It's YOUR fault if you didn't know Obama hates America

A person who LOVES their agenda to reconstruct America will run for President. BO loves his vision for America, not the traditional America.

When BO spoke about the Americans who "cling to their guns and religion" he was speaking of millions of Americans. Those are the ones he hates and insults. BO hates traditional America and Americans and his words show it.

His vision? What does that entail precisely? Fixing the economy? Doing something about the BP Spill? Handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Trying to reform our health care? Are you privy to some sort of secret agenda he's actually planning? Because I'm not really seeing anything that could be defined as reconstructing America.

And just what is this 'traditional America' you accuse him of not loving? What does 'traditional America' include? The United States was hardly a country built on tradition, if we were, we'd be stuck with a monarchy, drinking tea and admiring our own very red coats.

'Traditional America' is a crock and a myth, the romanticism of a supposed encroached upon glory. Because all of America is traditional America. There is no line where America becomes traditional and then not, the entire concept is ludicrous. It implies that parts of America are more American than others, America is supposed to be a place of equality, and to classify some as more American than others undermines this notion.

The small towns, farms, rural areas are just as part of America as the urban cities and suburbia. The conservatives are just as traditional as the liberals, the religious as the atheistic and the doves as much as the hawks. No part is more equal than others, no part is more American than the others, no part is more traditional than the others.

Who are you to decide what traditional America is? As long as you're a citizen, or even if you live here with a green card, as long as you do something within the borders of the United States of America, pursuing and using your freedoms to do what you wish, so long as it does not encroach upon others, you are a 'traditional American'. And no one can say otherwise.

If he disagreed with the "God damn America!" message,he would have left that "Church" a long time ago. You don't stay in that kind of "Church" for twenty years if you disagree with the message. To think otherwise is to be delusional & ignorant. It is what it is.

Provide the context and supplemental information on whether is was one speech or his entire career at the Church. And then point out where Obama decided to espouse these ideas in his life.
Twenty years of "God damn America!!" but we're all supposed to believe that this President didn't agree with that message. It's actually pretty shocking that so many were so easily duped by the corrupt MSM on this guy. Twenty years of "God damn America!!" really does say it all about this guy.
What's most amusing is how people (like you) seem to have the impression that ALL WHITES (including Dead-O-Heads/Freepers/Truthers/Oathers/'Baggers) needed to "pass", on a Presidential-run....


....before any Black-dude could qualify; that Obama didn't wait-his-turn-in-line.

Your eight-years of feeling CHEATED makes our WIN that-much-more-satisfying!!!

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Twenty years of "God damn America!!" but we're all supposed to believe that this President didn't agree with that message. It's actually pretty shocking that so many were so easily duped by the corrupt MSM on this guy. Twenty years of "God damn America!!" really does say it all about this guy.

They were easily duped because they are educated dummies who are easily swayed by rhetoric and their moral compass is screwed up. Look at all the dumb shit on TV.

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That article does not address the question. How does Barack Obama hate America?

But would you like to hear some thoughts on why he at least loves or just likes America? Barack Obama went for what is arguably one of the most high-profile, thankless jobs in the entire country. The job of the Presidency is intensive, highly stressful, the salary is meager compared to the work and the pressures are inverse to that with the United States being the most powerful country in the world. Yeah, he'll get to make headway on some policy he thinks is most wise, Obama will do some good things, some bad things, as all past presidents have done. But most of the policy-enacting power lies within Congress and is reliant on Congress, so he's not guaranteed that it will be worth it in the end. To be fair, every president gets at least some preferred policy through Congress at some point in their term.

But he was guaranteed waaaay back when he first announced his candidacy as President to take a whole lot of shit from people. People who didn't like him, people on the other side of the spectrum who didn't like him for being liberal, people who disagreed on specific policy issues. Like Bush and Clinton and other presidents before him, if something went wrong with the country he'd take the heat for it. And Obama knows that. He knew that there would be people who would hate him, people that would say he was the worst thing to happen to the country. But he decided to go for the job anyway.

Anyone who hates the United States isn't going to run a grueling campaign for its top position. Anyone who hates the United States isn't going to try for one of the most stressful, high profile jobs that represents America, that country they hate. Anyone who hates the United States isn't going to take a job where people are going to direct a whole lot of hate at them, because they hate the country so what's the point? Why even bother?

