - their last chance is to get a tiny piece of paper into her hands to tell the world of the torture these Communist pigs are putting them through. What does she do once all the papers are in her hand? She hands the tiny pieces of paper to their captors.

What kind of courage did it take Jane to not step up to the plate and help our American POW's? To instead decide to save her own neck and do nothing? NONE! ALL JANE CARED ABOUT THAT DAY WAS SAVING HER OWN SKIN. SHE IS A COWARD JUST AS ALL COMMUNISTS ARE. IT IS ONE OF THEIR MARKERS.

While I appreciate your personal testimony and detailed reply, you could not be more wrong. In my opinion. What she did was nothing short of an act of treason. She betrayed our soldiers. She will be remembered for that if I have to continue to tell the story 10 million times. She will be remembered for it. She earned her reputation as an American Traitor. She owns it.

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