It's Very Ironic that Liberals Frequently Compare Conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis

Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis.

That's interesting, because posters like Lakhota frequently accuse conservatives of being Nazis or like Nazis.

Conservative references to liberals as Nazis are valid for many reasons, some of which are outlined in the OP.

Tell me, if a gay-owned restaurant announced that it would not host or cater normal weddings, do you think the owners would be flooded with death threats and profane insults? Do you think the Brown-shirt-like hate campaign against them would be so vicious that they would be afraid to re-open? But that's exactly what liberals have done to the family-owned pizzeria in Indiana that merely said that although they would gladly serve gay customers, they would not host or cater gay weddings.

I don't call you people Nazis, they are their own kind of evil, but I frequently use the term "fascist" to describe those who give the police a free pass no matter what, want to invade/bomb/kill various groups/nations without provocation, believe the lower classes deserve fewer rights/shouldn't vote and have their religion and politics so closely intertwined that they are inseparable. All are fascist traits and the nastiest conservative posters to this board richly deserve the label.

So how many conservatives "give the police a free pass no matter what?" And could it be that your view on this is based on false information about certain incidents, such as the Ferguson shooting and the Trayvon Martin shooting? I might add that some of the worst, most egregious law enforcement abuses occurred during the Clinton administration (Waco, Ruby Ridge). I know many conservatives who do not hesitate to call for investigations and disciplinary action when there seems to be credible evidence of local police misconduct.

Who are the conservatives who want to "invade/bomb/kill various groups/nations without provocation"? That's an extreme, bombastic claim.

I follow politics pretty closely, and I've never heard of a conservative who believes "the lower classes deserve fewer rights." What is the basis of this sweeping, extreme claim? Every citizen in the land is entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. What are you talking about here?

As for believing that the lower classes "shouldn't vote," that's another bombastic, sweeping charge, and this issue is also complicated. By your sweeping standard, one could say that the founding fathers were "fascists" because they believed in certain restrictions on voting eligibility and did not believe in pure majority rule. They recognized that nations can and have collapsed when certain masses can outvote everybody else and engage in "legal plunder" where they vote for politicians who will give them other people's money. They also believed that voting should require some effort. They felt, on the basis of considerable historical precedent, that it would be dangerous for the president to be elected by popular vote, which is why they wisely gave us the Electoral College. They also did not want Senators elected by popular vote--they wanted Senators to be selected by their respective state governments so that the states would have a strong voice in federal policy.

Finally, as for your claim that some conservatives "have their religion and politics so closely intertwined that they are inseparable," one can say this about everybody, right, left, and center. Everyone has a "religion" of one kind or another. Your "religion" is the worldview/belief system upon which you base your lifestyle and actions. Everybody "worships" something or someone to varying degree. Many liberals embrace secular humanism as their religion. Some liberals embrace versions of the "social gospel" as their religion. Some conservatives are as secular and immoral/amoral as some liberals.
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Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis

Conservative Kook Koshergrl

Pastor's solution to the Christian caterer/homo gestapo dilemma:

h are you going to pretend that the homo gestapo has actually successfully gaycotted Christian establishments? Like Chick fil A? Like these...

The origin of racist Nazi policies that shocked the dingbats in Cali.

Nutcase Conservative bripat9643

The point is the law is unjust. Apparently you think Jewish shop owners in Nazi Germany were immoral of they objected to painting a yellow star on their front window.

Here's your conception of legitimate government:

The Konservative Kooks sure love to invoke them some Hitler and Nazi's a lot.

So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis.

That's interesting, because posters like Lakhota frequently accuse conservatives of being Nazis or like Nazis.

Conservative references to liberals as Nazis are valid for many reasons, some of which are outlined in the OP.

Tell me, if a gay-owned restaurant announced that it would not host or cater normal weddings, do you think the owners would be flooded with death threats and profane insults? Do you think the Brown-shirt-like hate campaign against them would be so vicious that they would be afraid to re-open? But that's exactly what liberals have done to the family-owned pizzeria in Indiana that merely said that although they would gladly serve gay customers, they would not host or cater gay weddings.

I don't call you people Nazis, they are their own kind of evil, but I frequently use the term "fascist" to describe those who give the police a free pass no matter what, want to invade/bomb/kill various groups/nations without provocation, believe the lower classes deserve fewer rights/shouldn't vote and have their religion and politics so closely intertwined that they are inseparable. All are fascist traits and the nastiest conservative posters to this board richly deserve the label.

So how many conservatives "give the police a free pass no matter what?" And could it be that your view on this is based on false information about certain incidents, such as the Ferguson shooting and the Trayvon Martin shooting? I might add that some of the worst, most egregious law enforcement abuses occurred during the Clinton administration (Waco, Ruby Ridge). I know many conservatives who do not hesitate to call for investigations and disciplinary action when there seems to be credible evidence of local police misconduct.