You don't do all that unless you've got some serious love or liking for your country.

Until I see some concrete evidence, not what he's done or not done as President, not that he's liberal or progressive or whatever catchall term you all label when you can't argue against positions you don't like. Something that proves he hates America and not that you lot hate him. Until then, I quietly have to assume you're all full of shit.

A person who LOVES their agenda to reconstruct America will run for President. BO loves his vision for America, not the traditional America.
Sorry, Jackie (I'd assumed most people had heard.....).

The End Times o' traditional (White-Male-ruled) America began a looooooooooong-time-ago....



You Obamarrhoidal arseholes are really a source of wonderment for me.

"Uppidy" means RACIST. "Goddamn America" does NOT mean Goddamn America. ILLEGAL as in ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT does not MEAN illegal.TWENTY YEARS attendance in the Black Racist Whackjob Wright's church is shrugged off as something meaningless. And, any mention of a person's TWENTY YEAR tenure in that CATHEDRAL OF HATE is considered as a ridiculous attempt at defining the person's character. CONTINUOUS RANTS denigrating America with accusations of RACISM when our country just elected a Black President. This is especially incongruous when 95% + of the Blacks are RACISTS voting on a RACIAL BASIS. And, the BLATANTLY CORRUPT Black Congressional Caucus RULES the Corrupt Dem Party because without the 13% Monolithic Black Vote the Dem Party could not exist. The Dem Party knows this. And, so does the Corrupt RACIST Black Congressional Caucus and is flagrantly taking advantage of this.

Another indication of the OBVIOUS desire of the Obamarrhoidal Administration to misdirect America as to its "enemy without" is the current policy enunciated by that screwball Janet Noncompetano who, on nation wide TV, has outlawed the term "terrorists" with some euphemistic crappola, and the War on Terror as some sort of foreign aberration. As to the TOTAL POLITICAL IDIOT, the hapless DOJ A.G. HOLDER, he basically NEGATES any effective prosecution of the enemies of America.

Our National Anthem is sneered at as some "drinking song", and Old Glory was, and is, considered an asswipe in present and past Liberrhoid Parades, etc., when these clearly represent symbols of our beloved country and military sacrifices resulting in tens of thousands of ULTIMATE sacrifices of our patriots.


AL QUEDA, and the ISLAMOFASCISTS are our enemies WITHOUT.

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you obamarrhoidal arseholes are really a source of wonderment for me.

"uppidy" means racist. "goddamn america" does not mean goddamn america. Illegal as in illegal immigrant does not mean illegal.twenty years attendance in the black racist whackjob wright's church is shrugged off as something meaningless. And, any mention of a person's twenty year tenure in that cathedral of hate is considered as a ridiculous attempt at defining the person's character. Continuous rants denigrating america with accusations of racism when our country just elected a black president. This is especially incongruous when 95% + of the blacks are racists voting on a racial basis. And, the blatantly corrupt black congressional caucus rules the corrupt dem party because without the 13% monolithic black vote the dem party could not exist. The dem party knows this. And, so does the corrupt racist black congressional caucus and is flagrantly taking advantage of this.

Our national anthem is sneered at as some "drinking song", and old glory was, and is, considered an asswipe in present and past liberrhoid parades, etc., when these clearly represent symbols of our beloved country and military sacrifices resulting in tens of thousands of ultimate sacrifices of our patriots.

What the fuck is really wrong with you obamarrhoidal arseholes ????

Al queda, and the islamofascists are our enemies without.

Clearly, you obamarrhoidal arseholes are our enemy within.

You Obamarrhoidal arseholes are really a source of wonderment for me.

"Uppidy" means RACIST. "Goddamn America" does NOT mean Goddamn America. ILLEGAL as in ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT does not MEAN illegal.TWENTY YEARS attendance in the Black Racist Whackjob Wright's church is shrugged off as something meaningless. And, any mention of a person's TWENTY YEAR tenure in that CATHEDRAL OF HATE is considered as a ridiculous attempt at defining the person's character. CONTINUOUS RANTS denigrating America with accusations of RACISM when our country just elected a Black President. This is especially incongruous when 95% + of the Blacks are RACISTS voting on a RACIAL BASIS. And, the BLATANTLY CORRUPT Black Congressional Caucus RULES the Corrupt Dem Party because without the 13% Monolithic Black Vote the Dem Party could not exist. The Dem Party knows this. And, so does the Corrupt RACIST Black Congressional Caucus and is flagrantly taking advantage of this.

