James Woods Kicks The Hell Out Of Alyssa Milano In A Battle Of Wits

Can anyone fill me in on the recent details of this terribly important event? TIA
I like Woods, and Milano is a liberal dingbat, but I don’t see how Woods pwnd her right there
It isnt a SMACKDOWN.

More of a graceful sit down.

Everyone knows he was being a Gentleman.

And that was his only real option unless he wanted to put her down, look like a creep and give her a chance to say, "see what I mean?"

He did fine.

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As an educational aside, Woods is reputed to have the biggest schlong in Hollywood since the death of Milton Berle.

I'm sure it will interest a certain social segment here. :auiqs.jpg:
Biggest brain, too.

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Why the fuck does anyone care what either of these people have to say about anything?
James Woods is a sharp loyal American patriot.

He informed the FBI about the 9/11 hijackers rehearsal run.

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I'm not real fond of "The Ghost Whisperer" either.

Falsies make me angry! This is probably not typical of the average male.

They irk me to fucking no end! :mad:


If those are fake, they're damned good fakes.
While I rode her like a horse I would whip her and yell, "Who's the Boss, now, baby?"

Yeee ha!!!

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Have you been to James Wood's Twitter account?

It's hate gays, hate Muslims, and so full of right wing conspiratorial lies.

It's like Fox news.
Muslims are here to dominate us.

Why should we lie down and be your bitches???

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Funny how celebs should STFU until you agree with them.
When they are patriots we applaud their courage and that they stand up for the right despite being in a hostile land (Hollywood).

Which is tougher: Being a peaceful Jihadist online or being a patriotic Conservative in Tinseltown?

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