I've never been so disappointed in conservatives, Trump, and Trump supporters.

This is very heartwarming.
Very gut wrenching.
Being indoctrinated by the cults.

Last November, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry said that Trump is “here at this chosen time because God ordained it.”

Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham, said in June 2019, “God was behind the last election.”

Brad Parscale, Trump’s campaign manager, said in April 2019, “Only God could deliver such a savior to our nation.”
The Bushes hate Trump. Logically if they have to support someone, they are going to support DeSantis. That doesn't mean that DeSantis is a RINO any more than White Supremacists supporting Trump makes Trump a White Supremacist. DeSantis has done things for this state that the RINOs would never do.
Why does the Bush family hate Trump?
Because he didn't go in with them in their schemes.
The Bush family started this mess of one war after another when George Bush Sr was president.
They've profited off of one war after another.
Trump put a monkey wrench in all of that, so they don't like him.
If DeSantis is in with the Bush family then he's no better than Biden.
Why does the Bush family hate Trump?
Because he didn't go in with them in their schemes.
The Bush family started this mess of one war after another when George Bush Sr was president.
They've profited off of one war after another.
Trump put a monkey wrench in all of that, so they don't like him.
If DeSantis is in with the Bush family then he's no better than Biden.

DeSantis is not in with the Bush Family. Prove otherwise. All you have to do is observe what DeSantis has done and it's nothing like anything the worthless Bushes would ever have done. Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida at one time and he was useless. DeSantis is the best governor we have ever had. Please leave the lying and all that nonsense to the Democrats.
DeSantis is not in with the Bush Family. Prove otherwise. All you have to do is observe what DeSantis has done and it's nothing like anything the worthless Bushes would ever have done. Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida at one time and he was useless. DeSantis is the best governor we have ever had. Please leave the lying and all that nonsense to the Democrats.

All that proves is that Karl Rove, a Trump hater, supports DeSantis. If he hate4s Trump, who is he going to support then? It's like saying that Trump is a white supremacist because white supremacists support him. I covered that nonsense in my OP.

Ron DeSanits has made a conscious choice to bring in, associate with, accept money from, and take advice from the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" crowd.

When he did that, he lost everyone with an IQ over 50...

Why the lies about Ron DeSantis? He's not even announced that he's running, and even if he did, he's not going to beat Trump. No one is going to beat Trump in the primaries. So why lie about him?

He's the best governor in the country right now and the best governor we in Florida have had in our history. He is a conservative champion.

The lies:

1. "He only won because Trump endorsed him." Fact: he won because he was running against Andrew Gillum, a far left scumbag (If you'll excuse the redundancy), I didn't even know that Trump had endorsed Desantis back then. Ron DeSantis won the second time by a landslide because of what he did AFTER he won the first time. Trump did not endorse him this last time.

2. "He's backed by George Soros" Fact: Soros stated that he hoped DeSantis won because he believed that if he does beat Trump in the primaries, Trump will start a third party and ensure that the democrats will every race on the ticket. Soros does not want DeSantis to be president. Only an idiot would believe that. DeSantis has been a thorn in his side since day one, firing and sanctioning Soros backed DAs all over the state.

3. "He's a RINO." Fact: They make this claim because RINOs and Trump haters in the GOP support him. Saying that DeSantis is a RINO ignores everything he's done since his election to governor, and is a bone-headedly stupid as a leftist saying Trump is a racist because racists support him.

4. "Ron DeSantis didn't do anything to stop Disney." Fact: Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy) is on record as spouting is stupid lie. Ron DeSantis did the ONLY thing he had the power to do as governor and that was to remove Disney's ability to govern itself outside the laws and rules of the state of Florida.

