It's Very Ironic that Liberals Frequently Compare Conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website
Last edited:
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. School curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

yes this is why our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin!! For a complete account of who's who among our liberal spies you can read Useful Idiots by Mona Charon
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. School curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

I think it's important to note that many of the opinions expressed on this forum don't represent any kind of normal human constituency, these people are anything but a representative cross section of America. There's just a lot of wacky opinions out there, and an internet forum gives weirdos the anonymity they need to express opinions they could never mention in front of normal, functioning people.
* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

So did Great Britain, you ever here of a fellow Darwin socialist names Cecil Rhodes???
It was a philosophy followed by all nations that practiced colonialism...and mercantilism..
* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

So now Ronald Reagan is considered a Nazi by comparison because he backed the assault weapon ban and the Brady Bill??
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. e

The only ones i have seen doing this recently are Conservatives comparing liberals to Nazi's......

My favorite are the ones who compare public accomodation laws to how the Jews were treated by the Nazi's.
* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

Started by Teddy Roosevelt, a GOP member...
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

Because you believe in Evolution as the best scientific explanation of the development of life on Earth that makes you a Nazi?

Whoa, Goddam, and what the fuck is wrong with you?

Tell us the non-Nazi theory of how life came about and evolved on earth.

PLEASE!!! I'm dying to hear this one.
* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

Ernst Rohlm was the highest ranking ghey Nazi to be killed by Hitler...along with
Homosexuals and non-heterosexuals were also targets of the Holocaust, as male homosexuality (and, to a lesser extent, female homosexuality) was deemed incompatible with Nazism as the Nazis believed that gay men were weak, effeminate men who could not fight for the German nation and saw homosexuals as unlikely to produce children and increase the German birth-rate.
Holocaust victims - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

Can you name me one religion that would not do the same to it's own if they were doing this??? Those Nazi's...
Nazism (/ˈnaːtsɪzᵊm/, alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism (German:Nationalsozialismus), is the ideologyand practice of the German Nazi Party and state. It is sometimes applied to other far-right groups. Usually characterised as a form offascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism arose from pan-Germanism, theVölkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communistFreikorps after World War I.
Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Neo-Nazis, today, are Far Right, like David Duke, as is Marine Le Pen in France. Marie Le Pen, her father, was a Nazi.
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. School curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

I think it's important to note that many of the opinions expressed on this forum don't represent any kind of normal human constituency, these people are anything but a representative cross section of America. There's just a lot of wacky opinions out there, and an internet forum gives weirdos the anonymity they need to express opinions they could never mention in front of normal, functioning people.

dear, cut the BS. Did you know that liberals spied for Stalin and Hitler. What do you make of it?
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

Oh poster please. Not the old "Hitler was left wing" Revisionista song and dance again.... :dance:

You guys in Rewrite trotted this out years ago and got beaten to a pulp. Y'all are a bunch of masochists.
Nazism (/ˈnaːtsɪzᵊm/, alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism (German:Nationalsozialismus), is the ideologyand practice of the German Nazi Party and state. It is sometimes applied to other far-right groups. Usually characterised as a form offascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism, Nazism arose from pan-Germanism, theVölkisch German nationalist movement and the anti-communistFreikorps after World War I.
Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Neo-Nazis, today, are Far Right, like David Duke, as is Marine Le Pen in France. Marie Le Pen, her father, was a Nazi.

dear, you've got yourself all confused. History since Plato, Aristotle, and our Founders defined it 2500 and 200 years ago is about the battle between freedom and govt. Hitler Stalin Mao Pol Pot Obama Castro FDR George 3 Louis 14 Atilla the hun etc were for govt while Aristotle and our Founders were for freedom from govt.

Now do you understand your ABC's??
* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

So now Ronald Reagan is considered a Nazi by comparison because he backed the assault weapon ban and the Brady Bill??

Really? Are you really making such a ridiculous argument on a public board? Wow. Just silly.

Let me just ask you a couple questions as food for rational thought: How would you rate Reagan's support of the 2nd Amendment as opposed to your average liberal's support of the 2nd Amendment? Where did Reagan stand on banning handguns? Ever heard of the Firearm Owners Protection Act? Guess which president signed it? (Hint: His first name was Ronald and his last name started with "R.")
We frequently see liberals on this board and in other venues comparing conservatives to Hitler and the Nazis. This is not only erroneous but very ironic, since the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives. A few points of resemblance between the Nazis and modern American liberals (links will be provided at the end):

* The Nazis hated all traditional religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. (FYI, the Nazis murdered tens of thousands of Christians and thousands of priests and nuns.)