Who are the conservatives who want to "invade/bomb/kill various groups/nations without provocation"? That's an extreme, bombastic claim.

I follow politics pretty closely, and I've never heard of a conservative who believes "the lower classes deserve fewer rights." What is the basis of this sweeping, extreme claim? Every citizen in the land is entitled to all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. What are you talking about here?

As for believing that the lower classes "shouldn't vote," that's another bombastic, sweeping charge, and this issue is also complicated. By your sweeping standard, one could say that the founding fathers were "fascists" because they believed in certain restrictions on voting eligibility and did not believe in pure majority rule. They recognized that nations can and have collapsed when certain masses can outvote everybody else and engage in "legal plunder" where they vote for politicians who will give them other people's money. They also believed that voting should require some effort. They felt, on the basis of considerable historical precedent, that it would be dangerous for the president to be elected by popular vote, which is why they wisely gave us the Electoral College. They also did not want Senators elected by popular vote--they wanted Senators to be selected by their respective state governments so that the states would have a strong voice in federal policy.

Finally, as for your claim that some conservatives "have their religion and politics so closely intertwined that they are inseparable," one can say this about everybody, right, left, and center. Everyone has a "religion" of one kind or another. Your "religion" is the worldview/belief system upon which you base your lifestyle and actions. Everybody "worships" something or someone to varying degree. Many liberals embrace secular humanism as their religion. Some liberals embrace versions of the "social gospel" as their religion. Some conservatives are as secular and immoral/amoral as some liberals.

That^^^^^: "Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis"

Most of the Founders did not think the working man should have the vote.

That is very far right reactionary thinking by today's standards.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis

Conservative Kook Koshergrl

Pastor's solution to the Christian caterer/homo gestapo dilemma:

h are you going to pretend that the homo gestapo has actually successfully gaycotted Christian establishments? Like Chick fil A? Like these...

The origin of racist Nazi policies that shocked the dingbats in Cali.

Nutcase Conservative bripat9643

The point is the law is unjust. Apparently you think Jewish shop owners in Nazi Germany were immoral of they objected to painting a yellow star on their front window.

Here's your conception of legitimate government:

The Konservative Kooks sure love to invoke them some Hitler and Nazi's a lot.

So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.

How sad that you believe such a thing.

In a free country, you don't "earn" the right to speak. You're born with it. Of course, thanks to fascists like you, this is no longer a free country.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis

Conservative Kook Koshergrl

Pastor's solution to the Christian caterer/homo gestapo dilemma:

h are you going to pretend that the homo gestapo has actually successfully gaycotted Christian establishments? Like Chick fil A? Like these...

The origin of racist Nazi policies that shocked the dingbats in Cali.

Nutcase Conservative bripat9643

The point is the law is unjust. Apparently you think Jewish shop owners in Nazi Germany were immoral of they objected to painting a yellow star on their front window.

Here's your conception of legitimate government:

The Konservative Kooks sure love to invoke them some Hitler and Nazi's a lot.

So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.

In a free country, you don't "earn" the right to speak. You're born with it. Of course, thanks to fascists like you, this is no longer a free country.

As far as I'm concerned people like you are the same as welfare cases, living off the sweat of others while you run your mouth. Good thing for you the "bootlickers" were around to do all your fighting for you.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis

Conservative Kook Koshergrl

Pastor's solution to the Christian caterer/homo gestapo dilemma:

h are you going to pretend that the homo gestapo has actually successfully gaycotted Christian establishments? Like Chick fil A? Like these...

The origin of racist Nazi policies that shocked the dingbats in Cali.

Nutcase Conservative bripat9643

The point is the law is unjust. Apparently you think Jewish shop owners in Nazi Germany were immoral of they objected to painting a yellow star on their front window.

Here's your conception of legitimate government:

The Konservative Kooks sure love to invoke them some Hitler and Nazi's a lot.

So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.

In a free country, you don't "earn" the right to speak. You're born with it. Of course, thanks to fascists like you, this is no longer a free country.

As far as I'm concerned people like you are the same as welfare cases, living off the sweat of others while you run your mouth. Good thing for you the "bootlickers" were around to do all your fighting for you.

So everyone who hasn't been in the service is "living off the sweat of others?" That just doesn't make any sense because we pay the salaries of service people. "Living off the sweat of others" means getting a check from Uncle Sam like you do, I'm assuming.

