A Solution to the Indiana Law Protecting Religion (That 82% Support BTW)

Do you support Indiana's law as amended in the OP?

  • Yes, I think that's a good compromise.

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No, it's 100% LGBT way or the highway

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Maybe, but I have another amending idea of my own (see my post)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Conflict resolution by free and fully informed voluntary participation.

I posted before -- instead of trying to predict or spell out how to correct each and every variation of every situation -- setup an agreed process or waiver by which businesses and customers consent to resolve any disputes by consensus.

Both parties agree to that, or they both refrain from doing business together.
It's not discrimination if both sides agree they aren't compatible.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. !

Hmmmm have you ever read the Constitution?

What makes you think that Christians are allowed special exemptions under the Constitution?
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


My comments were not about churches. Don't misrepresent me in this kind of dishonest way.

If a Christian was a TRUE Christian, he or she would not be a bigot. Leave it to your God to judge.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. !

Hmmmm have you ever read the Constitution?

What makes you think that Christians are allowed special exemptions under the Constitution?

Where in the constitution does it say that people must commit sacrilege if they want to remain in business?

That's right. It doesn't say that.
Where in the constitution does it say that people must commit sacrilege if they want to remain in business?

That's right. It doesn't say that.

where does it say in the constitution that businesses have religions?

If you don't want to encounter group X, don't be in a business group X patronizes. It seems like a pretty simple solution to me.

But once you said, "Hey, I offer Service X". you are kind of stuck with that, aren't you?
last I heard the people LIVING in Indiana didn't ask for any suggestions.

so you might want to worry over your own states. this is getting ridiculous.
last I heard the people LIVING in Indiana didn't ask for any suggestions.

so you might want to worry over your own states. this is getting ridiculous.

Then you have no problem if Apple and WalMart and Angie's List pull all their business out of Indiana and leave everyone jobless, then?

I mean, how many people do Ma and Pa Fagbasher's Bakery employ?

This is what you stupids have been working for for years, the ability of big corporations to fuck over the little guy. Big surprise to you when some of those companies are run by gays.
Riddle me this..........................You use your life savings to open a bar...............hole in the wall, great place to get a drink and have a good time................and it's great for a while................stop by place for those getting off work..........................

and then here come the gays...............they come in and buy drinks...........and then more.........then more............your regulars leave...................

and now the bar you used your life savings on is now considered the LOCAL GAY BAR...............your earnings are down................as only so many gays come there................and your dreams are screwed.........because you never would have guessed the gays would flock to the bar................

Would this be right....................or wrong.................The GAYS DIDN'T BUILD THIS..........BAR...........It's YOUR INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY...................even though a Public Place................

You should be able to DENY SERVICE to your OWN PROPERTY.................if it ticks off the gays then so be it.......................Because you don't agree with their way of life......................That is an INFRINGEMENT on the rights of the Bar Owner............NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
In my example.........I didn't use a grocery store................a gas station...............essential shopping places..................as there are gray areas................................

The problem would be over if we didn't have them thar dang faggots by the way................trying to take over the bar...........

Riddle me this..........................You use your life savings to open a bar...............hole in the wall, great place to get a drink and have a good time................and it's great for a while................stop by place for those getting off work..........................

and then here come the gays...............they come in and buy drinks...........and then more.........then more............your regulars leave...................

and now the bar you used your life savings on is now considered the LOCAL GAY BAR...............your earnings are down................as only so many gays come there................and your dreams are screwed.........because you never would have guessed the gays would flock to the bar................

Would this be right....................or wrong.................The GAYS DIDN'T BUILD THIS..........BAR...........It's YOUR INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY...................even though a Public Place................

You should be able to DENY SERVICE to your OWN PROPERTY.................if it ticks off the gays then so be it.......................Because you don't agree with their way of life......................That is an INFRINGEMENT on the rights of the Bar Owner............NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

Well, first I would ask what I was doing wrong with my marketing plan that I wasn't attracting the clientele I had originally planned on.

Second, if they gays are the ones buying drinks and providing revenues, they ARE the ones building your business. If the first few gays showed up and like the bar so much they told all their friends about it, they must have had a wonderful time.

Here's the thing. I have a resume business. I have had gay clients. I've had Christian Clients. I had one client who was a Libertarian, Ayn Rand reading whack. And you kn ow what, I wrote good resumes for all of them and they recommended me to their friends and wrote nice reviews for me on line.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. !

Hmmmm have you ever read the Constitution?

What makes you think that Christians are allowed special exemptions under the Constitution?
That's easy to answer. Freedom of religious practice is protected by the Constitution. Gay butt sex is not.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


My comments were not about churches. Don't misrepresent me in this kind of dishonest way.

If a Christian was a TRUE Christian, he or she would not be a bigot. Leave it to your God to judge.

1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

2. Defining Christian opposition to the homosexual culture as "bigoted" is sophistry and ultimately futile. Have you noticed both sides scream "bigot" at the other? Bigotry is narrowness of thought that greets with intolerance any opinion at variance with one's own. It can be argued that the Left is extremely bigoted.
Riddle me this..........................You use your life savings to open a bar...............hole in the wall, great place to get a drink and have a good time................and it's great for a while................stop by place for those getting off work..........................

and then here come the gays...............they come in and buy drinks...........and then more.........then more............your regulars leave...................

and now the bar you used your life savings on is now considered the LOCAL GAY BAR...............your earnings are down................as only so many gays come there................and your dreams are screwed.........because you never would have guessed the gays would flock to the bar................

