i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Must you always be a dick who knows nothing. They had a tentative agreement back in April but dumb Boris put a stop to it, because the oligarchy demanded it.

Why do you support the oligarchy? Are you dumb?

Boris CAN'T put a stop to anything, Zelensky's gov makes the final decisions. If you knew anything at all, you'd know that.
The casualties Ukraine suffered taking Izium and are still experiencing are unsustainable. It was a propaganda victory and little else.

SCOTT RITTER: Why Russia Will Still Win, Despite Ukraine's Gains

"Ukraine has exhausted its strategic reserves, and they will have to be reconstituted if Ukraine were to have any aspirations of continuing an advance along these lines.

"This will take months.

"Russia, meanwhile, has lost nothing more than some indefensible space.

"Russian casualties were minimal, and equipment losses readily replaced.

"Russia has actually strengthened its military posture by creating strong defensive lines in the north capable of withstanding any Ukrainian attack, while increasing combat power available to complete the task of liberating the remainder of the Donetsk People’s Republic under Ukrainian control.

"Russia has far more strategic depth than Ukraine.

"Russia is beginning to strike critical infrastructure targets, such as power stations, that will not only cripple the Ukrainian economy, but also their ability to move large amounts of troops rapidly via train.?
This entire narrative is put to bed by the documented equipment losses alone.

Casualties were 9.5:1 in Ukraine's favor, best estimate and in line with the nature of the Russian withdrawal, which was anything but orderly and which the several hundred pieces of captured and destroyed equipment proves.

The 64th MRB is no more. The 4th GTD is no more. The !st Guards Tank Army has lost 50% of it's tanks and IFV's. That will take years to rebuild, based on the rate of Russian tank production since 2010. Ukraine took several hundred POW's in Izium. I saw more POW's in a week than I've seen all war.

Russia lost more than "indefensible space", as the map shows. It lost the entire Belgorod forward supply hub, whose supplies are now being routed through Valuyki. Valuyki is also under threat, which means the next rail hub is Millerovo, and part of that line goes through northern Luhansk Oblast which will be under Ukr control...

And Izium was not "indefensible" it had an internal GLOC with the Russian border in the rear, The Oskil river to the east and the S-D to the Southeast, and they had successfully repelled all attempts by Ukraine to advance since April. The Russian forces collapsed so fast it even took Ukraine by surprise.

"Russia has actually strengthened its military posture by creating strong defensive lines in the north capable of withstanding any Ukrainian attack, while increasing combat power available to complete the task of liberating the remainder of the Donetsk People’s Republic under Ukrainian control."

In Ritter's universe, I'm pretty sure Mr. Spock has a beard. Seriously, this is pure nonsense in every respect. Izium was the key to taking the Donbas. That's why the 20th CAA was HQ'd in Izium. When the Russians fled Izium they abandoned any hope of taking Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. You don't abandon 500+ tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, EW/SIGINT systems, command vehicles and FUEL Trucks (the most valuable tactical truck to either side) in an orderly withdrawal.

Not even the Kremlin is trying to portray it as a minor defeat or a restructuring of their force posture. Neither is Grey Zone (Wagner), or Rybar, or Strelkin, or any of the well known Russian milbloggers.

Ritter couldn't hit his own ass with a scoop shovel. So catch up with your dear leader- the defeat is acknowledged, it is a hard one, and the blame is placed on Shoigu and the MoD.

Incidentally, if you think the Kherson offensive was smashed, you are setting yourself up for another disappointment. They've had losses, but nothing approaching the 100-200/day they were taking in June when they were defending Severodonetsk with no ammunition.

And it is Ukraine that is steadily building reserves and replenishing their armor with daily shipments via POLLOGHUB (5,000 tons/day) and captured Russian equipment (250+ pieces at last count, captured intact in the Izium axis). Ukraine is even beginning to rotate some of their forces off the front line, and giving them some time with their families. Not as many as they need to, not yet- but that will get better as the new classes of recruits are added to the active duty rosters. I expect a formalized system of troop rotations by the spring offensive.

Russia is recruiting from prisons and conscripting Ukrainians from the occupied areas if they were dumb enough to accept a Russian passport (which won't get them into Russia, btw). The much vaunted 3rd AC was beat up bad trying to reinforce the Izium group. And btw, it is far from a corp level force by NATO standards, which would mean 3 or 4 divisions and 60-80K troops. The Russian 3rd AC is an undersize Brigade by NATO measure- about 10K at best. And even though they have modern weapons, they only got 10-14 days of training, and have no idea how to use the stuff they were given. They will not affect the combat capability of Russia, they may actually degrade it some (if that is even possible with such a crappy army as Russia has).

You can keep your head in the sand, it makes no difference to Ukraine. This war will not be decided on social media, it will be decided by boots on the ground in Ukraine.
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Once again you prove an inability to understand what is happening. Ukraine does nothing without the support of the west. Z is a puppet you idiot.
Moron, Ukraine does not need the West if all it really wanted to do was gift it's lands to Russia.

