I've been thinking, again


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Novel idea, right? I remember years ago a coffee ad touted coffee as the "think drink"- I drink a lot of coffee btw-
I don't smoke in my apt so when I want to think with a cup of coffee I get one and go on my patio- to think!
I pause between comments (usually about an hour apart, pauses not comments) to get a cup of coffee to "lead me to" "think".- I've started a couple of threads that requires thinking CDZ - Confusion and A new, ethical, church proposal

It's pretty amazing- the responses "lead me" to believe more coffee is needed on political message boards.
Visit them or don't. It is your prerogative- 25cent word for choice which both threads address.

I'd particularly enjoy some input on the second link as to how believing all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights will or can "lead to" socialism or communism. Both links have an essay put together by poster Porter Rockwell explaining the Constitution and the how the Declaration of Independence are closer than people might "think"- if they "think" at all about either document.

Some of us get hoo-rawed and mocked about not being war mongers- besides making us humanitarian it also resorts to the constitution for granted authority- which is nothing at all like the Declaration of Independence proclaiming all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- but, the essay shows how they are tied together by the founders-
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Political message boards seem to be a good place to vent and preen- they're also a good place to learn- knowledge, not being biased in it's origin, is readily attainable- get a cup of coffee and think about that.
Novel idea, right? I remember years ago a coffee ad touted coffee as the "think drink"- I drink a lot of coffee btw-
I don't smoke in my apt so when I want to think with a cup of coffee I get one and go on my patio- to think!
I pause between comments (usually about an hour apart, pauses not comments) to get a cup of coffee to "lead me to" "think".- I've started a couple of threads that requires thinking CDZ - Confusion and A new, ethical, church proposal

It's pretty amazing- the responses "lead me" to believe more coffee is needed on political message boards.
Visit them or don't. It is your prerogative- 25cent word for choice which both threads address.

I'd particularly enjoy some input on the second link as to how believing all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights will or can "lead to" socialism or communism. Both links have an essay put together by poster Porter Rockwell explaining the Constitution and the how the Declaration of Independence are closer than people might "think"- if they "think" at all about either document.

Some of us get hoo-rawed and mocked about not being war mongers- besides making us humanitarian it also resorts to the constitution for granted authority- which is nothing at all like the Declaration of Independence proclaiming all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- but, the essay shows how they are tied together by the founders-
Coffee DOES stimulate the brain. I know it clears the cobwebs out of of my mind when I drink it.
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80 views and 7 reactions- not an intellectual discourse even attempted- preening prevails.

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