It's Not Just In The USA: England's Fight Against Illegal "Immigrants"


Feb 20, 2011
In full: David Cameron immigration speech

Here is Prime Minister David Cameron's speech on the government's immigration policy which sparked a row with Business Secretary Vince Cable.

Read the full speech at:

BBC News - In full: David Cameron immigration speech


It's not just in the USA. All first world countries are under attack by over populated third world people. They want the "dream" and that want it without doing the 500 years of work that dream took.

They aren't willing to fix their own countries and they feel they have the right to invade their neighbor's home and "covet thy neighbor's goods".
Granny says, "Dat's right - fingerprint their illegal butts, make `em give a butt-print too...
Fingerprinting Immigrants Program under Scrutiny
Thursday, April 28, 2011 Washington (AP) - A California congresswoman is asking for an investigation of Homeland Security Department employees over a supposedly voluntary immigration enforcement program that linked cities with the federal immigration database.
When cities declined to join the program, federal officials told them it was mandatory. Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren says she believes some of the statements made by Homeland Security Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees were intentionally false and misleading.

She asked the department's inspector general to investigate. The Secure Communities program invited cities to have local suspects' fingerprints run through the federal immigration database. But The Associated Press reported in February that cities were not allowed to decline to participate, despite assurances to the contrary.

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