Our National Anthem is sneered at as some "drinking song", and Old Glory was, and is, considered an asswipe in present and past Liberrhoid Parades, etc., when these clearly represent symbols of our beloved country and military sacrifices resulting in tens of thousands of ULTIMATE sacrifices of our patriots.


AL QUEDA, and the ISLAMOFASCISTS are our enemies WITHOUT.


needs more salami to accompany the baloney.
No, he didn't belong to an "uppity" black church. He belonged to a RACIST black church and then he disowned them when it became public.

Wright preached at that megachurch (8,500 members) for 36 years... If those little off-context soundbytes are the best anyone could come up with, it's hardly evidence that the church was "Racist." Thanks for playin.

Any black preacher who dares to criticize the way America has treated the black people are immediately labled racists and anti-American by the right wing

They did the same thing to Martin Luther King.
HEY, BOY!!!!

What you need is a lil' o' that, there TEXAS History-learnin'!!!!!!!!!

"It's very interesting when you think about it, the slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America." - Dakar, Senegal, July 8, 2003
You Obamarrhoidal arseholes are really a source of wonderment for me.

"Uppidy" means RACIST. "Goddamn America" does NOT mean Goddamn America. ILLEGAL as in ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT does not MEAN illegal.TWENTY YEARS attendance in the Black Racist Whackjob Wright's church is shrugged off as something meaningless. And, any mention of a person's TWENTY YEAR tenure in that CATHEDRAL OF HATE is considered as a ridiculous attempt at defining the person's character. CONTINUOUS RANTS denigrating America with accusations of RACISM when our country just elected a Black President. This is especially incongruous when 95% + of the Blacks are RACISTS voting on a RACIAL BASIS. And, the BLATANTLY CORRUPT Black Congressional Caucus RULES the Corrupt Dem Party because without the 13% Monolithic Black Vote the Dem Party could not exist. The Dem Party knows this. And, so does the Corrupt RACIST Black Congressional Caucus and is flagrantly taking advantage of this.

Our National Anthem is sneered at as some "drinking song", and Old Glory was, and is, considered an asswipe in present and past Liberrhoid Parades, etc., when these clearly represent symbols of our beloved country and military sacrifices resulting in tens of thousands of ULTIMATE sacrifices of our patriots.


AL QUEDA, and the ISLAMOFASCISTS are our enemies WITHOUT.


needs more salami to accompany the baloney.

Again, the typical response of a pathetic Obamarrhoidal stooge which OBVIOUSLY AVOIDS a point by point refutation of any of the essentially IRREFUTABLE FACTS in my post.

Puerile smart alecky farts do not negate the IRREFUTABLE FACTS that annihilate the Liberrhoid and/or Obamarrhoidal position.
You Obamarrhoidal arseholes are really a source of wonderment for me.

"Uppidy" means RACIST. "Goddamn America" does NOT mean Goddamn America. ILLEGAL as in ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT does not MEAN illegal.TWENTY YEARS attendance in the Black Racist Whackjob Wright's church is shrugged off as something meaningless. And, any mention of a person's TWENTY YEAR tenure in that CATHEDRAL OF HATE is considered as a ridiculous attempt at defining the person's character. CONTINUOUS RANTS denigrating America with accusations of RACISM when our country just elected a Black President. This is especially incongruous when 95% + of the Blacks are RACISTS voting on a RACIAL BASIS. And, the BLATANTLY CORRUPT Black Congressional Caucus RULES the Corrupt Dem Party because without the 13% Monolithic Black Vote the Dem Party could not exist. The Dem Party knows this. And, so does the Corrupt RACIST Black Congressional Caucus and is flagrantly taking advantage of this.