Would this be right....................or wrong.................The GAYS DIDN'T BUILD THIS..........BAR...........It's YOUR INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY...................even though a Public Place................

You should be able to DENY SERVICE to your OWN PROPERTY.................if it ticks off the gays then so be it.......................Because you don't agree with their way of life......................That is an INFRINGEMENT on the rights of the Bar Owner............NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

Well, first I would ask what I was doing wrong with my marketing plan that I wasn't attracting the clientele I had originally planned on.

Second, if they gays are the ones buying drinks and providing revenues, they ARE the ones building your business. If the first few gays showed up and like the bar so much they told all their friends about it, they must have had a wonderful time.

Here's the thing. I have a resume business. I have had gay clients. I've had Christian Clients. I had one client who was a Libertarian, Ayn Rand reading whack. And you kn ow what, I wrote good resumes for all of them and they recommended me to their friends and wrote nice reviews for me on line.
And then you hung out and had beers with them.........played pool, shot darts.................and hung with them after work every day...................

If it's my bar, then I should have the right to refuse service...............it's still my property...............and actually you can get around the PC BS by saying members only club.....................oops..................and then reject those you deem not welcomed at your club..............

Hell I could say the same for a bunch of drunken bikers who have dang fights all the time..............who would cause the kind of people I want in my club to not go there......................

Of course we could just break some heads ...............

A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


My comments were not about churches. Don't misrepresent me in this kind of dishonest way.

If a Christian was a TRUE Christian, he or she would not be a bigot. Leave it to your God to judge.

1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

2. Defining Christian opposition to the homosexual culture as "bigoted" is sophistry and ultimately futile. Have you noticed both sides scream "bigot" at the other? Bigotry is narrowness of thought that greets with intolerance any opinion at variance with one's own. It can be argued that the Left is extremely bigoted.

Sorry, but I think that is bigotry. Refusing to do business with a person because of their sexual habits? It's stupid. Why don't you just admit that you "don't like" gay people instead of using your religion as an excuse.
A solution to the Indiana law that says Christians can refuse to enable a 'gay marriage' is found in understanding concepts #1 & #2 below. I wrote this post in response to a comment "ChrisL" made.

Any service having to do conspicously or overtly for a "gay marriage" may be able to be objected to by Christians. Any other service which the person's sexual orientation should not matter (provision of housing, food, sundries, dining etc. ) would not. Any lewd display of any sexual behavior by any people can be grounds for them being kicked out of any business. If two gay or two hetero people are sitting at a restaurant having dinner and tonguing each other over their chicken kiev, out they go.

Obnoxious people of any sexual preference can be ousted if their behavior is disturbing other patrons. A business cannot be expected to commit fiscal suicide to accomodate lecherous people of any orientation. Keep it under wraps, everyone. No PDA. Each side gives a little. Each side loses a little.

Well, you would never know that by reading some of the posts on these forums. Some people make it QUITE clear that they are more than willing to treat homosexual people as less than human because of their religious beliefs.
Then they aren't true Christians and cannot claim to be.
In the following discussion, this article's survey of over 3,000 gay men is "the Given":
ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Jude 1 of the New Testament (that modern Christians follow) divides the homosexual issue into two components and prescribes a different protocol for each:

1. The individual homosexual, who the Christian is supposed to reach out to in compassion "making a difference" in their disfigured lives. The reward for doing this is salvation for the Christian.

2. The homosexual movement, the subculture that always seeks to overthrow normal values in its twisted quest to feel legitimate and not have to face the source of its pain by bumping up against moral values. Sodom was given as an example. But in Jude 1 of the New Testament (the Bible of modern Christians) it said that the same applies to other cities like Sodom. San Francisco would be a modern example. Ancient Greece, another. The "reward" for failing to stave off this advancement is eternity in the pit of fire for any Christian who fails.

Apparently it is (very) important to God that the matrix itself within which all humans learn and live and are tested, not be fundamentally tampered with. I'll leave readers here to meditate on why that is...

Since marriage is the hub of any culture, homosexuals seeking to overtake it is one and the same as homosexuals seeking to take over a culture. A Christian who partakes in enabling that, by choice or by force, is damned either way to the pit of fire. A Christian has no choice. They MUST not participate in so-called "gay marriage". Just as they MUST not harm individual gays: Grand Theater in California Shocked Sodomite Suppression Act US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I laugh at the title of the thread BTW. "Pence running for cover"....and all the GOP bigwigs too who have got his back? I think they've seen the poll on this thread and have done the math: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 831 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


My comments were not about churches. Don't misrepresent me in this kind of dishonest way.

If a Christian was a TRUE Christian, he or she would not be a bigot. Leave it to your God to judge.

1. Non Christians cannot define what real Christians are since, by their very nature, they would lend preference to worldly Christians who abandon their religious convictions.

2. Defining Christian opposition to the homosexual culture as "bigoted" is sophistry and ultimately futile. Have you noticed both sides scream "bigot" at the other? Bigotry is narrowness of thought that greets with intolerance any opinion at variance with one's own. It can be argued that the Left is extremely bigoted.

Sorry, but I think that is bigotry. Refusing to do business with a person because of their sexual habits? It's stupid. Why don't you just admit that you "don't like" gay people instead of using your religion as an excuse.

That's your opinion. I find you very bigoted too because you want everyone to think like you do. See how easy that was?


There, I did it again.

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