Frankly, I think you're just a dumb asshole who hasn't posted a single thing worth reading since you joined the forum. Debate doesn't consist entirely of insults. However, it's comforting to know that I get your goat to the point where you follow me around and attempt to harass me.
Just pointing out again- that pretty much every USMB post refering to Nazi's are by resident USMB Conservatives calling Liberals Nazis

Conservative Kook Koshergrl

Pastor's solution to the Christian caterer/homo gestapo dilemma:

h are you going to pretend that the homo gestapo has actually successfully gaycotted Christian establishments? Like Chick fil A? Like these...

The origin of racist Nazi policies that shocked the dingbats in Cali.

Nutcase Conservative bripat9643

The point is the law is unjust. Apparently you think Jewish shop owners in Nazi Germany were immoral of they objected to painting a yellow star on their front window.

Here's your conception of legitimate government:

The Konservative Kooks sure love to invoke them some Hitler and Nazi's a lot.

So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.

In a free country, you don't "earn" the right to speak. You're born with it. Of course, thanks to fascists like you, this is no longer a free country.

As far as I'm concerned people like you are the same as welfare cases, living off the sweat of others while you run your mouth. Good thing for you the "bootlickers" were around to do all your fighting for you.

So everyone who hasn't been in the service is "living off the sweat of others?" That just doesn't make any sense because we pay the salaries of service people. "Living off the sweat of others" means getting a check from Uncle Sam like you do, I'm assuming.

Frankly, I think you're just a dumb asshole who hasn't posted a single thing worth reading since you joined the forum. Debate doesn't consist entirely of insults. However, it's comforting to know that I get your goat to the point where you follow me around and attempt to harass me.

I despise lying cowards like you. First you characterize people who serve this country in uniform as "bootlickers"; then you go on to claim that you tried to do your patriotic duty, but they just wouldn't let you. Don't you mean to say you couldn't get past the psychological profile? Or maybe you were 4-F for some other reason. Either way you're a liar.
So what's your point?

Cowards like you haven't earned the right to speak.

In a free country, you don't "earn" the right to speak. You're born with it. Of course, thanks to fascists like you, this is no longer a free country.

As far as I'm concerned people like you are the same as welfare cases, living off the sweat of others while you run your mouth. Good thing for you the "bootlickers" were around to do all your fighting for you.

So everyone who hasn't been in the service is "living off the sweat of others?" That just doesn't make any sense because we pay the salaries of service people. "Living off the sweat of others" means getting a check from Uncle Sam like you do, I'm assuming.

Frankly, I think you're just a dumb asshole who hasn't posted a single thing worth reading since you joined the forum. Debate doesn't consist entirely of insults. However, it's comforting to know that I get your goat to the point where you follow me around and attempt to harass me.

I despise lying cowards like you. First you characterize people who serve this country in uniform as "bootlickers"; then you go on to claim that you tried to do your patriotic duty, but they just wouldn't let you. Don't you mean to say you couldn't get past the psychological profile? Or maybe you were 4-F for some other reason. Either way you're a liar.

I think you're a sock. You must be some neurotic poster I kicked around previously and now you're trying to get revenge. Have you ever posted anything that isn't a personal attack on me?

BTW, I have never characterized service people as "bootlickers." That was you who attempted to put those words in my mouth. Talk about sleazy and despicable tactics.
BTW, I have never characterized service people as "bootlickers." That was you who attempted to put those words in my mouth. Talk about sleazy and despicable tactics.
You did say it, bripat.
Has he always been a pathological liar?
Have you always been an asshole? IS that what got your goat?

I'll take it back. I did say it. And I will stand by it.

Conformity is a highly prized trait in the military. They don't promote people who think outside the box. The top brass in the military got there by kissing ass. That's the case in all hierarchical organizations, but especially so in the military.
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

The Nazis-

drove cars

wore clothes

ate food

Sound familiar? Take a look in the mirror!
BTW, I have never characterized service people as "bootlickers." That was you who attempted to put those words in my mouth. Talk about sleazy and despicable tactics.
You did say it, bripat.
Has he always been a pathological liar?
Have you always been an asshole? IS that what got your goat?

I'll take it back. I did say it. And I will stand by it.

Conformity is a highly prized trait in the military. They don't promote people who think outside the box. The top brass in the military got there by kissing ass. That's the case in all hierarchical organizations, but especially so in the military.

Is that what you've gleaned from your intensive study on the subject?
BTW, I have never characterized service people as "bootlickers." That was you who attempted to put those words in my mouth. Talk about sleazy and despicable tactics.
You did say it, bripat.
Has he always been a pathological liar?
Have you always been an asshole? IS that what got your goat? I'll take it back. I did say it. And I will stand by it. Conformity is a highly prized trait in the military. They don't promote people who think outside the box. The top brass in the military got there by kissing ass. That's the case in all hierarchical organizations, but especially so in the military.
bripat said it, lied about it, admitted it, and then defended it. Yes, he is pathological.
bripat pointing out that you lied and you admitting it are good things.

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