People, leave the lying to the Democrats, that kind of stupidity is beneath us.
Just out of curiosity, your 4 points are not in accordance with the 2 points about this very good governor that worry seniors. One was about taking away benefits from seniors for medicare, and the other was because DeSantis also wanted to raise the age of retirement to 70. Why would someone put that out on television if it weren't true? As I said, I think DeSantis is a good man, but our family through the years paid a fortune in social security that was supposed to help take care of us in our old age. My late husband also invested in IRAs for both of us, and the left is talking seriously about taking that away from us in the very near future through a 40% taxation on savings we already paid income taxes on when we were working. In our case, that leaves me with 20% of what was invested to take care of me, worry-free. So between Biden's greed for our social security and DeSantis going after medicare for seniors leaves many seniors destitute if these two decide to do such things. I'm sticking with Trump. He will figure out a way to stop Biden's greed and prevent an inexperienced nationally (although a very good man) person from hacking seniors' past savings to nothing that would pay for old age illnesses, hospitalizations, with no way to pay for it.

I therefore am sticking with President Trump. Someone hacked my bank account, and my bank didn't fall for it. Unfortunately, there is a busybody outfit out there called "Telechek" and they told Walmart, Home Depot, and even Tractor Supply not to honor my checks. IOW, they blamed me for someone else's crime of attempting to expropriate what little money I have to get by on until I die. I didn't deserve that. I now have to go to the bank, get cash, to buy groceries and gasoline. I took my credit card to my bank and asked them to cut it up so I wouldn't have online thefts or even attempted hacking thefts. So far so good, but I stay home a lot more and try to live off less than I spent when I didn't have 2 children, a home, and taxes to pay from my meager earnings. The world has gone crazy since Biden took office, and people are being taken advantage of by people who have a computer a world away, and pay the price for being ruined if they can't fight Telecheck back who assume their targeted victim is the real theif. We only have hope that Trump will make America right again. Desantis may put seniors on the back burner if he really did try to raise the retirement age up, and I find it hard to believe anyone would take medical illness payouts away from someone the Democrats want to tax to death to pay for Clinton/Biden/Schumer/Pelosi/Maxine Waters/et al because we believe in the Republicans who protect the Constitution Biden has been sledghammering lately, with re to Amendments 1 and 2, and any other that gets in his path of spending on everything except for the oath-of-office promise of providing for the common defense. Biden has let drug cartels get off the hook for killing 200,000 Americans with fentanyl in their illegal drug trade.

I'm sticking with Trump who is a person who loves all of the American people, (except criminals) and that would be Donald Trump. Hopefully he and the Republican Congressmen and Senators can find the corrupt extortion machine Biden made out of his high offices, and fix the border, reinstate the oil industry and other high-paying salaried companies the Democrats are persecuting for (1) Trump supporters, and (2) Christians who don't take kindly to constant anti-constitutional government grabs of private property, government interference in companies who feed a lotta mouths, and public lies against the Republicans by calling us the fascist as they continue in their communistic approach forced on free men and women.
LOl! You do know the Karl Rove is the literal reason that the Republicans have any relevance at all? His brilliant gerrymandering strategy saved the republicans.


More like Karl Rove and W wrecked the GOP by changing it from

fiscally conservative and patriotic to America


big spending big government Zionist Fascist

People in 2000 voted to continue the policies of Gingrich and Reagan. They got the exact opposite...
DeSantis is not in with the Bush Family. Prove otherwise. All you have to do is observe what DeSantis has done and it's nothing like anything the worthless Bushes would ever have done. Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida at one time and he was useless. DeSantis is the best governor we have ever had. Please leave the lying and all that nonsense to the Democrats.
DuhSantis is even worse than the governor Voldemort.

While Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA Hospital, he oversaw the biggest Medicare fraud in US history and was fined $1.7 billion, which was the largest healthcare fraud fine ever levied by the DOJ.

Rick Scott used the 5th amendment over 75 times in a deposition, regarding his involvement in the fraud case.

What did RWNJ's do?
Elected the criminal for governor, then senator.

Little Ron is the biggest snowflake, ever elected governor of any state.
By far the dumbest..............Just like Trump.

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