Not only that, Boris IS NOT THE WEST, he represents UK. French had other ideas and US has been supporting Zelensky's descisions without too much pushback.

And finally, Ukranian descision to fight has now paid off, they have recovered huge swaths of their territories and still pushing Russians out.
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Moron, Ukraine does not need the West if all it really wanted to do was gift it's lands to Russia.

Not only that, Boris IS NOT THE WEST, he represents UK. French had other ideas and US has been supporting Zelensky's descisions without too much pushback.

And finally, Ukranian descision to fight has now paid off, they have recovered huge swaths of their territories and still pushing Russians out.
Stop posting. You know nothing.
Let's see, Iraq was invading its neighbors, raping and killing civilians and looting Kuwait. The UN warned Iraq that its conduct was illegal and unacceptable, and Iraq ignored the warning. The UN unanimously passed Resolution 660 declaring Iraq's annexation of Kuwait illegal and authorizing military action by member nations to expel Iraq. The second UN/Iraq War was the direct result of Iraq violating no less than nine UN resolutions about Iraq violating the terms of the cease-fire that stopped combat in the first UN/Iraq war. So Chomsky is full of crap as usual.
US Ambassador April Glaspie's Interview with Pres. Saddam Hussein, July 25 1990
April Glaspie tells Saddam the US will take no position on border disputes between Iraq and Kuwait; what happens next?

Highway of Death - Wikipedia

No country on this planet kills, rapes, mutilates, and displaces civilians as efficiently as the USA.
The second UN/Iraq War was the direct result of Iraq violating no less than nine UN resolutions about Iraq violating the terms of the cease-fire that stopped combat in the first UN/Iraq war. So Chomsky is full of crap as usual.
The Second Iraq War was another war crime based on lies about WMD as Chomsky and every other rational person on the planet knew. How many millions are still being maimed, murdered, and displaced by that abomination? Who's getting rich from the misery?
The US delegation in Geneva recognized the conduct of biological research in Ukraine on low-income citizens and patients of psychiatric hospitals
Do you even understand now, idiots from Ukraine, that you were used for experiments as animals, and your government allowed Washington to do this?
The US delegation in Geneva recognized the conduct of biological research in Ukraine on low-income citizens and patients of psychiatric hospitals
Do you even understand now, idiots from Ukraine, that you were used for experiments as animals, and your government allowed Washington to do this?

Lol, what are you talking about nutbag?

What "delegation"? What "biological research"?
I know you talk gibberish and fail to understand that you are ignorant of the facts.

Ringo (with his hero Stalin in avatar) is talking about "US delegation" supposedly accusing Ukraine of conducting some sort of nafarious "biological research" on it's citizens.

I'm asking him, and now you, wtf he is talking about. No one seems to know, but you are SURE he is not a nutbag.

So what don't you understand? I'll go over it with you a few more times.
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Ringo (with his hero Stalin in avatar) is talking about "US delegation" supposedly accusing Ukraine of conducting some sort of nafarious "biological research" on it's citizens.

I'm asking him, and now you, wtf he is talking about. No one seems to know, but you are SURE he is not a nutbag.

So what don't you understand? I'll go over it with you a few more times.
Let’s stop this stupid war that only stupid people support.

Nearly 90 Percent of the World Isn't Following Us on Ukraine | Opinion​

Nearly 90 percent of the world isn't following us on Ukraine | Opinion
Let’s stop this stupid war that only stupid people support.

Nearly 90 Percent of the World Isn't Following Us on Ukraine | Opinion​

Moron, you can't stop anything. Huge majorities in NATO (and soon to be NATO) countries support millitary aid to Ukraine.

  • Majorities continue to support US economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia (80%), accepting Ukrainian refugees into the United States (76%), providing additional arms and military supplies to the Ukrainian government (72%), and giving economic assistance to Ukraine (71%).
  • Nearly four in 10 support sending US troops to defend Ukraine (38%).

You can take your stupid Chinese and Saudi opinion stats and shove them, nobody who actually makes these descisions cares.

This war will end as soon as Russians, one way or another, roll up their invasion and go home. Ukranians are long past giving away their territory, all Russia can hope for is keeping Crimea.
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Moron, you can't stop anything. Huge majorities in NATO (and soon to be NATO) countries support millitary aid to Ukraine.

  • Majorities continue to support US economic and diplomatic sanctions against Russia (80%), accepting Ukrainian refugees into the United States (76%), providing additional arms and military supplies to the Ukrainian government (72%), and giving economic assistance to Ukraine (71%).
  • Nearly four in 10 support sending US troops to defend Ukraine (38%).

You can take your stupid Chinese and Saudi opinion stats and shove them, nobody who actually makes these descisions cares.

This war will end as soon as Russians, one way or another, roll up their invasion and go home. Ukranians are long past giving away their territory, all Russia can hope for is keeping Crimea.
Lol. It’s an opinion piece in an establishment publication that has merit. Only dumb people like you always support war.

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