It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Liberals will love Hagel, he’s not a friend of Israel and he'll be happily overseeing the downsizing of the American military
Since Hagel is hated by both sides, this is Dante's life so he supports Hagel....maybe they can be each other's lone friend.
More than a few Democrats aren't thrilled with Hagel either whatever.

so what? Democrats don't march in lock step, but a majority, a healthy majority will hopefully shut out the lunatics that will attack Hagel in personal, and partisan ways

Democrats don't march in lockstep? LMAO then they must be a fractured and disintegrating party just like the Republicans when they don't all agree on something before you try and claim the Republicans do march in lockstep I suggest you check back about a week ago to the fiscal cliff debate.

The GOP threw their principles aside during the Bush/Cheney era. Almost all conservatives and Republicans admit this./ Why did they do it? Party loyalty over loyalty to nation and principle
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable. And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.
Liberals will love Hagel, he’s not a friend of Israel and he'll be happily overseeing the downsizing of the American military

Being a huge supporter of Israel and a liberal, I will say Hagel will not be bad for American Israeli relations

Hagel is no friend of Israel and niether is Obama. Hagel is a loose cannon, he should not be Secretary of anything
Hagel was chosen because he is anti-Israel and he is for slashing the DoD budget even more.

obamination wants a SecDef that will make more cuts until we are bleeding to death with national defense because he needs more and more money for his obamacare bullshit and other goodies for his second term.

Raise taxes to get some more money and slash the DoD budget to get even more money, then spend it all on his friends to get Democraps re-elected in 2014 and 2016.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable. And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.

Obama's pick for president of Egypt

[ame=]Morsi Refers to Jews as "The Descendants of Apes and Pigs" - YouTube[/ame]
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable. And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.

what do you mean by "his view of the middle east"? links?
It won't matter a bit to so-called 'conservatives' that Hagel had high marks from groups like the ACU and Heritage. In 2005, he was rated 96% as a conservative.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable.
And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.

I agree with the bolded. And I just oppose this pick on ideological grounds. It perpetuates the false narrative that only Daddy Republican can keep America safe.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable.
And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.

I agree with the bolded. And I just oppose this pick on ideological grounds. It perpetuates the false narrative that only Daddy Republican can keep America safe.

That, too. Although, to be fair, he isn't a neocon.

He is, however, a bad pick.
I can't see any legitimate reason for Republicans to be opposing Hagel. Makes no sense whatsoever.
He opposed the Iraq War and he isn't bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby.

Republicans can't stand that.

Those damn Jews, Hagel doesn't care for them much. Gays either for that matter, he’d never make it through if a Republican had nominated him, but since it's an Obama nomination he'll be fine
I can't see any legitimate reason for Republicans to be opposing Hagel. Makes no sense whatsoever.
He opposed the Iraq War and he isn't bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby.

Republicans can't stand that.

Those damn Jews, Hagel doesn't care for them much. Gays either for that matter, he’d never make it through if a Republican had nominated him, but since it's an Obama nomination he'll be fine

he hasn't been nominated yet. and i'm kind of hoping he won't be.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

I'm sure he's qualified.

But I don't care for him. His comments about gays are inexcusable. And his view of the middle east seems intentionally combative. He could have made better picks.
That would require LEADERSHIP. A quality that Obama does not possess.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

Obama to nominate Chuck Hagel as Defense secretary

Chuck Hagel, if approved by the Senate, would succeed Leon Panetta.

Obama will announce the choice Monday
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska
He is likely to face stiff opposition from Republicans and Democrats in the Senate

WASHINGTON -- President Obama plans on Monday to nominate Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator from Nebraska and Vietnam War veteran, to lead the Pentagon as Defense secretary, according to two sources familiar with the nomination process.

Hagel, 66, served two terms in the Senate from 1997 to 2009, and led an Army infantry squad in Vietnam in 1968. He was wounded in action there and received two Purple Hearts. An administration source confirmed that Hagel's nomination would be announced Monday. Both sources spoke on condition of anonymity because it had not been officially announced.

Hagel is just another frail white man who wants to mount the colored man's ass and ride him to more fame and power.
I can't see any legitimate reason for Republicans to be opposing Hagel. Makes no sense whatsoever.
He opposed the Iraq War and he isn't bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby.

Republicans can't stand that.

you know, i agree with you an awful lot of the time. but on that whole 'bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby' thing... it's no different from the lies and stereotypes about jews owning everything...

it also presumes, that for someone not to want to see dead jews, that they must somehow be dishonest. but, there are about a dozen muslim countries in the middle east. there is one sliver of land the size of new jersey that belongs to jews. and i can't say that i don't feel comforted when the person making our military decisions doesn't hate jews.

the muslims have a large enough voice because they have a larger lobby... it's called the oil industry.
Does the term "eat it's own" in a political context translate to accepting someone strictly because of his party affiliation rather than suitability for the job? That's the way it works in the democrat party anyway. There is no tolerance for dissension in the ranks of the democrat party on anything. Senator Joe Lieberman is a perfect example. The veteran democrat senator was even nominated by his own party to run for Vice President and when it appeared that his views were becoming too moderate the democrats kicked him out of the party.

I don't think you understand how this sort of thing works.

Political parties are self-defined. The Democratic Party can't "kick" someone out.

Lieberman LOST the Democratic Primary, which is why he left the Democratic Party.

Don't you love RW Revisionist History 101? :lol::lol::lol:

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