* The Nazis were huge believers in Darwinian evolution, and in fact used it as a major part of their Holocaust ideology.

* The Nazis asserted the right to replace and appoint priests and pastors and/or to shut down churches that they believed were teaching "harmful," "dangerous" principles.

* The Nazis targeted private Christian schools to prevent children from being taught traditional values and beliefs.

* The Nazis insisted on total control over education. All school curricula had to be approved by the national government.

* The Nazis more than tolerated homosexuality in their high-ranking circles. In fact, many Nazi founders and leaders were gay. There is evidence that Hitler himself was gay and later bi-sexual. (It's true that the Nazis publicly condemned and persecuted some gays, but this was a smokescreen to hide their own perversion and to target enemies who happened to be gay.)

* The Nazis believed that the government had the right to regulate or take over any business that it wanted to regulate or own.

* The Nazis rejected traditional values.

* The Nazis sought to impose abortion on women who were "non-Aryan." They had no problem with abortion per se, but they didn't want "pure Aryan women" having abortions. When the Nazis came to power, they loosened Germany's anti-abortion laws.

* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

* The Nazis rejected federalism/local control and sought to centralize all power in the national government.

So the next time you see some liberal compare conservatives to the Nazis, remind them that Hitler and the Nazis had much more in common with American liberals than they did with American conservatives.

Nazi Policy and the Catholic Church

Articles The Nazis and Christianity

Hitler s Persecution of the Christian Churches

From Darwin to Hitler

Expelled and the Darwinism-Nazi Connection A Response to Jeff Schloss Center for Science and Culture

Darwin and Hitler In Their Own Words Center for Science and Culture

Hitler s Pope The American Spectator

Rome Conference Shatters Myth of Pius XII as Hitler s Pope - Breitbart

Was Hitler a Christian

The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education

Obama Agrees with Hitler on Schooling Children


Hitler and the socialist dream - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust Jewish Virtual Library

The Nazis and Abortion

Hitler Pro-Abortion

Hitler s Leftist Economic Policies

Homosexuality in the Nazi Party

The Homosexual Roots of the Nazi Party from The Pink Swastika

New Evidence from His Doctors Shows Hitler Was Gay - Breitbart

National Review

Nazi Gun Control

The Volokh Conspiracy - Adolf Hitler on Federalism

Why did the Nazis control education - The Holocaust Explained Website

Oh poster please. Not the old "Hitler was left wing" Revisionista song and dance again.... :dance:

You guys in Rewrite trotted this out years ago and got beaten to a pulp. Y'all are a bunch of masochists.

Sorry, but the Earth is in fact round, and no matter how ardently liberals want to believe that Hitler was a right winger, the facts are very well documented. Did you even read the links on Hitler and the Nazis' economic and political views and policies? Did you happen to notice that they specifically address the liberal myth that Hitler was a Christian and that he and the Nazis were conservatives?

And by "beaten to a pulp" you mean you guys repeated your revisionist myths, ignored all contrary facts, and declared yourselves the winners, as you usually do?

I notice you didn't address a single one of the points of resemblance presented in the OP.
* The Nazis banned gun ownership for groups they believed posed a threat, especially Jews, and they insisted on national/universal gun registration. Most ordinary German citizens could own guns if they so desired, but the Nazis claimed the right to ban any group or person from owning guns if they felt the need to do so.

So now Ronald Reagan is considered a Nazi by comparison because he backed the assault weapon ban and the Brady Bill??

Really? Are you really making such a ridiculous argument on a public board? Wow. Just silly.

Let me just ask you a couple questions as food for rational thought: How would you rate Reagan's support of the 2nd Amendment as opposed to your average liberal's support of the 2nd Amendment? Where did Reagan stand on banning handguns? Ever heard of the Firearm Owners Protection Act? Guess which president signed it? (Hint: His first name was Ronald and his last name started with "R.")

Why I'm for the Brady Bill
By Ronald Reagan; Ronald Reagan, in announcing support for the Brady bill yesterday, reminded his audience he is a member of the National Rifle Association.
Published: March 29, 1991
Why I m for the Brady Bill -

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