Our National Anthem is sneered at as some "drinking song", and Old Glory was, and is, considered an asswipe in present and past Liberrhoid Parades, etc., when these clearly represent symbols of our beloved country and military sacrifices resulting in tens of thousands of ULTIMATE sacrifices of our patriots.


AL QUEDA, and the ISLAMOFASCISTS are our enemies WITHOUT.


needs more salami to accompany the baloney.

I do have to complement gautama....he did manage to go a whole post without ryhming Obami with Salami
OK we got it, he used to belong to an "uppidy" black church.

No, he didn't belong to an "uppity" black church. He belonged to a RACIST black church and then he disowned them when it became public.

Wright preached at that megachurch (8,500 members) for 36 years... If those little off-context soundbytes are the best anyone could come up with, it's hardly evidence that the church was "Racist." Thanks for playin.

As long as I'm "playin", please tell my why this is not racist. I expect an answer.
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A person who LOVES their agenda to reconstruct America will run for President. BO loves his vision for America, not the traditional America.

When BO spoke about the Americans who "cling to their guns and religion" he was speaking of millions of Americans. Those are the ones he hates and insults. BO hates traditional America and Americans and his words show it.

His vision? What does that entail precisely? Fixing the economy? Doing something about the BP Spill? Handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Trying to reform our health care? Are you privy to some sort of secret agenda he's actually planning? Because I'm not really seeing anything that could be defined as reconstructing America.

And just what is this 'traditional America' you accuse him of not loving? What does 'traditional America' include? The United States was hardly a country built on tradition, if we were, we'd be stuck with a monarchy, drinking tea and admiring our own very red coats.

'Traditional America' is a crock and a myth, the romanticism of a supposed encroached upon glory. Because all of America is traditional America. There is no line where America becomes traditional and then not, the entire concept is ludicrous. It implies that parts of America are more American than others, America is supposed to be a place of equality, and to classify some as more American than others undermines this notion.

The small towns, farms, rural areas are just as part of America as the urban cities and suburbia. The conservatives are just as traditional as the liberals, the religious as the atheistic and the doves as much as the hawks. No part is more equal than others, no part is more American than the others, no part is more traditional than the others.

Who are you to decide what traditional America is? As long as you're a citizen, or even if you live here with a green card, as long as you do something within the borders of the United States of America, pursuing and using your freedoms to do what you wish, so long as it does not encroach upon others, you are a 'traditional American'. And no one can say otherwise.

If he disagreed with the "God damn America!" message,he would have left that "Church" a long time ago. You don't stay in that kind of "Church" for twenty years if you disagree with the message. To think otherwise is to be delusional & ignorant. It is what it is.

Provide the context and supplemental information on whether is was one speech or his entire career at the Church. And then point out where Obama decided to espouse these ideas in his life.

I can see you're still drinking the Kool Aide.

What did Obama mean by "Bitter people clinging to their religion and guns" and who are these people?
A person who LOVES their agenda to reconstruct America will run for President. BO loves his vision for America, not the traditional America.

When BO spoke about the Americans who "cling to their guns and religion" he was speaking of millions of Americans. Those are the ones he hates and insults. BO hates traditional America and Americans and his words show it.

His vision? What does that entail precisely? Fixing the economy? Doing something about the BP Spill? Handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Trying to reform our health care? Are you privy to some sort of secret agenda he's actually planning? Because I'm not really seeing anything that could be defined as reconstructing America.

And just what is this 'traditional America' you accuse him of not loving? What does 'traditional America' include? The United States was hardly a country built on tradition, if we were, we'd be stuck with a monarchy, drinking tea and admiring our own very red coats.

'Traditional America' is a crock and a myth, the romanticism of a supposed encroached upon glory. Because all of America is traditional America. There is no line where America becomes traditional and then not, the entire concept is ludicrous. It implies that parts of America are more American than others, America is supposed to be a place of equality, and to classify some as more American than others undermines this notion.

The small towns, farms, rural areas are just as part of America as the urban cities and suburbia. The conservatives are just as traditional as the liberals, the religious as the atheistic and the doves as much as the hawks. No part is more equal than others, no part is more American than the others, no part is more traditional than the others.

Who are you to decide what traditional America is? As long as you're a citizen, or even if you live here with a green card, as long as you do something within the borders of the United States of America, pursuing and using your freedoms to do what you wish, so long as it does not encroach upon others, you are a 'traditional American'. And no one can say otherwise.

If he disagreed with the "God damn America!" message,he would have left that "Church" a long time ago. You don't stay in that kind of "Church" for twenty years if you disagree with the message. To think otherwise is to be delusional & ignorant. It is what it is.

Provide the context and supplemental information on whether is was one speech or his entire career at the Church. And then point out where Obama decided to espouse these ideas in his life.

I can see you're still drinking the Kool Aide.

What did Obama mean by "Bitter people clinging to their religion and guns" and who are these people?

"Talking about how the loss of jobs over 25 years has sapped the hope of small-town Pennsylvania residents, Obama said at the Sunday fund-raiser, "they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

In context, what he was referring to was how people look for scapegoats in times of trouble. In these towns, jobs have been leaving for decades. The people tend to look for someone to blame..... mexicans, jews, immigrants. It has always been that way in this country.
Obama learned a valuable lesson about telling things as they are
A person who LOVES their agenda to reconstruct America will run for President. BO loves his vision for America, not the traditional America.

When BO spoke about the Americans who "cling to their guns and religion" he was speaking of millions of Americans. Those are the ones he hates and insults. BO hates traditional America and Americans and his words show it.

His vision? What does that entail precisely? Fixing the economy? Doing something about the BP Spill? Handling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Trying to reform our health care? Are you privy to some sort of secret agenda he's actually planning? Because I'm not really seeing anything that could be defined as reconstructing America.

And just what is this 'traditional America' you accuse him of not loving? What does 'traditional America' include? The United States was hardly a country built on tradition, if we were, we'd be stuck with a monarchy, drinking tea and admiring our own very red coats.

'Traditional America' is a crock and a myth, the romanticism of a supposed encroached upon glory. Because all of America is traditional America. There is no line where America becomes traditional and then not, the entire concept is ludicrous. It implies that parts of America are more American than others, America is supposed to be a place of equality, and to classify some as more American than others undermines this notion.

The small towns, farms, rural areas are just as part of America as the urban cities and suburbia. The conservatives are just as traditional as the liberals, the religious as the atheistic and the doves as much as the hawks. No part is more equal than others, no part is more American than the others, no part is more traditional than the others.

Who are you to decide what traditional America is? As long as you're a citizen, or even if you live here with a green card, as long as you do something within the borders of the United States of America, pursuing and using your freedoms to do what you wish, so long as it does not encroach upon others, you are a 'traditional American'. And no one can say otherwise.

If he disagreed with the "God damn America!" message,he would have left that "Church" a long time ago. You don't stay in that kind of "Church" for twenty years if you disagree with the message. To think otherwise is to be delusional & ignorant. It is what it is.

Provide the context and supplemental information on whether is was one speech or his entire career at the Church. And then point out where Obama decided to espouse these ideas in his life.

I can see you're still drinking the Kool Aide.

I prefer a nice cup of tea actually. Care to point out how and why I'm drinking Kool-Aid from that post? I never knew a children beverage could be so instrumental in accepting your fellow Americans as... Americans.

What did Obama mean by "Bitter people clinging to their religion and guns" and who are these people?

It was probably an ironically prophetic remark about the Tea Party. But please demonstrate to me how such a out-of-context statement shows that Obama hates America.
What's most amusing is how people (like you) seem to have the impression that ALL WHITES (including Dead-O-Heads/Freepers/Truthers/Oathers/'Baggers) needed to "pass", on a Presidential-run....


....before any Black-dude could qualify; that Obama didn't wait-his-turn-in-line.

Your eight-years of feeling CHEATED makes our WIN that-much-more-satisfying!!!


so who took this picture of you?.....
Sorry, Jackie (I'd assumed most people had heard.....).

The End Times o' traditional (White-Male-ruled) America began a looooooooooong-time-ago....




so is that you in your black face transvestite make an ugly woman....

One woulda thought anyone looking like that woulda committed suicide ages ago.


However ..... this human abomination probably represents the preferred physiognomy of TRUE LIBERRHOIDISM: An obviously ugly black deviant with a stupid expression to match.

My guess is he/she/it is one of the top execs at ACORN.

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